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Operator Details

Operator Name: SMITH, E. M., AND W. E. PARTNERSHIP
Other Operator Alias:
Country: Canada
Registered West Virginia Address:
Registered West Virginia Phone Number:

Addresses listed above are those on file with the relevant regulator.

For data sources see

Operator Well Data

Well ID State/Province County/Division Municipality/Subdivision License/Permit Date Spud Date Unconventional Configuration Well/License Status Well Pad ID
47-013-01935 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-01954 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-01966 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02034 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02035 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02058 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02062 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02088 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02207 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02222 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02257 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02296 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02300 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02313 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02323 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02330 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02338 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02871 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02872 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02873 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02874 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02875 WV Calhoun 1925-03-10 Vertical Completed
47-013-02876 WV Calhoun 1930-12-08 Vertical Completed
47-013-02877 WV Calhoun 1942-10-21 Vertical Completed
47-013-02878 WV Calhoun 1922-07-19 Vertical Completed
47-013-02879 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02880 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02881 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02882 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02883 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02884 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02885 WV Calhoun 1917-04-19 Vertical Completed
47-013-02886 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02898 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02910 WV Calhoun 1923-12-31 Vertical Completed
47-013-02913 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02917 WV Calhoun 1922-03-28 Vertical Completed
47-013-02918 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-02939 WV Calhoun Vertical Completed
47-013-04114 WV Calhoun 1990-06-21 Vertical Completed
47-013-04149 WV Calhoun 1991-08-02 Vertical Completed
47-013-04710 WV Calhoun 2009-05-15 2009-06-24 Vertical Completed
47-085-01028 WV Ritchie Vertical Completed
47-085-01036 WV Ritchie Vertical Completed
47-105-00402 WV Wirt Vertical Completed
47-105-00440 WV Wirt Vertical Completed

For data sources see[1][2]


  1. "Digital Data Series-5". West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. 2019-04-04. Retrieved 2019-04-01. 
  2. "Well Location Data". West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. 2018-06-06. Retrieved 2019-05-08.