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Well ID: 34-153-60430 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Summit | |
Municipality: Boston Township | |
Well Pad ID: | |
License Status: Final Restoration | |
License Date: 2017-01-30 | |
Spud Date: | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: | |
Final Drill Date: | |
Well Total Depth: | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 41.240705615 | |
Longitude: -81.55453710 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
Well Added to System | 2016-08-09 | WELL WAS ADDED TO SYSTEM ON 8/9/2016 8:27:36 AM |
Change of Owner | 2016-09-16 | Operator changed from 9998, HISTORIC OWNER to 9771, PENINSULA FOUNDATION INC. |
APP | 2017-01-30 | Proposed Formations:ORISKANY, Issued Date:1/30/2017, Expired Date:1/30/2019 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:0, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class: |
For data sources see[2]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
2016 | PENINSULA FOUNDATION INC. | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
2016 | PENINSULA FOUNDATION INC. | Brine | 0 | 0 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
0003565165 | 2017-06-15 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | The well did not show any indication of gas migration upon inspection. Moore Well Services lowered 1.5 tubing to ~ 800 and tagged the top of the previous plug. Calculated cement top was projected to be at 830. The 1.5 tubing was used as a tremme string as Custom Concrete fed 6.5 cubic yards of 9 sack grout mixture down hole. Water was observed to circulate during the entire process. No evidence of gas migration during the grouting process. No violations during this inspection. |
0018402975 | 2016-12-21 | UrbanProduction Wells | No Violations | I inspected the Peninsula Valley Historic and Education Foundation # 1 to assess the compliance issues detailed in Compliance Notice # 1477921901. The well was being operated as a open flow well through three (3) inch tubing. The tubing had 110 psi on the gauge. The gas manifold, that directed gas flow to the store fronts and residence, was open and feeding gas through a 046 Field regulator ( little joe ) dropping the pressure from 110 psi to 19 psi. A 143 service regulator further reduced the pressure for delivery into the store fronts and residence. The well was actively venting. The Dominion/ East Ohio Gas meter manifold was in place but lacking the meters. I spoke with Karen Walter ( Chair of the Foundation, 330.760.0403 ) who said, the first bid to connect the buildings was too expensive and other bids were being sought . I asked her if the plugging permit had been applied for yet. She relied, no, she thought that Jeff Moore was taking care of that aspect. . I informed her that as the Owner/ Operator, the Foundation was responsible to aquire the permit and that the permit process needed to be initiated immediately. The Compliance Notice and violations remain in effect. |
0457516319 | 2016-12-01 | UrbanProduction Wells | No Violations | I inspected the Peninsula Valley Historic and Education Foundation # 1 well as a follow up to Compliance Notice ( # 1477921901 ) issued 10/31/2016. The well was located in amongst several commericial buildings and cordoned off in a 6X6 shed. The well was actively venting with a gauge indicating a pressure of 110 psi on the three (3) inch tubing. A work crew from Dominion / East Ohio Gas ( DEOG ) was repairing the one and a quarter ( 1.25 ) inch service line from the well to the buildings. This line had been severed during the installation of DEOGs service line. The meter manifolds has been installed and are ready for meters to be installed. I spoke with Burt ( grounds caretaker ) who said, that the time frame to plumb in the final connection , to the buildings, was four (4) weeks away. A conversation with DEOG personnel indicated that the meters would be hung and service initiated the same day, pending a favorable inspection by DEOG, as notified by the Peninsula Valley Historic and Education Foundation. The violations have not been corrected as of this inspection. |
0601222954 | 2017-06-16 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | I found the top of 9 sack grout mixture to be 8 down in the 7 casing. I put my gas detector in the well for twenty minutes after which the LEL reading was 0 %. I check the gas monitor inside the building ( at the top of the stairs to basement ) and it read 0 % LEL. A previous reading for that monitor was documented at 6 % LEL. No violations found. |
0875585342 | 2017-06-12 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | Moore Well Services ( MWS ) moved on and rigged up over the well. MWS dismantled the well head to allow access to the three (3) inch tubing and lowered slim hole tools into the three (3) inch tubing to determine the total depth of the well. The total depth of the well was found to be at 1858. The fluid level was found at 1300. No violations found during this inspection. |
1043099748 | 2017-06-14 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | Moore Well Services (MWS) lowered 54 joints of 1.5 tubing to reset the Oriskany Sandstone plug. Petroset Cementing reset the plug utilizing 80 sacks of Class A cement. The cement slurry was displaced across two sections of the well. First from 1688 to 1250 in the three (3) inch tubing stump and 1250 to 830 in open hole ( 6.25 ). No violations identified during this inspection. |
1148030489 | 2017-06-13 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | Moore Well Services (MWS) lowered 55 joints of 1.5 tubing in order to circulate and condition the well prior to displacing the bottom plug across the Oriskany Sandstone. Petroset Cementing Services (PCS) established circulation after pumping approximately 10 barrels of fresh water. PCS circulated a total of 65 barrels and shut down. The well was observed for twenty minutes. There was not any evidence of gas migration nor was the well on vacuum. PCS mixed and displaced a 50 sack cement (Class A ) slurry through the interval 1858 to 1558 ( calculated ) . The well was observed for three (3) hours to allow the compressive strength of the cement plug to built. Appalachian Well Surveys (AWS) lowered tools into the hole to shot off the three (3) inch tubing and found the cement top level at 1791. AWS shot off the tubing at 1716 and after MWS tried to remove the tubing it was still hung in the wellbore. A Cement Bond log identified a tight spot 1574 to 1607. A second attempt to part the tubing was successful at 1250. MWS removed 1250 of three (3) inch ( 59 joints, 9.2# ) tubing from the well. No violations identified at this inspection. |
1186095975 | 2016-08-01 | Production Wells | No Violations | On location to meet with Bery Evans and inspect conditions on location. I discussed what had happened on location and what had been occurring up to finding that the well gas well impacted one commercial building and one water well on the property. Bery stated the following: 13 years ago Dominion disconnected the gas line. The property owners started using the gas well. 6 years ago seismic trucks came through and a few months after that they started smelling gas. The water well on the property started bubbling. No bubbling in the sump was noticed. The sump is in the basement of the commercial building as is feed by shallow ground water. Approximately one week ago they started noticing bubbling in the sump pit and black slim in the water. Water well air readings were 15.6 Oxygen, CH4 0.5, LEL 0%. Basement air readings were CH4 0.1, LEL 2% and CO 3. Air readings at the sump were LEL 3%. Annulus gas from the gas well was continuing to vent to atmosphere. Remedial actions remain affective. |
1471973054 | 2016-07-29 | Production Wells | No Violations | I received a call on 07/29/2016 from Moore Well Service regarding a stray gas issue that they and Joe Biaglow from Rettew have been investigating. I met with Jeff Moore and Joe Biaglow on location to review the findings of their investigation and to inspect site conditions. A gas well has impacted one commercial building located 90 feet northwest of the gas well, and also a single water well situated 114 feet north of the gas well on the same property where the gas well is located. A second commercial building and a residence are also located on the property. The second commercial building that is located 30 feet to the west of the gas well does not have a basement and has no indications of being impacted by stray gas, which was confirmed during inspection. The residence, which is 115 feet north of the well, was reported by Rettew as not being impacted. Findings of their investigation into the gas well indicate that this well produces from the Oriskany formation. Visible well construction consists of seven inch casing with a seven inch -to- five inch reducing swage, a casing hanger, three inch tubing and a gate valve. The well has a gas supply manifold coming off of the north side of it. The manifold has three supplies coming off of it with three regulators. Moore Well Service has plumbed the seven inch casing annulus to a vent with a charcoal filter. The annulus was actively venting at the time of this inspection. Moore Well Service reports the annulus has 5 to 6 PSI on it. Moore Well Service indicated that when the seven inch annulus is shut in, it causes gas to migrate into the basement of the commercial building, which is located on the northwest corner of the lot, and into an abandoned water well behind the residence on the property located north of the well. At the time I was on location, Rettew had opened the annulus for approximately two hours. LEL at the sampling port on the water well was 100%. Joe Biaglow indicated that the well had been used a |
1472137463 | 2016-08-23 | UrbanProduction Wells | No Violations | A meeting, onsite, was conducted to discuss various options to mitigate the stray gas migration emanating from the Peninsula Valley Historic & Education Foundation # 1 well. Attendees included from the Foundation were Karen Walters ( Executive Director ), Burt Evans ( caretaker of the property ), Foundation Board members Jack Harley, Iris Melzer and Jonathan Holoday, Jeff Moore ( Moore Well Services ), Tom Hill ( Regional Manager DOGRM ) and Bob Roush ( Summit Cty. DOGRM Inspector ). The stray gas migration is evidence that a casing string has failed Mr. Moore presented cost estimates to either fix or plug and abandon the well. Mr. Hill represented that which either method for mitigation is selected, the Foundation with have to comply with the Insurance and Bonding requirements of the State of Ohio ( 1509.07 ORC ) and register as an Owner. If the Owner desires to produced the well spacing regulations shall be in compliance as detailed in 1501:9-1-04 ( C-2 ) OAC. Since there were not any well records, for this well, filed with DOGRM, I researched the local area of Oriskany Sandstone development in the mid to late 1950s in order to determine the possible well construction and addressed that subject with the Foundation members. The Foundation members were informed that if they if they try and remediate the well that present day well construction rules would be enforced, which could affect the volume of natural gas available for consumption. The wellhead pressure was 110 psi and the 7 casing annular space was being vented to the atmosphere. Mr. Hill reiterated that time was of the essence in this matter. The meeting was adjourned so that the Foundation could discuss the matter. |
1477921901 | 2016-10-28 | Production Wells | Violations Noted | I inspected the Peninsula Valley Historic and Educational Foundation # 1 to as a follow up to a meeting conducted on 8/23/2016 with Thomas Hill, Bob Roush ( both of DOGRM ), the Board of Directors for the Peninsula Foundation and Moore Well Services. The meeting was held to discuss ( either remediate or plug and abandon ) a gas well on the Foundations property that had loss its mechanical integrity and was leaking natural gas into the shallow aquifer. At the meeting the Peninsula Foundations Board Members were given a time frame ( until 10/23/2016 ) to submit to DOGRM, for review and approval, a plan to either fix or plug the offending well. The Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management has not received the required submission as of 10/31/2016. The inspection of the Peninsula Valley Historic and Education Foundation # 1 revealed that was still actively venting. A natural gas odor was detected approximately 50 feet from the well head. The three (3) inch tubing had a gauge which indicated a pressure of 110 psi. The domestic usage manifolds valves were in the open position and appeared to be suppling natural gas to the structures on the property. The well owner / Operator shall submit a written plugging schedule to Robert Roush at Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management, 3575 Forest Lake Drive, Suite 150, Uniontown , OH, 44685 within 14 days, per OAC 1501:9-11-05(B), and plug the well within 30 days. The Well Owner / Operator will be notified if the plugging scgedule is approved or denied. |
1509024959 | 2017-10-26 | Final Restoration | No Violations | The area where the well was previously located was stable and growing grass. The wellhead fitting and piping have been removed from the location. Per the Foundations request, the vent pipe was left in place to serve as a marker for the P&Ad well location. The Peninsula Valley Historic Foundation # 1 met the requirements for Final Restoration designation. |
1583423846 | 2016-10-28 | Plug / Plug Back | No Violations | The well was plugged and abandoned on 6/15/2017 and final restoration has been performed. The violations detailed in the previous Notice of Violation ( # 1477921901 ) has been brought into compliance. |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Violation Code | Violation Comments |
1477921901 | US-OH-113664 | 2016-12-06 | Well shall be plugged | |
1477921901 | US-OH-113665 | 2016-12-06 | Defective casing, leaking well |
For data sources see[7]