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Well Details

Well ID: 37-123-41914
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Warren
Municipality: Sheffield Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: LOT 10 AS-21
License Status: Active
Spud Date: 1995-02-15
Permit Date: 1994-12-19
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Latitude: 41.633789
Longitude: -78.955953

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
1995 AZCO OPR CO 1,465.67 209 1,349.67 209 0.00 0
1996 AZCO OPR CO 1,581.83 365 410.00 365 0.00 0
1997 AZCO OPR CO 1,078.50 137 258.17 137 0.00 0
1998 AZCO OPR CO 368.00 365 80.00 365 0.00 0
1999 AZCO OPR CO 431.00 365 7.67 365 0.00 0
2000 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2001 AZCO OPR CO 171.97 365 57.32 365 0.00 0
2005 DUHRING RESOURCE CO 493.83 365 227.52 365 0.00 0
2006 DUHRING RESOURCE CO 578.76 365 207.53 365 0.00 0
2007 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2009 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2010 DUHRING RESOURCE CO 739.96 365 206.75 365 0.00 0
2011 DUHRING RESOURCE CO 673.77 365 153.56 365 0.00 0
2012 DUHRING RESOURCE CO 559.09 365 139.23 365 0.02 365
2013 CAMERON ENERGY CO 258.87 365 46.87 365 0.00 0
2014 CAMERON ENERGY CO 302.17 365 32.36 365 0.00 0
2015 CAMERON ENERGY CO 294.38 365 32.48 365 0.00 0
2016 CAMERON ENERGY CO 259.28 365 37.53 365 0.00 0
2017 CAMERON ENERGY CO 212.52 365 38.27 365 0.00 0
2018 CAMERON ENERGY CO 213.10 365 38.85 365 0.00 0

For data sources see[4]

Waste Data

Period Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
1995-A00 Brine 33.83 Bbl
2010-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 15.48 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0102784
2011-A00 Fracing Fluid Waste (in Barrels) 1.85 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0102784
2011-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 14.80 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0102784
2012-A00 Fracing Fluid Waste (in Barrels) 0.69 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0102784
2012-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 9.74 Bbl CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE PA0102784
2013-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 6.33 Bbl CENT WASTE TRT FAC NPDES DISCHARGE PA0102784
2014-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 1.72 Bbl CENT WASTE TRT FAC NPDES DISCHARGE PA0102784
2014-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 1.72 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2016-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 3.45 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2017-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1.03 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2018-A00 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 2.34 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING

For data sources see[5]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
2509065 Primary Facility 2016-08-08 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Conventional oil well completed and operational. The location is vegetated and stable. No leaks or spills. No violations noted
766818 Primary Facility 1995-02-22 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
936423 Primary Facility 2000-05-02 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
968573 Primary Facility 2000-09-20 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted

For data sources see[6]

