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Well ID: 34-119-60530 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Muskingum | |
Municipality: Clay | |
Operator Name: SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: SWINGLE | |
License Status: Producing | |
License Date: 2000-01-25 | |
Spud Date: | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: | |
Final Drill Date: | |
Well Total Depth: 1085 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 39.799289481 | |
Longitude: -82.02629923 |
For data sources see[1]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1998 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 196 | 365 |
2000 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 158 | 365 |
2001 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 180 | 365 |
2002 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 164 | 365 |
2003 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 143 | 365 |
2004 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 163 | 365 |
2005 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 163 | 365 |
2007 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 103 | 365 |
2008 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 162 | 365 |
2009 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 182 | 365 |
2010 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 138 | 365 |
2011 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 141 | 365 |
2012 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 123 | 366 |
2013 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 103 | 365 |
2014 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 103 | 365 |
2015 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 102 | 365 |
2016 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 84 | 365 |
2017 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 98 | 365 |
2018 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | 0 | 96 | 365 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1998 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2000 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2001 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2002 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2003 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2004 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2005 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2007 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2008 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2009 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2010 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2011 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2012 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 366 |
2013 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2014 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2015 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2016 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2017 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2018 | SOWERS WILLIAM & SARA | Brine | 0 | 365 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
0772050986 | 2016-05-31 | Production Wells | No Violations | On the day of my inspection Aaron Evilsizor accompanied me on the inspection to resolve the issues that had arose from the assigning of the permit numbers. |
1132556708 | 2014-03-31 | Production Wells | No Violations | I met with Bill and Sara Sowers on wells and are getting the numbers fixed. They will send a completed copy to Steve Riley in Columbus. Their owner number is 6019. |
1679685274 | 2014-02-07 | Production Wells | No Violations | Well is a producing well equipped with pumping unit, 10casing, 6.625, old style well head with 2tubing. There are 2-100 barrel steel tanks for product out by the road. The lease road is passable. Well is owned and produced by Bill and Sara Sowers with the owner # of 6019. They have been reporting under well 119-60530. I have notified Columbus on the findings. Steve Riley would take care of the issue. |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
For data sources see[1]