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Well ID: 0344200601000 | Loading map...
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Location: 00/01-06-034-20W4/0 | |
Location Alias: 00/01-06-34-20 W4M | |
Location Alias 2: 00/01-06-034-20 W4/00 | |
Country: Canada | |
Province: Alberta | |
Township: 034 | |
Meridian: 4 | |
Range: 20 | |
Section: 06 | |
County/Municipality: Starland County | |
Well Name: 981384 ROWLEY 1-6-34-20 | |
Operator Name: Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. | |
License Number: 0346439 | |
License Date: 2005-12-21 | |
License Status: Suspension | |
Spud Date: 2006-02-09 | |
Final Drill Date: 2006-02-10 | |
Well Total Depth: 422.50 m | |
Surface Hole Latitude: 51.884915 | |
Surface Hole Longitude: -112.821811 |
Date | Event |
2005-12-21 | Obtained License |
2006-02-09 | Surface Casing Operation Performed |
2006-02-10 | Finished Drilling |
2006-02-10 | Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased |
2006-02-11 | Production Casing Operation Performed |
2006-02-11 | Rig Released |
2006-02-22 | Well Log Performed |
2006-03-03 | Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation |
2006-03-03 | Well Log Performed |
2006-06-24 | Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured |
For data sources see[3]
Perforation Date | Perforation Type | Interval Top (m) | Interval Base (m) | Number of Shots |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 389.90 | 390.50 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 361.00 | 362.00 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 347.40 | 347.90 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 313.40 | 314.00 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 312.10 | 312.90 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 307.40 | 307.90 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 300.30 | 300.60 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 293.00 | 293.90 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 284.70 | 285.00 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 280.90 | 282.70 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 280.00 | 280.60 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 269.70 | 270.20 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 256.30 | 256.80 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 229.90 | 230.20 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 223.70 | 224.00 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 204.80 | 205.10 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 200.10 | 200.40 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 171.60 | 171.90 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 155.50 | 156.30 | 17 |
2006-03-03 | Perforation | 147.80 | 148.20 | 17 |
2006-06-24 | Fracture | 147.80 | 390.50 | 0 |
For data sources see[4]