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Well Details

Well ID: 37-003-22265
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Allegheny
Municipality: Pine Township
Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: CAMP TREES 1
License Status: Plugged OG Well
Spud Date: 1/1/1800
Permit Date:
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Undetermined
Latitude: 40.671320
Longitude: -80.007743

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
2223468 Primary Facility 11/20/2013 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted PLUGGING OF THIS WELL WAS TO BEGIN ON 11/15/13. NO SITE WORK HAS BEEN DONE. THERE IS NO PERSONEL AT THIS LOCATION.
2223495 Primary Facility 11/18/2013 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted PLUGGING WAS TO BEGIN ON 11/15/13. THERE IS NO PERSONEL AT THIS SITE.
2227179 Primary Facility 11/20/2013 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A CULVERT PIPE HAS BEEN PLACED OVER THE WELL TO PROTECT IT. SITE WORK FOR NEW HOMES CONTINUES.
2251816 Primary Facility 02/11/2014 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted SITE IS SNOW COVERED. NO ACTIVITY AT THE WELL.
2251817 Primary Facility 02/20/2014 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted WELL IS TO BE PLUGGED. NO ACTIVITY TODAY.
2381544 Primary Facility 06/23/2015 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A ROUGH ACCESS ROAD HAS BEEN DOZED TO THE WELL. THE WELL HAS NOT BEEN DISTURBED. THE INTENT TO PLUG HAS EXPIRED.
2426770 Primary Facility 11/02/2015 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted THIS WELL WAS TO BE PLUGGED. THE INTENT TO PLUG HAS EXPIRED. AN OIL STORAGE TANK IS A CONCERN.
2460901 Primary Facility 2016-03-03 Routine/Complete Inspection No Adverse Event or Action Reported Wellhead intact, w/rods & tubing. Gas line is disconnected and capped. Oil line remains connected to tank. No pumpjack. No noticeable leaks.
2479599 Primary Facility 2016-04-25 Routine/Complete Inspection No Adverse Event or Action Reported No significant changes at well or surrounding development since last inspection on 3/3/16, with the exception that wellhead was found to be leaking a small amount of gas. Casing sizes are 10", 7" (?), 5" and 2 3/8" tubing.
2498216 Primary Facility 2016-06-16 Routine/Partial Inspection No Adverse Event or Action Reported Area leading up to wellhead has had recent dozer/excavation activity from old tank down to development road. Well is unaffected. Venting minor amount of gas.
2512292 Primary Facility 2016-08-18 Routine/Partial Inspection No Adverse Event or Action Reported Development activity is approaching wellsite from lower end of the street. Three to four lots remain inactive between wellsite and excavation work. Well is intact and venting small amount of gas.
2516892 Primary Facility 2016-08-31 Routine/Partial Inspection No Adverse Event or Action Reported Visited site (well is good), then stopped at Weaver Homes office to get contact information to discuss developer's plans to plug well.
2529577 Primary Facility 2016-10-17 Routine/Complete Inspection No Viols - Permanently Shut Down Visited site to check status of wellhead & surrounding development activity. There are no changes to the well, which continues to vent a very minor amount of gas. The construction of new homes in the development remains several lots away from the well.
2547539 Primary Facility 2016-12-28 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted Construction has begun on adjacent lot, but no activity on the lot in front of well. The well has not changed since last visit on 10/17/16.
2644080 Primary Facility 2017-09-07 Routine/Partial Inspection No Viols - Permanently Shut Down Visit site to check status of well and nearby home building. No building has started on lot in front of wellsite, but adjacent site has new home. Well is unchanged from prior inspections. Well continues to vent a small amount of gas from ventpipe. No fluid leaks are visible
2678245 Primary Facility 2018-01-04 Routine/Partial Inspection No Viols - Permanently Shut Down Visited site to check status of Homesite #140 in front of the well. No building has taken place yet. Inspected well, found it unchanged from prior visits. Well is venting a small amount of gas. No fluid leaks noted.
2703901 Primary Facility 2018-03-12 Routine/Partial Inspection No Viols - Permanently Shut Down Home lot #140 in front of well is indicated as sold, but no excavation or building at site yet. Well remains intact and unchanged from 1/4/18 inspection. Well continues to vent a minor amount of gas.
2716160 Primary Facility 2018-04-09 Routine/Partial Inspection No Viols - Permanently Shut Down Excavation has begun on home lot #140 in front of well site. Well remains intact and unchanged from 1/4/18 inspection. Well continues to vent a minor amount of gas.
2739723 Primary Facility 2018-06-11 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Kriebel Well Service has pulled the rods and tubing. They ran a cement string back in to a depth of 2,043' which is also TD. Kriebel is now moving equiptment in to set the bottom hole plug.
2739772 Primary Facility 2018-06-06 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Kriebel Well Service has moved the rig onto the pad and is set up to begin plugging this well. This old O&G well has rods, tubing, and 5.25" casing.
2739805 Primary Facility 2018-06-07 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Kriebel Well Services had to work on the well head. After starting to pull iron rods the rods changed to wooden rods. Work was stopped to get another set of elevators that will fit the wooden rods.
2745351 Primary Facility 2018-05-29 Routine/Partial Inspection No Viols - Permanently Shut Down Visit site to check on access to abandoned well now that house construction is underway. Well access will be available through extension of residence driveway.
2745460 Primary Facility 2018-06-04 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Site and access are built for plugging rig mobilization later this week.
2746211 Primary Facility 2018-06-06 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel rigged up over well. Final excavation work being done to site before beginning work on well.
2746303 Primary Facility 2018-06-07 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel began pulling rods - tubing and casing also started moving. Tubing came free from casing after working it, then rods pulled free. Top rods - steel, middle rods - wooden, bottom rods - steel.
2746307 Primary Facility 2018-06-08 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel pulling remainder of rods and tubing, cutting off rods. Tubing filled with oil, water, some gas bubbling.
2746313 Primary Facility 2018-06-08 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel finished pulling remainder of rods and tubing. TIH with cable tools, hit tight spot at 1214'. TOOH and shut down for weekend.
2746328 Primary Facility 2018-06-11 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel TIH with work string, tagged TD at 2043'. Fluid level at ~ 500'. WO cement trucks
2746330 Primary Facility 2018-06-11 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel rigged up cement trucks, broke circulation, pumped calculated 200' bottom hole plug. Rigged down trucks. TOOH with tubing. Will log and perf tomorrow.
2750263 Primary Facility 2018-06-13 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Wireline truck logged hole. TOC of bottom hole plug at 1532'. Will be perfing casing to prepare for cementing tomorrow.
2750267 Primary Facility 2018-06-13 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Wireline truck finished perfing casing. Kriebel rig TIH with work string to be ready to spot cement tomorrow.
2750278 Primary Facility 2018-06-14 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Cement trucks pumping last stages of cement plugs to surface. Good circulation up backside.
2750288 Primary Facility 2018-06-18 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Kriebel rig and equipment demobilized. Well plugged to surface, marker set. Rods remain on site to be scrapped by builder. Builder will reclaim site.
2750293 Primary Facility 2018-06-22 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Building contractor has excavator on site gathering up scrap pipe for removal. Pit backfilled and area graded.
2750297 Primary Facility 2018-07-02 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) In Compliance with Policy Building contractor has completely graded site and removed road. No seed or mulch.

For data sources see[4]
