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Well ID: 37-003-22472 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Pennsylvania | |
County: Allegheny | |
Municipality: Forward Township | |
Operator Name: EQT PROD CO | |
Well Pad ID: 154170 | |
Farm/Lease Name: FETCHEN MON197H35 | |
License Status: Active | |
Spud Date: 11/18/2017 | |
Permit Date: 11/13/2017 | |
Unconventional Well: Y | |
Configuration: Horizontal Well | |
Latitude: 40.228225 | |
Longitude: -79.957461 |
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Gas Production Days | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Oil Production Days | Water Quantity (bbl) | Water Production Days |
2017 | EQT PROD CO | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2018 | EQT PROD CO | 1,236,830.00 | 147 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2019 | EQT PROD CO | 493,868.00 | 90 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Waste Type | Quantity | Disposal Method | Waste Facility ID |
2017-12 | Drill Cuttings (in Tons) RWC 810 | 199.49 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2017-12 | Drilling Fluid Waste (in Barrels) RWC 803 | 520.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-01 | Drill Cuttings (in Tons) RWC 810 | 540.66 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-01 | Drilling Fluid Waste (in Barrels) RWC 803 | 520.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-01 | Drilling Fluid Waste (in Barrels) RWC 803 | 130.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-01 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 150.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-01 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 8.75 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-02 | Drill Cuttings (in Tons) RWC 810 | 425.60 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-02 | Drilling Fluid Waste (in Barrels) RWC 803 | 260.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-02 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 120.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-02 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 230.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-03 | Drill Cuttings (in Tons) RWC 810 | 244.42 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-03 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 22.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | |
2018-03 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 222.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-03 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 22.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-04 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 20.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | |
2018-04 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 138.33 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-04 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 1.67 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-05 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 20.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-05 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 2.36 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-06 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 28.33 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-07 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 225.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-07 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Tons) RWC 899 | 3.88 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2018-07 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Tons) RWC 899 | 0.30 Tons | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | 301280 |
2018-07 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 64.18 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123NW009 |
2018-07 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 45.55 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW001 |
2018-07 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 28,644.95 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-07 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 1,721.26 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW019 |
2018-07 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 480.31 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-07 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 4.69 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-07 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 16.20 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2018-08 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 18.33 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-08 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Tons) RWC 899 | 1.38 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2018-08 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Tons) RWC 899 | 0.13 Tons | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | 301280 |
2018-08 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 550.63 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW019 |
2018-08 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 24.89 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-08 | Produced Fluid (in Tons) RWC 802 | 86.65 Tons | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | 2014-541 |
2018-08 | Soil Contaminated by Oil & Gas Related Spills (in Tons) RWC 811 | 0.08 Tons | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | 301280 |
2018-08 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 3.69 Tons | LANDFILL | 100277 |
2018-08 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 38.67 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2018-09 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 16.67 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-09 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 22.57 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-10 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 36.67 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-10 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 20.35 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | ODNR 2014-4 |
2018-10 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 20.35 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-10 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 61.05 Bbl | REUSE AT A WELL PAD OUTSIDE PENNSYLVANIA | |
2018-11 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 13.33 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-11 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Tons) RWC 899 | 7.11 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2018-11 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 22.01 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-11 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 45.03 Bbl | REUSE AT A WELL PAD OUTSIDE PENNSYLVANIA | |
2018-12 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 18.33 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-12 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 14.31 Bbl | INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL | 34-157-25511 |
2018-12 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 229.03 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2018-12 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 14.31 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2018-12 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 72.87 Bbl | REUSE AT A WELL PAD OUTSIDE PENNSYLVANIA | |
2018-12 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 33.32 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2019-01 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 58.33 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019-01 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 3,322.83 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019-01 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 1.24 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2019-02 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 14.67 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW019 |
2019-02 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 20.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019-02 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 43.02 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY | WMGR123SW005 |
2019-02 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 29.50 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019-03 | Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 | 7.50 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019-03 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 | 46.57 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019-03 | Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 | 0.62 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
For data sources see[5]
Inspection ID | Inspection Category | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
2664165 | Primary Facility | 2017-11-27 | Drilling/Alteration | No Violations Noted | Cellar in and 40' of conductor set. Ready for rig. No violations observed. NOVIO |
2676132 | Primary Facility | 2017-12-29 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | The Operator indicated well is drilled to 350 feet. |
2680729 | Primary Facility | 2018-01-10 | Drilling/Alteration | No Violations Noted | Rig will be skidding onto this well today after reaching TD on 003-22473 (593447). No violations observed. NOVIO |
2682568 | Primary Facility | 2018-01-16 | Drilling/Alteration | No Violations Noted | Rig drilling 8 3/4" hole at 5650', dusting. No violations observed. NOVIO |
2684223 | Primary Facility | 2018-01-19 | Drilling/Alteration | No Violations Noted | Rig and equipment demobilized after reaching TD. No violations observed. NOVIO |
2698935 | Primary Facility | 2018-02-27 | Drilling/Alteration | No Violations Noted | Precision 532 is set and has just begun drilling the bottom section of this well. |
2703203 | Primary Facility | 2018-03-09 | Drilling/Alteration | No Violations Noted | Precision 532 drilled to a depth of 16,846' MD. 5.5" production casingwas set at 16,811'. The rig moved off this well. |
2761730 | Primary Facility | 2018-08-08 | Follow-up Inspection | Violation(s) Noted | Well drilled and equipped for production. No well tag observed. Well apparatus, brine tank and GPU appeared to be in sound condition. The GPU was not equipped with secondary containment. |
2767651 | Primary Facility | 2018-08-27 | Follow-up Inspection | Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd | Well drilled and equipped for production. GPU not equipped with secondary containment. Operator actively drilling unconventional well 003-22474. Drill rig on site placed on secondary containment. |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Date Resolved | Violation Code | Violation Type | Violation Comments |
2761730 | 824704 | 2018-08-08 | 78a64a(b) | Environmental Health & Safety | Failure to equip GPU with secondary containment. | |
2767651 | 826265 | 2018-08-27 | 78a64a(b) | Environmental Health & Safety | Failure to equip GPU with secondary containment. |
Violation ID | Penalty ID | Penalty Code | Penalty Status | Penalty Date | Enforcement Date | Penalty Amount | Amount Collected |
824704 | 366600 | NOV - Notice of Violation | |||||
826265 | 366600 | NOV - Notice of Violation |
For data sources see[6]
Job Number | Job Start Date | Job End Date | True Vertical Depth (ft) | Total Water Volume (gal) | Total Non-Water Volume (gal) |
1 | 05/26/2018 | 06/29/2018 | 7239.44 | 10,810,300.0 | 0 |
Job Number | Trade Name | Supplier | Purpose | Ingredient Name | CAS Number | Additive Percentage by Mass | Job Percentage by Mass | Mass Used (lb) |
1 | Hydrochloric Acid (15%) | FTS International | Acidizing | Listed Below | ||||
APB-1 | FTS International | Gel Breaker | Listed Below | |||||
MX-8-4543 | Multi-Chem | Bacteria Treatment | Listed Below | |||||
Other Chemical(s) | Listed Above | See Trade Name(s) List | Listed Below | |||||
CS-1000 SI | FTS International | Scale Inhibitor | Listed Below | |||||
Sand (Proppant) | FTS International | Proppant | Listed Below | |||||
Water | FTS International | Carrier/Base Fluid | Water | 7732-18-5 | 100 | 88.1477 | 90,211,900.0 | |
CI-150 | FTS International | Acid Corrosion Inhibitor | Listed Below | |||||
HVG-1 | FTS International | Water Gelling Agent | Listed Below | |||||
Alcohols, C11-14-iso-, C13-rich, Ethoxylated | 78330-21-9 | 5 | 0.00383811 | 3927.99 | ||||
Aromatic Aldehyde | Proprietary | 10 | 0.00007830 | 80.137 | ||||
Phosphonic Acid, {Nitrilotris (Methylene)} Tris | 6419-19-8 | 35 | 0.00838679 | 8583.18 | ||||
Calcium Nitrate.4H2O | 13477-34-4 | 100 | 0.0388425 | 39752.1 | ||||
Organic Amine Resin Salt | Proprietary | 30 | 0.00023491 | 240.411 | ||||
Clay | 14808-60-7 | 2 | 0.00000964 | 9.868 | ||||
Quaternary Ammonium Compound | Proprietary | 10 | 0.00007830 | 80.137 | ||||
Guar Gum | 9000-30-0 | 50 | 0.000241054 | 246.699 | ||||
Silica Substrate | 14808-60-7 | 100 | 11.3271 | 11,592,400.0 | ||||
Phosphonic Acid, {Nitrilotris (Methylene)} Tris | 6419-19-8 | 35 | 0.00838679 | 8583.18 | ||||
Contains no hazardous substances in concentrations above cut-off values according to the competent authority | Proprietary | 100 | 0.00254033 | 2599.82 | ||||
Ammonium Persulfate | 7727-54-0 | 95 | 0.00000835 | 8.55 | ||||
Hydrochloric Acid | 7647-01-0 | 15 | 0.0572672 | 58608.3 | ||||
Clay | 14808-60-7 | 2 | 0.00000964 | 9.868 | ||||
Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light | 64742-47-8 | 30 | 0.0230287 | 23567.9 | ||||
Phosphonic Acid, {Dimethylamino) Methylene} Bis- | 29712-30-9 | 5 | 0.00119811 | 1226.17 | ||||
Surfactant | 68439-51-0 | 2 | 0.00000964 | 9.868 | ||||
Petroleum Distillate | 64742-47-8 | 55 | 0.00026516 | 271.369 | ||||
Isopropanol | 67-63-0 | 30 | 0.00023491 | 240.411 | ||||
Petroleum Distillate | 64742-47-8 | 55 | 0.00026516 | 271.369 | ||||
Dimethylformamide | 68-12-2 | 10 | 0.00007830 | 80.137 | ||||
Calcium Nitrate.4H2O | 13477-34-4 | 100 | 0.0388425 | 39752.1 | ||||
Contains no hazardous substances in concentrations above cut-off values according to the competent authority | Proprietary | 100 | 0.00254033 | 2599.82 | ||||
Guar Gum | 9000-30-0 | 50 | 0.000241054 | 246.699 | ||||
Phosphonic Acid, {Dimethylamino) Methylene} Bis- | 29712-30-9 | 5 | 0.00119811 | 1226.17 | ||||
Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light | 64742-47-8 | 30 | 0.0230287 | 23567.9 | ||||
Ethylene Glycol | 107-21-1 | 30 | 0.00023491 | 240.411 | ||||
Surfactant | 68439-51-0 | 2 | 0.00000964 | 9.868 | ||||
Phosphorous Acid | 10294-56-1 | 2 | 0.000479245 | 490.468 | ||||
Alcohols, C11-14-iso-, C13-rich, Ethoxylated | 78330-21-9 | 5 | 0.00383811 | 3927.99 | ||||
Phosphorous Acid | 10294-56-1 | 2 | 0.000479245 | 490.468 | ||||
MX-5-3886 | Multi-Chem | Bacteria Treatment | Listed Below | |||||
FRW-1450 | FTS International | Friction Reducer | Listed Below |
For data sources see[7]