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Well Details

Well ID: 34-103-25011
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Medina
Municipality: Seville
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: BLEACH TECH(SMP #1)
License Status: Plugged and Abandoned
License Date: 2014-11-17
Spud Date: 2007-08-02
Spud Drilling Contractor: H A D INC
Final Drill Date: 2007-08-31
Well Total Depth: 2462 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.029263872
Longitude: -81.87489972

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2006-12-12 Proposed Formations:SALINA F1 SALT, Issued Date:12/12/2006, Expired Date:12/12/2007 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:, Proposed Well Type:SM, Proposed Well Class:SMP
Reached Total Depth 2007-08-31
Completion Report Received 2008-03-19
Last Compliance Report 2012-10-24
Plugged/Abandoned 2014-10-17
APP 2014-11-17 Proposed Formations:SALINA, Issued Date:11/17/2014, Expired Date:11/16/2016 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:0, Proposed Well Type:SM, Proposed Well Class:SMP
Record Last Modified 2015-09-24
Construction Permit Expires 2016-11-16

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments

For data sources see[3]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0154091352 2007-08-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations J.D. Drilling at top of cement ready to drill out.
0179038976 2007-08-30 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Arrive to run 4 inch casing and found that we are waiting on cement crew.It takes both crews to do the job and after waiting found that job was cancelled because one crew was stuck on a job and would be latenight before they could make it.
0203745442 2007-09-12 Solution Mining Project No Violations Arrive today to grout well to surface today. Used 6 yards of 9 sk grout and was able to bring cement to surface.
0239857033 2007-08-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations J.D Drilling is at 383 on surface with the rig broke down and will wait until Monday to start again .
0322727412 2007-07-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Rig is moving today and Friday .Start drilling Monday or after .This is a U.IC. Solution Mine Project
0329387681 2007-11-29 Solution Mining Project No Violations Check for restoration and found pits closed area graded.
0343029420 2007-10-10 Solution Mining Project No Violations This well has a service rig on well to drill out the bottom shoe and it is not going as planned.This well was to be logged later today but will have to re-scheduled for another day.
0376825593 2012-04-06 Solution Mining Project No Violations During my last inspection of this site there was an open pit on site. I returned today to check the pit liner and to see if pit was pumped off. The pit has a liner, which remains in place. The pit has been pumped off but has not been closed. The empty pit can remain until the service work has been completed next month.
0447517964 2007-08-31 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Run 4 inch casing to 2414 ft. and cemented with 630 sks to surface.Petroset - Paul - Rich -
0449973092 2007-09-06 Solution Mining Project No Violations Arrive for bond log today at 8 am. Then they are a no show and they are on the way and at 11 they arrived and after running in to bottom they broke down.
0619787254 2010-06-08 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Priliminary restoration has been passed but service rig has been back and some restoration work is needed. Rig is scheduled around the 4 th of July so after that the work can be completed.
0644698142 2010-05-03 Solution Mining Project No Violations Check wells and found them in operation.
0654263317 2007-08-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Nobody here so I am guessing that they are still broke down .
0695559610 2007-09-06 Solution Mining Project No Violations On site for cement bond log today which was guaranteed at 8 :30 today.They did call at that time and said they are a few minutes away.At 11 am they arrived and ran in to bottom and then broke down.
0805426966 2007-08-13 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Rig is at 385 ft on surface hole. Will start today
0877335059 2007-08-15 Solution Mining Project No Violations JD Drilling ran 560 ft. of 8 5/8 casing c/w 290 sks .Petroset - Paul -121/4 hole
0881296309 2007-08-27 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations J.D. Drilling is at 1840 ft. on 7 7/8 hole dusting .
0948092597 2014-10-22 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Visited location on 10/22/2014 to check cement top. Top of cement remained at ~15-20 below ground level. Will continue to check on well to ensure no change in location of top of cement.
0985728227 2007-09-04 Completion Testing No Violations Wait on Log truck to run Bond log.And after waiting I found that it could not make it.
1023886063 2014-10-20 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Visited location on 10/20/2014 to check cement top. Top of cement seen at ~15-20 below ground level. Will continue to check on well to ensure no change in location of top of cement.
1176309652 2014-12-11 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Visited location on 12/11/2014. Permanent monument with permit number has been installed at the well.
1195024917 2012-01-24 Solution Mining Project No Violations Bishop Well Service is working to repair well today. There has been a roof collapse which parted the tubing. There is also a problem with the top of the 4.5 casing which has rotted off and needs repaired. Today they are going to run more fiberglass tubing back in hole and place a packer just below the bad 4.5 casing. While this is only a temporary repair they can operate until all of the equipment is in place in order to dig up around the well and make the proper repairs. They tested the packer and the well is back in operation.
1251091410 2014-10-23 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Visited location on 10/23/2014 to check cement top. Top of cement remained at ~15-20 below ground level. Will continue to check on well to ensure no change in location of top of cement.
1320881537 2007-08-31 Solution Mining Project No Violations Cement 4 inch casing from 2450 ft. to surface with 630 sks cement.Petroset - Rich -Had latch down at 1800 P.S.I. After having trouble dispacing cement.
1433599064 2007-09-05 Solution Mining Project No Violations Wait on log truck again and after 2 hours I felt that they would not show up again and left.Cement bond log is needed after poor cement circulation.
1441035461 2008-09-10 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Meets requirements for Primary restoration.
1456562969 2014-10-16 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Arrived on location on 10/16/2014 to witness plugging operations at the Bleachtech #2 well. Steve Ochs was also onsite to witness plugging operations. Appalachian Wireline was already onsite and rigged up. Decision made to attempt another pressure test prior to shooting off the tubing. Attempted test repeatedly - all tests failed. Left to attend meeting; Steve Ochs remained onsite to witness shooting off the tubing and setting the bottom plug.
1491918513 2007-08-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Rig is broke down today and is not going to be drilling.
1499468489 2008-03-21 Solution Mining Project No Violations Well is in operation. Portable pump attached to well head. GPS location.
1533942139 2007-10-08 Solution Mining Project No Violations Pressure test well for 15 minute test at 500 P.S.I. Test passed with no drop off of pressure.
1535565937 2007-09-12 Solution Mining Project No Violations Used 5 yards of 9 sk grout to cement well to surface.
1580742264 2014-10-15 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Arrived on location on 10/15/2014 to witness plugging operations at the Bleachtech #2 well. Bishop Well Service was on location, finishing pulling tubing and preparing to set the bridge plug. Appalachian Wireline arrived, rigged up, and ran in the hole to set the bridge plug. Decision made to set bridge plug at 2,357, as it is within 50 of the bottom of the hole, in good quality cement, and outside of the collar. Set bridge plug and rig down Appalachian Wireline. Pressured well up 500# to test bridge plug per special plugging conditions - test failed almost immediately. Worked tubing up and down and tested again - test failed. While working tubing up and down, the packer got stuck above the bridge plug. Decision made to shut down for the day and resume operations tomorrow. Plan forward is to shoot off tubing above the packer and set 200 bottom plug in the morning.
1615734491 2007-08-30 Solution Mining Project No Violations Run 4 inch casing in well , wait on cement crew to cement casing which has to be witnessed and cement crew cancelled job.The job was cancelled because two full crews are needed to circulate cement from top to bottom and one crew could not get free.
1741391819 2007-08-02 Solution Mining Project No Violations Rig moving today and may start drilling .
1796661606 2014-10-17 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Arrived on location on 10/17/2014 to witness plugging operations at the Bleachtech #2 well. Ran in the hole with 2 3/8 tubing to tag cement. Tagged top of cement at 2,099. Rigged up Petroset. Established circulation prior to setting the all plugs. Tripped out of hole with tubing and ran back in with open-ended tubing in order to run hulls with the top plug. Cemented well to surface. After pulling remaining tubing, the cement fell down ~5-6. Will monitor well per special plugging conditions for at least a week and then top off with bagged Portland cement.
1841911274 2012-04-04 Solution Mining Project No Violations I was on site today to witness a downhole camera go in the well. We found the camera would only go to 2300. The tubing has been cut off from a roof collapse. The operator wanted to see what was at 2300 so he could determine how to correct his well. Bill Davis/ Service Co. will run fiberglass tubing back in the well and see if it will go through an obstruction at 2300.
1859551740 2014-10-21 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Visited location on 10/21/2014 to check cement top. Top of cement remained at ~15-20 below ground level. Will continue to check on well to ensure no change in location of top of cement.
1948305040 2012-10-03 Solution Mining Project No Violations On location to conduct a Water-Brine interface mechanical integrity test.
1990585353 2014-10-27 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Visited location on 10/27/2014 to check on the status of the top of cement. The cement top remains at ~15-20 below ground level.
2022803398 2007-09-05 Solution Mining Project No Violations Arrive to run bond log and the log truck is on the way , no there broke down and will not make it again today.
2143074898 2007-09-04 Solution Mining Project No Violations Arrive to witness cement bond log and after waiting 2 hours found job cancelled.

For data sources see[4]
