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Well Details

Well ID: 37-115-20716
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Susquehanna
Municipality: New Milford Township
Operator Name: SWN PROD CO LLC
Well Pad ID: 150828
Farm/Lease Name: BARK EM SQUIRREL 6H
License Status: Active
Spud Date: 2011-11-22
Permit Date: 2011-11-02
Unconventional Well: Y
Configuration: Horizontal Well
Latitude: 41.847861
Longitude: -75.757136

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 2012-11-08 2012-11-08 6829.00 4,329,864.0

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 FRA-405 Clearwater International Friction Reducer Distillates, petroleum, hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 27.50 0.02
Ammonium chloride 12125-02-9 5.00 0.00427000
Sodium chloride 7647-14-5 7.50 0.00641000
Ethoxylated C12-16 alcohols 68551-12-2 5.00 0.00427000
Southwestern Energy Water/Produced Water H2O + Disolved Salts 100.00 90.55
Quartz 14808-60-7 100.00 8.52
SI-115 Clearwater International Scale Inhibitor Phosphonic acid, [[(phosphonomethyl)imino]bis[2,1-ethanediylnitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis-,
sodium salt
22042-96-2 20.00 0.00233000
Sodium chloride 7647-14-5 5.00 0.00058000
K Bec Biocide Polyethylene glycol 25322-68-3 60.00 0.00837000
2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide 10222-01-2 20.00 0.00279000
15 HCl Acid Hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 15.00 0.12
Southwestern Energy Sand
AI-250 Clearwater International Acid Inhibitor Propargyl alcohol 107-19-7 40.00 0.00080000
2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 40.00 0.00080000
Isopropanol 67-63-0 40.00 0.00080000

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2011 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2012 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO 40,682.00 19 0.00 0 0.00 0
2013 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO 1,178,992.00 351 0.00 0 0.00 0
2014 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO 763,042.00 306 0.00 0 0.00 0
2015 SWN PROD CO LLC 696,469.00 324 0.00 0 0.00 0
2016 SWN PROD CO LLC 611,480.00 366 0.00 0 0.00 0
2017 SWN PROD CO LLC 299,339.00 360 0.00 0 0.00 0
2018 SWN PROD CO LLC 387,865.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2019 SWN PROD CO LLC 103,331.00 90 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
2012 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO Drill Cuttings (in Tons) 616.00 Tons LANDFILL THR029
2013 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO Fracturing Fluid Waste (in Tons) 16.51 Tons LANDFILL 101247
2015 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) 775.17 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2016 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 315.99 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2016 SWN PROD CO LLC Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 32.83 Bbl REUSE OTHER THAN ROAD SPREADING
2017 SWN PROD CO LLC Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 55.84 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 95-16-65420-013
2017 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 222.32 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 95-16-65420-013
2018 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 59.67 Bbl REUSE (AT WELL PAD)
2018 SWN PROD CO LLC Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 147.32 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 95-16-65420-013
2018 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 491.33 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 95-16-65420-013
2018 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 75.66 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 826342
2019 SWN PROD CO LLC Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 3.00 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 95-16-65420-013
2019 SWN PROD CO LLC Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 113.66 Bbl SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT 95-16-65420-013

For data sources see[6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
2022397 Primary Facility 2011-11-22 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted DEP on site 14:00. Minichi spud rig on site. In process of drilling 5H conductor. 6H conductor already set @ 48'. Concentric drilling rig setting 20" conductors. Drillers log on site and up to date. Site ID sign in place with proper information. Permit on site.
2031182 Primary Facility 2012-01-03 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted Falcon 17. Co. Man Mike Barber. Well not spudded yet...expect to be drilling in next few hours. Just completed 5H well. Drillers log on site and complete for 5H well. Log reports hole damp at 455'. No gas shows reported. Walked site. Secondary containment in place.
2130814 Primary Facility 2013-01-15 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2256451 Primary Facility 2014-03-25 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2335366 Primary Facility 2015-01-09 Incident- Response to Accident or Event No Violations Noted The Department was on site at the SWN Bark 'Em Squirrel Well Site to conduct a Spill Incident Investigation and met with Mike Tornes and Seth Tratthan
2404188 Primary Facility 2015-09-01 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2472570 Primary Facility 2016-04-07 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2482624 Primary Facility 2016-05-10 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2497084 Primary Facility 2016-06-29 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2540040 Primary Facility 2016-11-22 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted On 11/22/16, the Department conducted an inspection of the SWN RU 17 Bard Em Squirrel Pad as part of an investigation into a complaint that a nearby water supply may have been affected by natural gas drilling operations. As the attached photographs show, the pad was snow covered with no personnel present on the pad. During the inspection it appeared as if all 6 wells (1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, and 7H) present were in production, although recent correspondence from SWN suggests only 4 of the wells (1H, 2H, 3H, and 5H) were actually in production. The last well drilled and stimulated on this site is the 3H with drilling having been completed on 10/31/14 and stimulation having been completed on 1/4/15. In general, the pad appeared to be stable with no violations noted.
2571945 Primary Facility 2017-03-13 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted At time of inspection, arrived on site at 14:40p.m.

The cellar was full of gravel with water and ice on the top with no bubbling noticed. The (9x5) annulus vent pipe was open and set up with a Taylor plug to check for pressure with a Crystal pressure gauge, the valve going to the production tank was closed. There was 629psi on the production casing and 577psi on the production line. I took a walk around the location and there were no obvious concerns noticed. I left the site at 15:25p.m.

2663858 Primary Facility 2017-11-21 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted At time of inspection.

The well was in production. The cellar was full of gravel with water and ice on the top and there was no bubbling noticed. I took a walk around the location and there were no obvious concerns noticed. There were no violations noted.

2708493 Primary Facility 2018-03-21 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Today's inspection was conducted as a routine inspection. No E&S issues were identified. No violations noted.
2747729 Primary Facility 2018-06-18 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Today's inspection was conducted as a routine inspection. No E&S issues were observed. No violations noted.
2763794 Primary Facility 2018-08-15 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted At time of inspection.

The well was in production. The cellar was full of gravel with water on top and there was no bubbling noticed. I took a walk around the location and there were no obvious concerns noticed. There were no violations noted.

For data sources see[7]
