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Well Details

Well ID: 0524263514002
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Location: 00/14-35-052-26W4/2
Location Alias: 00/14-35-52-26 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/14-35-052-26 W4/02
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: Parkland County
Well Name: CEDAR CREEK ACH 14-35-52-26
Operator Name: Cedar Creek Energy Ltd.
License Number: 0003277
License Date: 1951-08-02
License Status: Issued
Spud Date: 1951-09-10
Final Drill Date: 1951-10-14
Well Total Depth: 1580 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 53.53911
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.728812

For data sources see[1][2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1951-10-14 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 1509.7 1553.9 0
1973-11-16 Cement Plug 1538.3 1553.9 0
1973-11-16 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 1509.7 1538.3 0
1991-12-18 Perforation 1418.8 1421.8 13
1991-12-19 Acid Treatment 1418.8 1421.8 0
1993-08-01 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 1509.7 1580 0
1993-08-11 Cement Squeeze 1509.7 1580 0
1993-08-14 Perforation 1525 1525.5 13
1993-08-14 Perforation 1538.7 1539.2 13
1993-08-14 Perforation 1540.9 1541.4 13
1993-08-14 Perforation 1543.1 1543.6 13
1993-08-15 Acid Treatment 1525 1543.6 0
1993-08-17 Acid Treatment 1418.8 1421.8 0
2009-07-03 Perforation 1464 1469 17
2009-07-03 Perforation 1435 1437 17
2009-09-22 Perforation 1398.5 1404.5 20
2009-09-24 Acid Treatment 1398.5 1404.5 0
2013-10-24 Perforation 1304 1307 20
2014-10-15 Cement Squeeze 1304 1307 0
2014-10-20 Cement Squeeze 1398.5 1404.5 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
1991 3 0.8 0.0 2.1
1992 7911 513.5 0.0 5523.8
1993 4713 200.7 0.0 4502.9
1994 5415 171.8 0.0 5403.9
1995 8353 134.0 0.0 8738.4
1996 7436 82.1 0.0 8480.3
1997 7444 97.1 0.0 7921.2
1998 7663 58.7 0.0 8965.0
2002 2824 26.6 0.0 2558.5
2003 7388 77.5 0.0 6385.8
2004 8566 81.2 0.0 8159.3
2005 7210 53.5 0.0 8104.0
2006 8285 285.0 0.0 9018.0
2007 8712 48.5 0.0 8685.9
2008 2892 16.1 0.0 2929.2
2009 1386 8.6 0.0 1235.2
2014 1248 16.3 0.0 1969.6
2015 8444 133.9 0.0 15794.8
2016 8605 232.0 0.0 12974.0
2017 8686 121.6 0.0 12012.9
2018 4118 51.4 0.0 5876.0
2019 72 1.2 0.0 108.4

For data sources see[4]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2013-10-26 No Incident N/A N/A
2014-10-25 No Incident N/A N/A

For data sources see[5]
