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Operator Details

Other Operator Alias:
Country: United States
Registered Ohio Address: P O BOX 127, VINCENT, Ohio 45784-0127
Registered Ohio Phone Number: (740) 678-8172

Addresses listed above are those on file with the relevant regulator.

For data sources see[1]

Operator Well Data

Well ID State/Province County/Division Municipality/Subdivision License/Permit Date Spud Date Unconventional Configuration Well/License Status
34-167-22651 OH Washington Warren Township 1962-08-24 1962-09-12 Vertical Producing
34-167-22797 OH Washington Warren Township 1963-07-03 1963-07-04 Vertical Producing
34-167-22901 OH Washington Muskingum Township 1964-08-14 1964-08-12 Vertical Producing
34-167-23222 OH Washington Muskingum Township 1969-04-24 1969-05-08 Vertical Producing
34-167-23294 OH Washington Warren Township 1970-07-09 1970-07-01 Vertical Producing
34-167-23358 OH Washington Warren Township 1972-07-12 1972-08-10 Vertical Producing
34-167-23529 OH Washington Muskingum Township 1975-06-27 1976-08-10 Vertical Producing
34-167-23781 OH Washington Warren Township 1977-05-24 1977-06-20 Vertical Producing
34-167-23821 OH Washington Warren Township 1977-07-08 1977-08-22 Vertical Producing
34-167-24119 OH Washington Warren Township 1978-05-02 1978-07-10 Vertical Producing
34-167-24390 OH Washington Warren Township 1978-11-15 1978-11-30 Vertical Producing
34-167-24679 OH Washington Warren Township 1980-07-17 1979-06-01 Vertical Producing
34-167-24741 OH Washington Warren Township 1979-06-06 Vertical Producing
34-167-25451 OH Washington Warren Township 1980-03-26 Vertical Producing
34-167-25739 OH Washington Warren Township 1980-07-24 1980-07-26 Vertical Producing
34-167-26426 OH Washington Warren Township 1981-02-24 1981-06-01 Vertical Producing
34-167-27082 OH Washington Muskingum Township 1981-12-31 1982-02-05 Vertical Producing
34-167-27105 OH Washington Warren Township 1982-03-04 1982-04-26 Vertical Producing
34-167-27308 OH Washington Warren Township 1982-10-19 1982-11-01 Vertical Producing
34-167-27549 OH Washington Warren Township 1983-09-15 1983-09-15 Vertical Producing
34-167-27581 OH Washington Warren Township 1985-11-13 1985-11-20 Vertical Producing
34-167-27675 OH Washington Warren Township 1984-01-31 1984-02-02 Vertical Producing
34-167-27743 OH Washington Warren Township 1984-05-02 1984-10-26 Vertical Producing
34-167-27765 OH Washington Warren Township 1986-03-10 1986-08-01 Vertical Field Inspected, Well Not Found
34-167-28268 OH Washington Barlow Township 2002-06-18 1985-11-18 Vertical Final Restoration
34-167-28377 OH Washington Barlow Township 2002-06-18 1986-03-19 Vertical Final Restoration
34-167-28381 OH Washington Warren Township 1986-04-01 Vertical Producing

For data sources see[2]
