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Well Details

Well ID: 37-049-24901
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Erie
Municipality: Conneaut Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: AMOS K FLINT 5
License Status: Plugged OG Well
Spud Date: 10/18/1987
Permit Date: 10/9/1987
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Latitude: 41.850306
Longitude: -80.405420

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
1989 JAMES DRILLING CORP 6,304.00 365 194.11 365 0.00
1991 JAMES DRILLING CORP 2,982.00 365 183.00 365 0.00
1992 JAMES DRILLING CORP 2,125.00 357 97.00 357 0.00
1993 JAMES DRILLING CORP 1,309.00 334 106.00 334 0.00
1994 JAMES DRILLING CORP 1,878.00 365 202.88 365 0.00
1996 JAMES DRILLING CORP 928.00 365 118.84 365 0.00
1997 JAMES DRILLING CORP 971.00 360 109.06 360 0.00
1998 JAMES DRILLING CORP 1,342.00 337 39.02 337 0.00
1999 JAMES DRILLING CORP 940.00 341 105.23 341 0.00
2000 JAMES DRILLING CORP 805.00 321 0.00 0.00
2001 JAMES DRILLING CORP 607.00 333 114.69 333 0.00
2002 JAMES DRILLING CORP 525.00 335 85.04 335 0.00
2003 JAMES DRILLING CORP 678.00 345 43.21 345 0.00
2004 KASTLE RESOURCES ENTERPRISES INC 571.13 315 0.00 0.00
2005 KASTLE RESOURCES ENTERPRISES INC 144.23 270 89.84 270 0.00
2006 KASTLE RESOURCES ENTERPRISES INC 200.64 250 0.00 0.00
2008 KASTLE RESOURCES ENTERPRISES INC 170.00 365 0.00 0.00
2009 KASTLE RESOURCES ENTERPRISES INC 190.00 365 45.00 365 0.00

For data sources see[4]

Waste Data

Period Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
1991-A00 Brine 248.00 Bbl
1993-A00 Brine 187.00 Bbl
1994-A00 Brine 128.00 Bbl
1996-A00 Brine 79.00 Bbl Other
1996-A00 Brine 16.00 Bbl Road Spreading
1997-A00 Brine 24.00 Bbl Road Spreading PULASKI TWP
1997-A00 Brine 30.00 Bbl Road Spreading SUMMERHILL TWP
1997-A00 Brine 20.00 Bbl Road Spreading WOODCOCK TWP
1998-A00 Brine 48.00 Bbl Road Spreading
1999-A00 Brine 148.00 Bbl Road Spreading VERNON TWP.
1999-A00 Brine 141.00 Bbl Road Spreading WOODCOCK TWP.
2000-A00 Brine 105.00 Bbl Other VERNON TWP
2000-A00 Brine 110.00 Bbl Other WOODCOCK TWP
2001-A00 Brine 88.00 Bbl Road Spreading VERNON TWP
2001-A00 Brine 124.00 Bbl Road Spreading WOODCOCK TWP
2002-A00 Brine 49.00 Bbl Road Spreading
2003-A00 Brine 80.00 Bbl Other
2003-A00 Brine 50.00 Bbl Road Spreading
2004-A00 Brine 64.00 Bbl Road Spreading
2005-A00 Brine 53.00 Bbl Road Spreading
2006-A00 Brine 80.00 Bbl Road Spreading
2008-A00 Brine 57.00 Bbl Road Spreading
2009-A00 Brine 19.00 Bbl Injection Disposal Well PAS2D251BERI
2009-A00 Brine 1.00 Bbl Road Spreading

For data sources see[5]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1175724 Primary Facility 10/09/2002 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
1755230 Primary Facility 12/10/2008 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
1836319 Primary Facility 10/19/2009 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted
363545 Primary Facility 1987-10-19 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted DEPTH AT 1,239'
363546 Primary Facility 1987-10-20 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
363547 Primary Facility 1990-01-12 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted

For data sources see[6]
