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Well ID: 34-121-23317 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Noble | |
Municipality: Jackson Township | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: WAY WICKENS | |
License Status: Producing | |
License Date: 2009-04-03 | |
Spud Date: 2009-03-19 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: DAVIS DRLG | |
Final Drill Date: 2009-04-06 | |
Well Total Depth: 4377 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 39.643704001 | |
Longitude: -81.49934333 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
CO | 1984-09-26 | 1264 ROCKWELL RESOURCES INC GeoDate 9/26/84 |
Oil and Gas | 1984-09-26 | Issued Date 9/26/84 Expired Date 3/25/85 Acres 0040000 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 06336 Proposed Drill Depth 06336 |
Original Spud | 1984-10-11 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
Completed | 1984-10-18 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
Plugging Plan Approved | 1998-02-21 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
Change of Owner | 2008-08-27 | Operator changed from 8172, APPALACHIAN ENERGY RES LLC to 1634, NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP |
Plugged Back | 2009-03-31 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
APP | 2009-04-03 | Proposed Formations:GANTZ THRU ORISKANY, Issued Date:4/3/2009, Expired Date:4/3/2010 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:40, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:ENPW |
Reached Total Depth | 2009-04-06 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
Construction Permit Expires | 2010-04-03 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
Completion Report Received | 2010-12-02 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
Record Last Modified | 2017-12-15 | OTD: 6336' IN CLINTON |
For data sources see[2]
Perforation Date | Interval Top (ft) | Interval Base (ft) | Number of Shots |
2011-03-21 | 1964 | 2512 | 174 |
1997-06-29 | 6030 | 6080 | 20 |
1997-11-26 | 6171 | 6184 | 20 |
For data sources see[3]
Stimulation Date | Chemical Agent | Chemical Agent Concentration (%) | Fracking Fluid Volume | Mass of Proppant Used (lb) | Fracking Company | Comments |
N2 | 0 | 146 MSCF | 0 | |||
H2O | 0 | 48000 GAL | 40000 | FRAC: H2O,SAND,N2…400 SKS | ||
2009-06-04 | H2O | 15 | 145000 Gal | 25000 | Producers Service Corporation | |
N2 | 0 | 149 Mscf | 0 | CLINTON | ||
N2 | 0 | 146 MSCF | 0 | |||
H2O | 0 | 37000 GAL | 0 | 400 SKS |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1984 | DERBY OIL & GAS CORP | 691 | 0 | 0 |
1985 | DERBY OIL & GAS CORP | 6948 | 0 | 297 |
1986 | DERBY OIL & GAS CORP | 3613 | 0 | 293 |
1987 | CHRISTA OIL CO | 2515 | 0 | 359 |
1993 | ROCKWELL RESOURCES INC | 521 | 0 | 365 |
1994 | ROCKWELL RESOURCES INC | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2008 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2009 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2010 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 63 | 50 | 365 |
2011 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 369 | 106 | 0 |
2012 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 131 | 60 | 366 |
2013 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 144 | 32 | 365 |
2014 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 180 | 17 | 365 |
2015 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 263 | 55 | 365 |
2016 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 142 | 36 | 365 |
2017 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 121 | 0 | 365 |
2018 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | 45 | 0 | 365 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1984 | DERBY OIL & GAS CORP | Brine | 97 | 0 |
1985 | DERBY OIL & GAS CORP | Brine | 554 | 297 |
1986 | DERBY OIL & GAS CORP | Brine | 266 | 293 |
1987 | CHRISTA OIL CO | Brine | 253 | 359 |
1993 | ROCKWELL RESOURCES INC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
1994 | ROCKWELL RESOURCES INC | Brine | 0 | 0 |
2008 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 0 | 0 |
2009 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 155 | 0 |
2010 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 55 | 365 |
2011 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 52 | |
2012 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 59 | 366 |
2013 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 56 | 365 |
2014 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 39 | 365 |
2015 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 23 | 365 |
2016 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 49 | 365 |
2017 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2018 | NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP | Brine | 0 | 365 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
0000PL7496 | Preliminary Restoration | No Violations | Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point | |
0389794528 | 2013-01-25 | Production Wells | No Violations | My inspection today finds the well is equipped with 4.5 casing, 1.5 tubing, rods, and a pump jack. The tank battery consists of one 210 bbl tank, one 50 bbl tank, a meter, and a separator. The chart on the meter is current. Identification is proper. |
1237582198 | 2009-03-20 | Production Wells | No Violations | Inspection revealed that service rig on site pulling tubing in preparation for possible plugback operation,rig crew was pulling tubing to remove bottom anchor and remove rabbit from tubing operator stated that bottom plug would be set 3/24/09. |
1237929226 | 2009-03-24 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | On site to witness setting of bottom hole plug(H2S present) pumped gelled fluid ahead of cement, operator was pulling tubing, then they will attempt to get telegraph on casing and rip casing if below lime top if not they will perforate casing and run tubing back in well to set required plug. |
1238413795 | 2009-03-27 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | Operator ripped casing at 4730 then pulled from well and hole was relogged and owner determined if there is any up hole potential producing zones,owner called and stated that they would run tubing back into well 200 into lime and set required plug. |
1304638244 | 2016-05-11 | Production Wells | No Violations | My inspection today finds the well is equipped with a pumping unit. The production valves are open. The tank battery is equipped with one 210 barrel tank, one fifty barrel tank, a separator and a meter. The lease road is well maintained. |
For data sources see[9]