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Well ID: 34-105-22532 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Meigs | |
Municipality: Salisbury Township | |
Operator Name: OLIO RESOURCES LLC | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: LIGHTFOOT JOHN D | |
License Status: Producing | |
License Date: 1983-04-08 | |
Spud Date: 1983-09-30 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: GARD DRILLING | |
Final Drill Date: 1983-10-02 | |
Well Total Depth: 1630 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 39.024291839 | |
Longitude: -82.08641796 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
CO | 1982-08-10 | 309 MOLZ K dba/OLD SOUTH OIL GeoDate 8/10/82 |
Oil and Gas | 1982-08-10 | Issued Date 8/10/82 Expired Date 2/1/83 Acres 0050000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation BEREA Proposed Depth 00000 Proposed Drill Depth 00000 |
CO | 1983-04-08 | 309 MOLZ K dba/OLD SOUTH OIL GeoDate 4/8/83 |
Oil and Gas | 1983-04-08 | Issued Date 4/8/83 Expired Date 10/5/83 Acres 0050000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation BEREA Proposed Depth 01630 Proposed Drill Depth 01630 |
Original Spud | 1983-09-30 | R.I. 4-9-83 |
Completed | 1983-10-02 | R.I. 4-9-83 |
Reached Total Depth | 1983-10-02 | R.I. 4-9-83 |
Construction Permit Expires | 1983-10-05 | R.I. 4-9-83 |
Completion Report Received | 1984-09-13 | R.I. 4-9-83 |
Change of Owner | 2008-10-27 | Operator changed from 309, CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL to 8442, MOLZ KENNETH TRAK PETROLEUM |
Change of Owner | 2008-11-20 | Operator changed from 8442, MOLZ KENNETH TRAK PETROLEUM to 8448, MOLZ MARTIN-OLIO RES LLC |
Record Last Modified | 2017-02-15 | R.I. 4-9-83 |
For data sources see[2]
Perforation Date | Interval Top (ft) | Interval Base (ft) | Number of Shots |
1997-06-29 | 1500 | 1525 | 0 |
2006-09-11 | 1551 | 1559 | 1 |
For data sources see[3]
Stimulation Date | Chemical Agent | Chemical Agent Concentration (%) | Fracking Fluid Volume | Mass of Proppant Used (lb) | Fracking Company | Comments |
ACID | 15 | 250 Gal | 31000 | FRAC;H2O,SAND,ACID |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1985 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 1058 | 690 | 365 |
1997 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 80 | 365 |
2000 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 80 | 365 |
2001 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 90 | 365 |
2002 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 85 | 365 |
2003 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 65 | 365 |
2004 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 45 | 365 |
2005 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 50 | 365 |
2006 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 40 | 365 |
2007 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 25 | 365 |
2008 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2009 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 77 | 50 | 365 |
2010 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 136 | 86 | 365 |
2011 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 106 | 50 | 365 |
2012 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 117 | 39 | 366 |
2013 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 86 | 30 | 365 |
2014 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 79 | 12 | 365 |
2015 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 97 | 20 | 365 |
2016 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 69 | 7 | 365 |
2017 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 43 | 16 | 365 |
2018 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | 33 | 5 | 365 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1985 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 0 | 365 |
1997 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 20 | 365 |
2000 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 20 | 365 |
2001 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 10 | 365 |
2002 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 5 | 365 |
2003 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2004 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 5 | 365 |
2005 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 5 | 365 |
2006 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 5 | 365 |
2007 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2008 | CHAMBERLAIN dba/OLD SOUTH OIL | Brine | 0 | 0 |
2009 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 5 | 365 |
2010 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2011 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2012 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 366 |
2013 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2014 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2015 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2016 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2017 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2018 | OLIO RESOURCES LLC | Brine | 0 | 365 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
000PL11082 | Preliminary Restoration | No Violations | Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point | |
0184843244 | 2009-05-27 | Production Wells | No Violations | There were no violations at the time. |
1892580006 | 2010-10-13 | Production Wells | Violations Noted | Id Olio Ventures Lightfoot # 4. Stuffing box is leaking oil on the wellhead. Contamination around wellhead 3 feet by 6 feet. Peat has been applied to contamination, although fresh oil is on top of peat. Well is equipped with pump jack, tubing, rods, electric motor and electric service. Well is connected to mechanical separator and tank battery. 100 bbl steel tank is leaking oil. Oil is contained in shallow area 2 feet by 4 feet, beside the tank. Repair stuffing box leak and remove contaminated soil and take soil to EPA approved landfill. Bioremediation on site with landowner approval. Repair or replace leaking tank. Clean up and remove contaminated soil at tank. Establish vegetative cover on well site and tank locations. |
2146723207 | 2010-11-24 | Production Wells | No Violations | More pete sorb has been applied to well and tank locations. No repairs have been made to stripping rubber or to tank. All valves are closed on the leaking tank. No fresh oil was observed at the tank. |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Violation Code | Violation Comments |
1892580006 | US-OH-119006 | 2010-10-28 | Well operation causing pollution and contamination | |
1892580006 | US-OH-119007 | 2010-10-28 | Well insufficiently equipped to prevent escape of oil and gas |
For data sources see[9]