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Well Details

Well ID: 0444221415032
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Location: 03/15-14-044-22W4/2
Location Alias: 03/15-14-44-22 W4M
Location Alias 2: 03/15-14-044-22 W4/02
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: County of Wetaskiwin No. 10
Well Name: TEAC MALMO 15-14-44-22
Operator Name:
License Number: 0006482
License Date: 1953-05-23
License Status: Abandoned
Spud Date: 1953-05-27
Final Drill Date: 1953-06-19
Well Total Depth: 1570.6 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 52.798221
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.084457

For data sources see[1][2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1953-06-24 Perforation 1564.2 1568.8 13
1953-06-24 Perforation 1557.5 1562.1 13
1954-08-18 Cement Plug 1564.2 1568.8 0
1954-08-18 Perforation 1550.2 1552 13
1954-09-01 Acid Treatment 1550.2 1552 0
1960-01-11 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1554.2 1554.2 0
1992-07-24 Perforation 1544.7 1545.9 13
1992-07-24 Acid Treatment 1544.7 1545.9 0
1992-07-25 Perforation 1516.8 1518 13
1994-03-07 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1507 1515 0
1994-03-08 Perforation 1437.8 1438.8 13
2011-08-24 Perforation 1437.8 1438.8 13
2011-08-24 Perforation 1516.8 1518 13
2011-08-25 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1529 1537.5 0
2011-08-26 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1502 1510.5 0
2011-08-27 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1422 1430.5 0
2012-10-09 Perforation 1129 1130 20
2012-10-10 Cement Squeeze 1129 1130 0
2012-10-10 Cement Plug 1104 1124 0
2012-10-10 Perforation 1049 1050 20
2012-10-12 Cement Squeeze 1049 1050 0
2012-10-12 Cement Plug 1018 1045.5 0
2012-10-12 Perforation 831 832 20
2012-10-13 Cement Squeeze 831 832 0
2012-10-13 Cement Plug 798 825.9 0
2012-10-14 Perforation 670 671 20
2012-10-15 Cement Squeeze 670 671 0
2012-10-15 Cement Plug 641 666.3 0
2012-10-16 Perforation 444 445 20
2012-10-17 Cement Squeeze 444 445 0
2012-10-17 Cement Plug 413 437.9 0
2013-08-23 Perforation 170 171 20
2013-08-24 Cement Squeeze 170 171 0
2013-08-24 Cement Plug 139.9 164.9 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
1992 2672 24.8 0.0 1.3
1993 5381 68.4 0.0 406.6
1994 1272 13.6 0.0 243.2

For data sources see[4]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2012-10-09 No Incident N/A N/A
2012-10-10 No Incident N/A N/A
2012-10-11 No Incident N/A N/A
2012-10-12 No Incident N/A N/A
2013-08-23 No Incident N/A N/A
2013-08-24 No Incident N/A N/A

For data sources see[5]
