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Operator Details

Operator Name: R & B PETROLEUM, INC.
Other Operator Alias:
Country: Canada
Registered West Virginia Address:
Registered West Virginia Phone Number:

Addresses listed above are those on file with the relevant regulator.

For data sources see

Operator Well Data

Well ID State/Province County/Division Municipality/Subdivision License/Permit Date Spud Date Unconventional Configuration Well/License Status Well Pad ID
47-001-00883 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-00885 WV Barbour 1977-08-12 Vertical Completed
47-001-00886 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-00931 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-00932 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-00933 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-00934 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01033 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01058 WV Barbour 1978-09-01 Vertical Completed
47-001-01068 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01069 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01071 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01072 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01073 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01079 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01105 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01111 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01112 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01113 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01146 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01158 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01218 WV Barbour Never Drilled
47-001-01292 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01469 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-01683 WV Barbour Vertical Completed
47-001-02785 WV Barbour 2003-11-03 Vertical Completed
47-001-02792 WV Barbour 2004-09-07 Vertical Completed
47-001-02793 WV Barbour 2004-08-29 Vertical Completed
47-001-02805 WV Barbour Never Drilled
47-047-00654 WV McDowell 1976-02-05 Vertical Completed
47-047-00666 WV McDowell 1976-08-08 Vertical Completed
47-047-00725 WV McDowell Never Drilled
47-047-00764 WV McDowell 1978-09-20 Vertical Completed
47-047-00798 WV McDowell 1979-03-23 Vertical Completed
47-047-00821 WV McDowell 1979-09-19 Vertical Completed
47-047-00829 WV McDowell 1980-03-06 Vertical Completed
47-047-00844 WV McDowell 1980-10-15 Vertical Completed
47-047-00845 WV McDowell 1980-09-30 Vertical Completed
47-047-00861 WV McDowell 1981-08-23 Vertical Completed
47-047-00862 WV McDowell Never Drilled
47-047-00863 WV McDowell 1981-10-31 Vertical Completed
47-047-00885 WV McDowell 1982-08-13 Vertical Completed
47-047-00896 WV McDowell 1983-02-15 Vertical Completed
47-047-00907 WV McDowell 1984-09-05 Vertical Completed
47-047-00915 WV McDowell 1984-10-24 Vertical Completed
47-047-00916 WV McDowell Never Drilled
47-047-00973 WV McDowell 1987-08-06 Vertical Completed
47-083-00207 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00234 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00235 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00236 WV Randolph Never Drilled
47-083-00238 WV Randolph 1978-09-24 Vertical Completed
47-083-00247 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00248 WV Randolph 1979-03-05 Vertical Completed
47-083-00249 WV Randolph Never Drilled
47-083-00250 WV Randolph Never Drilled
47-083-00253 WV Randolph Never Drilled
47-083-00254 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00258 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00259 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00266 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00268 WV Randolph Never Drilled
47-083-00269 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00369 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00370 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00371 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00372 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00373 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00407 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00434 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-00694 WV Randolph 1982-08-24 Vertical Completed
47-083-00825 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-01056 WV Randolph Vertical Completed
47-083-01057 WV Randolph 1986-10-01 Vertical Completed
47-083-01127 WV Randolph Never Drilled
47-083-01171 WV Randolph 2000-09-16 Vertical Completed
47-083-01172 WV Randolph 2000-09-13 Vertical Completed
47-083-01174 WV Randolph 2001-08-30 Vertical Completed
47-083-01175 WV Randolph 2001-09-24 Vertical Completed
47-083-01176 WV Randolph 2001-09-17 Vertical Completed
47-083-01177 WV Randolph 2001-09-08 Vertical Completed
47-083-01189 WV Randolph Vertical Permitted
47-085-07051 WV Ritchie Vertical Completed
47-085-07052 WV Ritchie Vertical Completed
47-097-01742 WV Upshur Vertical Completed
47-097-01744 WV Upshur Vertical Completed
47-097-01745 WV Upshur Vertical Completed
47-097-01746 WV Upshur Vertical Completed
47-097-01747 WV Upshur Vertical Completed
47-097-01791 WV Upshur Vertical Completed
47-097-01847 WV Upshur Vertical Completed

For data sources see[1][2]


  1. "Digital Data Series-5". West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. 2019-04-04. Retrieved 2019-04-01. 
  2. "Well Location Data". West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. 2018-06-06. Retrieved 2019-05-08.