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Well Details

Well ID: 34-111-21889
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Monroe
Municipality: Malaga Township
Operator Name: YONTZ OIL & GAS LLC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: HEIRS HARPER
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1979-05-23
Spud Date: 1979-07-15
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1979-10-01
Well Total Depth: 1535 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.858657116
Longitude: -81.12286565

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1979-05-22 2356 YONTZ OIL & GAS (JAMES) GeoDate 5/22/79
Original Spud 1979-07-15 NOTE IN FORMATIONS.
Completed 1979-10-01 NOTE IN FORMATIONS.
Reached Total Depth 1979-10-01 NOTE IN FORMATIONS.
Change of Owner 2018-06-12 Operator changed from 2356, YONTZ JAMES to 10153, YONTZ OIL & GAS LLC
Record Last Modified 2018-06-12 NOTE IN FORMATIONS.

For data sources see[2]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2009 YONTZ JAMES 0 7 365
2010 YONTZ JAMES 0 32 365
2011 YONTZ JAMES 0 18 365
2012 YONTZ JAMES 0 10 366
2013 YONTZ JAMES 0 4 365
2015 YONTZ JAMES 0 8 365
2016 YONTZ JAMES 0 9 365
2017 YONTZ JAMES 0 0 365

For data sources see[3] [4]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2009 YONTZ JAMES Brine 20 365
2010 YONTZ JAMES Brine 18 365
2011 YONTZ JAMES Brine 48 365
2012 YONTZ JAMES Brine 31 366
2013 YONTZ JAMES Brine 0 365
2015 YONTZ JAMES Brine 27 365
2016 YONTZ JAMES Brine 10 365
2017 YONTZ JAMES Brine 0 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0167845323 2017-07-31 Production Wells No Violations Status check inspection as a response to complaint # 5651. Upon inspection the well was equipped with casing -tubing and rods with the production valves open. No commercial gas sales meter was present and no domestic gas hook up is in place. The fluid knock out separator located atop the 100 barrel production tnnk has fallen off and is lying on the ground. Photographs were taken on this day.
1123843978 2018-02-27 Production Wells No Violations Status check inspection as a response to complaint # 5651. Upon inspection the well was equipped with casing -tubing and rods with the production valves open. No commercial gas sales meter was present and no domestic gas hook up is in place and the 1 casing sales line is severed off and the production valve is in the open position. The production tubing flow line is severed off and laying on the ground at the 100 barrel production tank. At the time of my last inspection the fluid separator that was previously sitting atop the 100 barrel tank was laying on the ground, the fluid separator was gone on this day and no flow lines to either of the 2 well on the lease were attached to the production tank. Photographs taken on this day.
1385428383 2018-08-28 Production Wells No Violations Follow up inspection to complaint 5651. Upon inspection the well was observed to be equipped with a 7 diameter string and a 4.875 diameter string along with a 2.375 tubing string with pumping rods inserted into the string. There is a 1 plastic sales line attached to the casing well head that is in the open position. A 1 plastic sales line is attached to the tubing head with no valve present. The tubing sales line was found severed off on the ground by the production tank and the casing line is severed off near the well head. The pumping unit is set up to be driven by a electric motor but the power service has been disconnected since my last visit. The well is engulfed in vegetation with no current sign of activity near the well head or production tank. The production tank is a 100 barrel steel tank with no dike or flow lines attached. Commercial production was reported for 2017 with the database records indicating zero production. Photographs taken on this day. Also the RBDMS state well card records indicate there was iron in the hole in 1979 making it incapable of production.
1415285454 2014-11-06 Administrative Inspection No Violations Administrative report to document that on 11/05/2014 I had 2 different phone conversations with the said well owner Jim Yontz in regards to the said well violation # -1503699548 issued on 10/15/2014 against the said well. In our conversation Mr. Yontz indicated the 4.875 line had collapsed when the shot the well with 50 quarts of Nitroglycerin and confirmed they were unable to get back to the bottom of the well bore total depth. I informed Mr. Yontz that the 4.875 was set as their primary production casing and under ORC 1509.12 Defective Casing. Mr. Yontz indicated the well would make oil and they had recently pulled the pump and it was stuck, I informed Mr. Yontz that I had visited the well at 7:30 am on the morning of 10/31/14 and the pumping unit was running and I observed a full column of fluid going into the tank from the well and the well pump was not stuck and the well was producing water only and Brine was not commercial production. Mr. Yontz also indicated the well would make gas in commercial quantities, I informed Mr. Yontz that I was aware of Him releasing His gas contract for the said well due to the well not making sufficient quantities of gas. Mr. Yontz was informed of the old unresolved Chiefs order # 90-732 and I felt the language the Order was issued under reflecting the well casing issues were legitimate and I encouraged Mr. Yontz to plug the well.
1419533880 2017-07-13 Production Wells No Violations Status check inspection as a response to complaint # 5651. Upon inspection of the well head the well was observed to be equipped with 6.625 diameter casing and 2 diameter production tubing with pumping rods inserted into the tubing and the well set up to be produced by the means of a pumping unit. There is a reducing swage from the 6.625 down to 4.5 with a 4.5 well head present but no 4.5 diameter casing in the well bore. The well is set up to produced by an electrically driven pumping unit with vegetation growing through the drive motor pullies and the electrical disconnect box turned off. The producer historically ran 5.5 diameter casing in the well without cementing the casing in place and shot the well with nitroglycerin and collapsed the casing. The casing was also severed off and a undetermined amount of casing was lost in the well bore. No indication of a recompletion permit being issued to the producer by the Division is on record. At one point the Division issued an order to the producer to plug the said well, the order number was 90-732. The well does not provide domestic house gas and has no commercial sales meter or sales point. The 100 barrel production tank is shared by a 2nd well on the property and neither well has more than 15 barrels of commercial oil production since 2012. There is a gravity fluid separator laying on the ground that has fallen of the 100 barrel tank and there is 2 lines feeding into the tank. Photographs were taken on this day.
1427932519 2015-04-01 Production Wells No Violations Compliance Notice follow up inspection and documentation that the said producer has run a fresh pump in the hole in an attempt to repair the well. Records show the well has the production casing collapsed and the previous producer had a unresolved Chiefs order issued against the said well.
1503699548 2014-10-15 Production Wells Violations Noted On the day of my inspection I was accompanied by District Supervisor Brent Bear and upon inspection of the well it was observed that 7 casing was present with a reducing swage down to 4 along with 2 production tubing and pumping rods with the production valves open and the well set up to be produced by the means of a pumping unit with the electric power supply in the off position and no mechanical electric timer present. A single 100 barrel production tank is present and no commercial gas meter found. Production records show the well not making the State minimum standards of production and historic records indication lost casing in the hole. Instructions are as follows -Plug the said well within 180 days. ODNR Monroe County Inspector Bill Stolarik 740-507 6592.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1503699548 US-OH-114166 2014-10-22 Well shall be plugged

For data sources see[7]
