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Well Details

Well ID: 34-055-21796
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Geauga
Municipality: Middlefield Township
Operator Name: DAVID R HILL INC
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2004-06-30
Spud Date: 2004-07-10
Spud Drilling Contractor: KILBARGER DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2004-07-14
Well Total Depth: 4192 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: <Latitude>
Longitude: -81.02025442

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2004-06-30 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:6/30/2004, Expired Date:6/30/2005 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:40, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Original Spud 2004-07-10 RBDMS Rec
Completed 2004-07-14 RBDMS Rec
Reached Total Depth 2004-07-14 RBDMS Rec
Completion Report Received 2004-11-05 RBDMS Rec
Construction Permit Expires 2005-06-30 RBDMS Rec
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15 RBDMS Rec

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2004-12-15 3992 4027 72

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 2100 Bbl 40000

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2004 DAVID R HILL INC 190 128 108
2005 DAVID R HILL INC 10266 883 365
2006 DAVID R HILL INC 3105 341 365
2007 DAVID R HILL INC 3469 295 365
2008 DAVID R HILL INC 2851 256 365
2009 DAVID R HILL INC 2439 146 365
2010 DAVID R HILL INC 2162 171 365
2011 DAVID R HILL INC 1561 207 365
2012 DAVID R HILL INC 1580 156 366
2013 DAVID R HILL INC 1955 157 365
2014 DAVID R HILL INC 1702 161 365
2015 DAVID R HILL INC 1269 151 365
2016 DAVID R HILL INC 1126 67 365
2017 DAVID R HILL INC 577 154 365
2018 DAVID R HILL INC 1031 91 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2004 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 130 108
2005 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 216 365
2006 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 242 365
2007 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 260 365
2008 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 82 365
2009 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 37 365
2010 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 27 365
2011 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 140 365
2012 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 58 366
2013 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 128 365
2014 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 47 365
2015 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 47 365
2016 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 24 365
2017 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 43 365
2018 DAVID R HILL INC Brine 14 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0162637864 2011-01-03 Production Wells No Violations Well and tank battery are in good repair. Replaced drain pipe cap during inspection.
0362281546 2009-12-07 Production Wells No Violations Tank battery, dike, identification sign, spacing all in good order. Wellhead is in good repair, lease road is stable.
0988620100 2015-04-06 Production Wells No Violations My inspection found the well to be equipped with a plunger lift unit. The annulus valve is open. The well and tank battery are in good repair. The tank battery consists of a 210 BBL production tank, a 210 BBL brine tank, and two mechanical separators. The proper identification is located on the tank battery and the wellhead. The lease road is in stable condition. The lease road and tank battery are being shared by permit number 2-1847.
1127614056 2018-04-05 Production Wells No Violations During this inspection, the well was observed to be equipped with a plunger lift assembly and the annulus and flow line valves were open. The production records for this well were current. The tank battery consisted of two 210 BBL tanks, two mechanical separators, and two sales lines with charts. Valves on the separators were open. The tank battery was diked and shared with well 2-1847. Legible signage was located at the well and tank battery. The lease access was stable. No violations observed.
1228328554 2008-12-03 Production Wells No Violations Well is in a corn field. Well is a rabbit well. Tank battery has two 210BBL tanks and two mechanical separators in it. Permit 1847 is produced into tank battery also. Dike is in good repair. Site is in good repair, lease road is stable and constructed out of durable material.
1532515392 2009-03-24 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Tank battery and well head are in good repair. Spacing is good. Well is in a corn field.

For data sources see[9]
