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Well Details

Well ID: 0534250608000
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Location: 00/08-06-053-25W4/0
Location Alias: 00/08-06-53-25 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/08-06-053-25 W4/00
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: Edmonton
Well Name: CEDAR CREEK ACHE 8-6-53-25
Operator Name:
License Number: 0008267
License Date: 1954-07-23
License Status: Suspension
Spud Date: 1954-07-24
Final Drill Date: 1954-08-10
Well Total Depth: 1225.6 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 53.546597
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.668576

For data sources see[1][2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1954-08-13 Perforation 1207 1207.9 13
1954-08-13 Perforation 1207 1207.9 13
1957-01-18 Acid Wash 1207 1207.9 0
1969-05-22 Acid Wash 1207 1207.9 0
1978-03-02 Perforation 1202.7 1206.4 13
1978-03-03 Acid Treatment 1202.7 1207.9 0
1986-10-14 Fracture 1202.7 1207.9 0
1995-03-19 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1186 1194 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
1961 0 2088.1 0.0 2067.4
1962 0 245.9 0.0 250.2
1963 0 259.7 0.0 239.3
1964 0 253.9 0.0 232.1
1965 0 233.3 0.0 269.5
1966 0 212.4 0.0 202.0
1967 5391 309.6 0.0 293.5
1968 6006 321.9 0.0 330.1
1969 5306 261.8 0.0 273.0
1970 3591 230.4 0.0 245.3
1971 3384 197.2 0.0 208.2
1972 4728 273.2 0.0 269.7
1973 7856 503.4 0.0 417.1
1974 7914 473.4 0.0 516.2
1975 7674 288.3 0.0 434.6
1976 7036 211.8 0.0 487.0
1977 7896 161.9 0.0 612.0
1978 5574 361.1 0.0 599.1
1979 6860 285.3 0.0 904.4
1980 7112 477.8 0.0 756.6
1981 7218 317.7 0.0 812.6
1982 7732 151.8 0.0 724.7
1983 8022 199.6 0.0 669.3
1984 8583 163.9 0.0 483.5
1985 8700 127.1 0.0 688.1
1986 6859 80.4 0.0 453.5
1987 2016 6.8 0.0 237.8

For data sources see[4]
