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Well Details

Well ID: 37-019-22323
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Butler
Municipality: Oakland Township
Operator Name: EM ENERGY PA LLC
Well Pad ID: 150798
Farm/Lease Name: URSA MINOR 3MH
License Status: Active
Spud Date: 12/11/2014
Permit Date: 9/23/2014
Unconventional Well: Y
Configuration: Horizontal Well
Latitude: 40.947703
Longitude: -79.871139

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2014 EM ENERGY PA LLC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2015 EM ENERGY PA LLC 238,411.29 67 0.00 0 1,167.56 67
2016 EM ENERGY PA LLC 581,099.18 339 0.00 0 295.00 339
2017 EM ENERGY PA LLC 394,176.15 359 0.00 0 131.19 359
2018 EM ENERGY PA LLC 210,589.55 269 0.00 0 169.43 269
2019 EM ENERGY PA LLC 27,059.84 18 0.00 0 69.84 18

For data sources see[4]

Waste Data

Period Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
2014-2 Drill Cuttings (in Tons) 231.72 Tons LANDFILL 100585
2015-1 Drill Cuttings (in Tons) 313.29 Tons LANDFILL 100594
2015-1 Drill Cuttings (in Tons) 1,030.46 Tons LANDFILL SWF 1025
2015-2 Fracing Fluid Waste (in Barrels) 1,466.25 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROC FAC (GENERAL PERMIT) WMGR123NW009
2015-2 Fracing Fluid Waste (in Barrels) 2,158.13 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2016-1 Waste Water Treatment Sludge (in Tons) RWC 804 0.23 Tons LANDFILL 100594
2016-2 Filter Socks (in Tons) RWC 812 0.04 Tons LANDFILL 073 114 654
2016-2 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 6.25 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2016-2 Waste Water Treatment Sludge (in Tons) RWC 804 2.04 Tons LANDFILL 100585
2017-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1,016.25 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-02 Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 4.15 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW019
2017-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 26.52 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 39.36 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW019
2017-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1,066.25 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-03 Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 12.50 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 781.28 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 522.28 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW019
2017-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 25.38 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-03 Waste Water Treatment Sludge (in Tons) RWC 804 3.67 Tons RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY 2014-541
2017-04 Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 21.75 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-04 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 241.82 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-04 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 72.90 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW019
2017-04 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 183.13 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-05 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 81.61 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0254185
2017-05 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 77.84 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-05 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 105.58 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-05 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 545.13 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-06 Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 12.50 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-06 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 137.57 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0254185
2017-06 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 61.58 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-06 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 501.20 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-07 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 697.34 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-07 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 113.90 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-07 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 22.63 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-08 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 566.17 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-08 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 13.25 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-08 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 147.13 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-09 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 268.48 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-09 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 40.62 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-10 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 447.33 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-10 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 106.63 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2017-11 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 67.75 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-11 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 153.01 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-12 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 43.12 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2017-12 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 127.01 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW005
2017-12 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 136.75 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 129.24 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 85.25 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-05 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 307.00 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018-06 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 41.63 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-06 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 27.37 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123SW019
2018-06 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 42.63 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018-07 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 14.13 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018-08 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 121.62 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018-09 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 198.16 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-099-23158
2018-09 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 66.25 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018-10 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 16.88 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-11 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 38.51 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-155-24063
2018-11 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 109.65 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-155-24079
2018-11 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 12.50 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-11 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 73.38 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 13.38 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-155-24063
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 88.39 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-155-24079
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 35.80 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2019-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 21.26 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-155-24063

For data sources see[5]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
2330526 Primary Facility 12/17/2014 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2332241 Primary Facility 12/30/2014 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
2341919 Primary Facility 02/03/2015 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2356726 Primary Facility 03/31/2015 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
2375114 Primary Facility 06/02/2015 Drilling/Alteration Violation(s) Noted
2514179 Primary Facility 2016-08-24 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2601678 Primary Facility 2017-06-07 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted On site for a partial inspection.

Well has been drilled and completed. Well in production.

All production equipment on site. Production tanks on containment. GPUs on site. Gathering pipeline header on site.

Well tag in place.

Well development impoundment has been restored

All E/S controls in place, intact, and functioning. Good Vegetation growth noted.

2654655 Primary Facility 2017-10-31 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted On site for a routine partial inspection.

Well is drilled, completed, and in production. Well head protected by gate. Well tag in place. Tank battery and GPUs on secondary containment. A combustor and a gathering pipeline header on site. Wells and production equipment are fenced and locked. Site ID sign in place with drilling permits on site.

Site has been restored and PCSM plan and BMPs installed, intact, and functioning. Site is stabilized with vegetation growth. ESCGP has been NOT'd.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Date Resolved Violation Code Violation Type Violation Comments
2375114 724540 06/02/2015 06/17/2015 OGA 3211(F2) - Failure to notify DEP 24 hours prior to cementing casing strings, pressure testing of production casing, stimulation of well or plugging of an unconventional well. Administrative

Penalties Applied

Violation ID Penalty ID Penalty Code Penalty Status Penalty Date Enforcement Date Penalty Amount Amount Collected
724540 324390 NOV - Notice of Violation Administrative Close Out 06/17/2015

For data sources see[6]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 05/30/2015 08/24/2015 5686 11,656,600.0 0

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 H015, Slickwater Schlumberger Corrosion Inhibitor, Scale Inhibitor, Acid, Breaker, Friction Reducer, Iron Control Agent, Myacide|TS GA 25, Propping Agent, Fluid Loss Additive Sodium sulfate 7757-82-6 0.0002 0.00002000 0
Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane 540-97-6 0 0 0
Ethanol, 2,2',2-nitrilotris-, 1,1',1-tris(dihydrogen phosphate), sodium salt 68171-29-9 0.02845 0.00279 0
Water (Including Mix Water Supplied by Client)* NA 0 90.2032 0
Dimethyl siloxanes and silicones 63148-62-9 0.00001000 0 0
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 556-67-2 0 0 0
Methanol 67-56-1 0.00412 0.0004 0
Quartz, Crystalline silica 14808-60-7 98.604 9.66004 0
Acrylamide, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid, sodium salt polymer 38193-60-1 0.01273 0.00125 0
Polymer of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt and methyl acrylate 136793-29-8 0.00136 0.00013 0
Silicon Dioxide 7631-86-9 0.00017 0.00002000 0
Propargyl alcohol 107-19-7 0.00075 0.00007000 0
1-Octadecene (C18) 112-88-9 0.00012 0.00001000 0
Sodium erythorbate 6381-77-7 0.00805 0.00079 0
Diammonium peroxidisulphate 7727-54-0 0.00449 0.00044 0
Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, reaction products with silica 67762-90-7 0 0 0
2-propenamid 79-06-1 0.00004000 0 0
Alcohols, C14-15, ethoxylated (7EO) 68951-67-7 0.00112 0.00011 0
Ammonium sulfate 7783-20-2 0.01725 0.00169 0
Trisodium ortho phosphate 7601-54-9 0.01251 0.00123 0
Urea 57-13-6 0.00084 0.00008000 0
Glutaraldehyde 111-30-8 0.03752 0.00368 0
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.00001000 0 0
Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate 64-02-8 0.00002000 0 0
Ethylene Glycol 107-21-1 0.00356 0.00035 0
Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane 541-02-6 0 0 0
Fatty acids, tall-oil 61790-12-3 0.00287 0.00028 0
Hexadec-1-ene 629-73-2 0.00025 0.00002000 0
Hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 1.25636 0.12308 0
Thiourea, polymer with formaldehyde and 1-phenylethanone 68527-49-1 0.00237 0.00023 0
Copper(II) sulfate 7758-98-7 0 0 0

For data sources see[7]
