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Well ID: 37-031-01186 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Pennsylvania | |
County: Clarion | |
Municipality: Redbank Township | |
Operator Name: EQUITRANS LP | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: JAMES U BAYNHAM 6 | |
License Status: Active | |
Spud Date: 1/1/1800 | |
Permit Date: | |
Unconventional Well: N | |
Configuration: Vertical Well | |
Latitude: 41.0616 | |
Longitude: -79.292790 |
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Gas Production Days | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Oil Production Days | Water Quantity (bbl) | Water Production Days |
2002 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2004 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2005 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2006 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2010 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2011 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2012 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2013 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2014 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2015 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2016 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2017 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2018 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Waste Type | Quantity | Disposal Method | Waste Facility ID |
2006-0 | Brine | 4.00 Bbl | Brine or Industrial Waste Treatment Plt | OGD004178612 |
2011-0 | Produced Fluid (in Barrels) | 6.05 Bbl | CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE | OH0987034667 |
For data sources see[5]
Inspection ID | Inspection Category | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
1027101 | Primary Facility | 04/25/2001 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1071875 | Primary Facility | 10/11/2001 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1118426 | Primary Facility | 04/24/2002 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | 7" annulus with 10.7 psi and fresh water |
1179252 | Primary Facility | 10/23/2002 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1226725 | Primary Facility | 04/09/2003 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1282411 | Primary Facility | 10/29/2003 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1381596 | Primary Facility | 09/29/2004 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1489781 | Primary Facility | 10/26/2005 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1581184 | Primary Facility | 11/02/2006 | Compliance Evaluation | No Violations Noted | |
1613862 | Primary Facility | 04/11/2007 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1660678 | Primary Facility | 10/24/2007 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1741310 | Primary Facility | 10/09/2008 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1844917 | Primary Facility | 11/18/2009 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1939939 | Primary Facility | 12/28/2010 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
1971254 | Primary Facility | 05/03/2011 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2011985 | Primary Facility | 10/19/2011 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2103548 | Primary Facility | 09/21/2012 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
211649 | Primary Facility | 1988-12-06 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
211650 | Primary Facility | 1989-11-21 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
213165 | Primary Facility | 1991-01-02 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
214201 | Primary Facility | 1991-11-22 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
215028 | Primary Facility | 1992-12-04 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
215484 | Primary Facility | 1993-07-21 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
215675 | Primary Facility | 1993-12-08 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
216203 | Primary Facility | 1994-10-21 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
217497 | Primary Facility | 11/06/1995 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
219676 | Primary Facility | 12/10/1997 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
219799 | Primary Facility | 01/29/1998 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
220935 | Primary Facility | 11/05/1998 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2228182 | Primary Facility | 11/22/2013 | Routine/Partial Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2336063 | Primary Facility | 12/29/2014 | Routine/Partial Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2418568 | Primary Facility | 10/23/2015 | Routine/Partial Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2544408 | Primary Facility | 2016-12-13 | Routine/Partial Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2654955 | Primary Facility | 2017-10-31 | Routine/Partial Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
2785261 | Primary Facility | 2018-10-03 | Routine/Partial Inspection | No Violations Noted | This is a storage well located in the Truittsburg Storage field. The integrity of the well appeared to be in good condition. There were no signs of any leaks and the well is kept painted and free from corrosion. The well was labeled. There were 3 vents for the annulus. The inner 2 casing annuli were open. The outer casing annuli had 9.4 psi on it.
At the time of inspection, pressure was taken on the well which had 854 psi. The field was currently injecting. |
896456 | Primary Facility | 11/17/1999 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
929884 | Primary Facility | 03/31/2000 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | |
973502 | Primary Facility | 10/11/2000 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted |
For data sources see[6]