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Well Details

Well ID: 34-119-28547
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Muskingum
Municipality: Newton Township
Operator Name: KNOX ENERGY INC.
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2006-10-26
Spud Date: 2005-11-29
Spud Drilling Contractor: PROFESSIONAL WELL SVC-PWS
Final Drill Date: 2005-12-04
Well Total Depth: 4023 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.845057713
Longitude: -82.03114820

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2005-08-26 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:8/26/2005, Expired Date:8/26/2006 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:40, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Original Spud 2005-11-29 RBDMS Rec
Completed 2005-12-04 RBDMS Rec
Reached Total Depth 2005-12-04 RBDMS Rec
Completion Report Received 2006-08-10 RBDMS Rec
Construction Permit Expires 2006-08-26 RBDMS Rec
Change of Owner 2018-11-20 Operator changed from 236, R C POLING CO INC to 6295, KNOX ENERGY INC.
Record Last Modified 2018-11-20 RBDMS Rec

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2006-10-26 3853 3859 12

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 82000 Gal 25000

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2007 R C POLING CO INC 1984 0 365
2008 R C POLING CO INC 1826 0 365
2009 R C POLING CO INC 2098 0 365
2010 R C POLING CO INC 1830 0 365
2011 R C POLING CO INC 2126 0 365
2012 R C POLING CO INC 3343 0 366
2013 R C POLING CO INC 3090 0 365
2014 R C POLING CO INC 4428 0 365
2015 R C POLING CO INC 3737 0 365
2016 R C POLING CO INC 2785 0 365
2017 R C POLING CO INC 3584 0 365
2018 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0 0 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2007 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2008 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2009 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2010 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2011 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2012 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 366
2013 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2014 R C POLING CO INC Brine 60 365
2015 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2016 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2017 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 365
2018 R C POLING CO INC Brine 0 288

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0095741232 2006-08-08 Preliminary Restoration No Violations
0416539436 2014-09-08 Production Wells No Violations The contaminated soil has been removed. There was 40 barrel of total fluids removed from area. The only compliance issue was identification not placed on well or tank.
0505928240 2006-12-20 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Producing
1143546368 2006-03-27 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Location roughed in. Not completed yet.
1409831785 2014-09-03 Production Wells Violations Noted Inspected well based on complaint #4788. The complainant was Abbey Kindler. She noticed the dike around the 100 barrel tank was full of crude oil and had ran over the dike on 8-15-14 around noon. She called on 9-2-14. I revealed that there was a dike that had approximately measured 30x40in circumference. There was 1-100 barrel tank and a vertical separator with in the dike. The dike was full of crude oil and had ran over leaving approximately a 20x30oil soaked spot. The source of the release inside the dike is unknown at this time. After calling and talking to Dick Poling he would have men and equipment out on site on 9-4-14. The well is equipped with a pumping unit and the production manifold has been shut in.There is prime mover of a natural gas powered single piston motor. The identification is incomplete at the well and the tank. There is second 100 barrel tank down by the entrance with a dike and no identification. The company was instructed to remove all oil and contaminated soil and dispose of properly. The date of cleanup is 9-4-14. Attach all identification to the tanks. Failure to comply will result in further enforcement action.
1409935715 2014-09-04 Administrative Inspection No Violations Dick Poling called and stated that there was approximately 40 barrel cleaned up. 4 barrel was crude oil the rest was production water. The site was cleaned up and rediked. There was a nipple leaking on the tank.
1410351937 2014-09-09 Administrative Inspection No Violations Dick Poling called and stated that the well identification has been attached to the tank. I will check at later date.
1421264992 2014-09-22 Production Wells No Violations I stopped by location and all material has been cleaned up and removed. All identification has been placed at the 1-100 barrel tank battery. There is a new dike constructed around the tank that exceeds the 110% containment. The Compliance Notice # 1409831785 has been resolved on 9-22-14 by Patrick Shreve.
1493253582 2007-11-07 Production Wells No Violations Producing, no problems noted.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1409831785 US-OH-112065 2014-09-29 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
1409831785 US-OH-112066 2014-09-29 Failure to legibly identify well
1409831785 US-OH-112067 2014-09-29 No SPCC dike/or failure to keep dike free of water or oil

For data sources see[9]
