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Well Details

Well ID: 0905053214000
Location: 00/14-32-090-05W5/0
Location Alias: 00/14-32-90-05 W5M
Location Alias 2: 00/14-32-090-05 W5/00
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17
Well Name: PRED KIDNEY 14-32-90-5
Operator Name:
License Number: 0126176
License Date: 1987-03-17
License Status: Abandoned
Spud Date: 1987-03-20
Final Drill Date: 1987-04-04
Well Total Depth: 1505 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 56.85497
Surface Hole Longitude: -114.75957

For data sources see[1][2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1987-06-17 Perforation 1469 1473 13
1987-06-18 Acid Treatment 1469 1473 0
2005-02-20 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 1447.8 1457.8 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
1987 4035 176.2 0.0 0.2
1988 5721 285.3 0.0 37.2
1989 7076 262.7 0.0 184.0
1990 5931 237.4 0.0 642.3
1991 6354 228.1 0.0 998.8
1992 7320 218.4 0.0 2330.1
1993 8021 199.8 0.0 7136.9
1994 8608 95.5 0.0 14953.4
1995 8495 96.5 0.0 14185.5
1996 8561 63.2 0.0 17860.9
1997 8323 38.2 0.0 19416.7
1998 7269 44.3 0.0 16694.4
1999 1741 10.6 0.0 3405.2
2000 6259 57.0 0.0 14878.2

For data sources see[4]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
1987-03-25 Lost Circulation 657.00 657.00

For data sources see[5]
