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Well Details

Well ID: 34-167-66071
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: <County>
Municipality: Independence Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: UNKNOWN
License Status: Historical Production Well
License Date:
Spud Date:
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth:
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.479520427
Longitude: -81.24441918

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0082713985 2015-12-28 Production Wells No Violations Met with Roger Eddy, who appeared on behalf of well owner Frank Haught, to discuss remediation options for brine discharge at this location. The well was not in operation upon inspection and no brine was being released. I explained to Mr. Eddy that these wells are not to be operated until a brine tank is set in and adequate containment dike and all wells on the lease are plumbed into the tank. I also explained that contaminated soil must either be excavated and taken to an approved landfill, or bioremediated in-situ with application of agricultural lime and fertilizer. Mr. Eddy stated that he and Mr. Gale DePuy would start the cleanup process as soon as possible. I requested that the brine contamination be addressed by 1-8-2016.
0249115633 2016-01-06 Production Wells No Violations Upon inspection, it was observed that lime has been mixed in with soil affected by illegal brine discharge. The knockout tank is not currently discharging, but is still capable of doing so. I will speak with Mr. Roger Eddy and request that he work with well owner Frank Haught to remove or reconfigure the knockout setup and set a brine tank in place. I was accompanied on this inspection by DORGM Hydrogeologist Jake Glascock.
0616483842 2016-08-04 Administrative Inspection No Violations Spoke over the phone at 9:52 am with the well owner, Mr. Frank Haught. Mr. Haught stated that this well has not been in production since his accident in late December. Mr. Haught states he is hoping to sell all of his wells to another operator. I explained to Mr. Haught that the capability to illegally discharge brine at this location needs to be eliminated. All fluids must be produced into the production tank or a separate brine storage tank. Mr. Haught verbally agreed to have the situation taken care of and would likely have Roger Eddy, a local producer, do the work for him.
0843630902 2015-12-23 Production Wells Violations Noted Inspected this well after noticing a suspicious discharge running down the hill and into the drainage ditch along Archers Fork Rd. Upon inspection, it was observed that the well consists of a pumping unit standing over 8 surface casing, 6.625 casing, 4.5 production casing, and 2 production tubing. No ID is posted at the well or tank. The well was pumping at the time of inspection and there is a 1.25 plastic flow line leading toward a plastic knockout tank. There is a 2 steel line leading from the knockout to a 100 bbl production tank and another 2 steel line which discharges brine onto the ground where it runs downhill to the drainage ditch, into a culvert, and into Archers Fork Creek. I performed several field tests on the released brine with Hach Quantab titration strips, which yielded results of more than 6215 ppm. The owner of the well, Mr. Frank Haught, is currently in the hospital in critical condition from an ATV accident. I contacted Mr. Roger Eddy, who does service work for Mr. Haught, and requested he get permission to shut the well in and address cleanup options. A meeting is set up for 1:30 pm 12/28/15 to address these issues.
1190739738 2016-02-08 Production Wells No Violations Upon inspection, it was observed that the brine scald area has been treated with lime once again. The wells on the lease are not in operation at this time. The knockout tank setup is still present. I will contact the well owner and instruct him to have the setup removed and have a brine tank set.
1807460401 2016-09-27 Production Wells No Violations Compliance follow-up inspection, accompanied by DOGRM Engineer Tech Andy Thomas: Upon inspection, it is observed that produced brine is no longer being disposed of illegally. A plastic 100 barrel brine storage tank has been set inside the earthen dike alongside the 100 barrel production tank. The brine storage tank is plumbed into a knockout tank, which is located uphil from the tank. All brine contamination has been remdiated and the previously afffected area is now covered by a full vegetative cover. The wells on the lease are not currently in production due to the recent death of the producer, Mr. Frank Haught. Compliance work on the location was performed by Mr. Roger Eddy, another local producer. This satisfies the requirements of the compliance notice dated 12/28/2015.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0843630902 US-OH-129608 2017-06-26 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
0843630902 US-OH-129609 2017-06-26 Failure to legibly identify well
0843630902 US-OH-129610 2017-06-26 Unlawful method of storage or disposal of brine or other wastes

For data sources see[3]
