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Well Details

Well ID: 0274270907020
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 02/07-09-027-27W4/0
Location Alias: 02/07-09-27-27 W4M
Location Alias 2: 02/07-09-027-27 W4/00
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 027
Meridian: 4
Range: 27
Section: 09
County/Municipality: Rocky View County
Well Name: EMBER 102 ENTICE 7-9-27-27
Operator Name: Ember Resources Inc.
License Number: 0238720
License Date: 2000-06-19
License Status: Issued
Spud Date: 2000-06-23
Final Drill Date: 2000-07-05
Well Total Depth: 1191.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 51.291050
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.740119

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
2000-06-19 Obtained License
2000-06-23 Surface Casing Operation Performed
2000-07-05 Finished Drilling
2000-07-05 Production Casing Operation Performed
2000-07-05 Rig Released
2000-07-05 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
2000-07-11 Well Log Performed
2000-08-21 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2000-09-14 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2000-09-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2004-04-30 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2004-06-22 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2006-12-27 Well Began Production
2006-12-27 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2006-12-27 Well Mode changed to Flowing
2008-01-11 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2008-01-31 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2009-12-09 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2009-12-12 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2009-12-23 Well Fluid changed to Coalbed Methane-Coals and Other
2009-12-23 Well Mode changed to Flowing

For data sources see[3]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2000-08-21 Perforation 1061.00 1066.00 7
2000-09-14 Perforation 968.00 971.00 7
2000-09-25 Perforation 849.00 852.00 7
2004-04-30 Perforation 573.00 576.00 13
2004-06-22 Fracture 573.00 576.00 0
2008-01-11 Perforation 658.00 661.00 13
2008-01-11 Perforation 290.00 293.00 13
2008-01-31 Fracture 658.00 661.00 0
2008-01-31 Fracture 290.00 293.00 0
2009-12-09 Perforation 584.40 584.90 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 477.80 478.30 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 474.40 474.90 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 599.10 599.60 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 664.70 665.20 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 662.60 663.10 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 601.10 601.60 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 413.00 417.00 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 351.00 352.00 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 338.50 339.50 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 342.60 343.60 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 456.20 456.70 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 420.40 420.90 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 390.30 390.80 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 755.40 756.40 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 750.50 751.50 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 737.60 738.10 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 758.60 759.10 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 778.60 779.10 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 775.20 775.70 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 768.30 768.80 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 704.40 704.90 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 696.20 699.20 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 675.60 676.60 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 709.90 710.40 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 724.50 725.00 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 734.00 734.50 13
2009-12-09 Perforation 723.40 723.90 13
2009-12-12 Fracture 338.50 417.00 0
2009-12-12 Fracture 342.60 779.10 0

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
2006 120 0.0 0.0 0.0
2007 8759 0.0 0.0 0.0
2008 8783 0.0 0.0 0.0
2009 8759 0.0 0.0 0.0
2010 8743 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 8753 0.0 0.0 0.0
2012 8782 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 8759 0.0 0.0 0.0
2014 8740 0.0 0.0 0.0
2015 8749 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 8783 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 8759 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018 8759 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 8759 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020 2183 0.0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[5]

