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Well Details

Well ID: 34-133-21473
Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date:

Production Data


Waste Data


Inspection Data

-1186889465 2008-12-17 Status check inspection found no violations at this time.
-1284440370 2008-03-31 Quarterly status inspection found no violations at this time. I did call Dave Ballentine and requested that he attend to several housekeeping issues around the loading pad and tank battery.
-1310867745 2003-07-17 Status check inspection - the needle valves on both the injection and annular sides are heavily corroded and need to be replaced.
-1390280194 2006-02-28 Salt water disposal well quarterly status check. No violations at this time.
-1520455209 2011-06-14 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The company pressure gauge on the annulus was broken but could not be removed to check the annulus pressure. I asked B&B to replace the gauge.
-1618852364 2013-09-25 My inspection of the well and injection facility found no violations.
-1794938019 2002-04-24 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 18 Inspectors Claus and Worstall checked UIC pressures and inspected the facility. The injection system was operating during the inspection. Met with landowner/operator (Mr. Ferrara) and requested a general improvement in housekeeping practices.
-1814706466 2006-12-11 Quarterly status inspection found no violations at this time.
-1894009940 2013-06-12 My inspection of the well and surface facility found no violations.
-198723090 2004-02-19 Status check inspection - no violations at this time. Could not get an annular pressure due to valve frozen or seized. Both the tank battery and the well have proper identification. 180# injection.
-2001721559 2009-03-03 Quarterly status check inspection found general housekeeping issues at this time. The concrete vault connected to the slit drain in the unloading pad is full and needs to be pumped. Used sock filters need to be picked up inside of the pump house. A pressure valve failed at the wellhead and sprayed a small 3x3 area. The impacted vegetation needs to be removed and the valve replaced.
-2059817421 2009-09-10 Status check inspection found that the injection and annulus pressures are still close but not equalized. I still could not verify the injection pressure with the MRM gauge.
-258088677 2008-08-25 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The well is operating below the maximum allowable injection pressure.
-275704762 2010-09-11 Heagan successfully recovered the remaining 2-3/8" tubing and the old packer. On this morning Heagan ran a reconditioned Halliburton R-4 packer on a string of 2-7/8" tubing. I witnessed the packer going in the hole and Inspector Roberts witnessed the MIT. After the packer reached setting depth, five gallons of inhibitor was mixed with 80 bbl of fresh water and the mixture was pumped down the tubing and up through the annulus until the inhibitor mixture circulated to surface. The packer was set in tension at 4118.5 by pulling 15,000# over string weight. The annulus was pressured up to 1198 psi. After 15 minutes, the annulus pressure had fallen to 1181 psi for a total loss of 17 psi. The pressure loss was well below the allowed loss of 60 psi. The MIT was successful and the Compliance Notice is resolved.
-288464133 2014-01-10 Service rig was running into the well in order to tag bottom. No violations were found.
-314001160 2005-08-23 Status check inspection - no violations at this time. I spoke with Dave Ballentine about cleaning up the tank battery and maintenance around the wellhead. He stated that he intended to complete the tank battery and maintenance work this fall.
-421507322 2012-03-28 No violations were found at the time of inspection.
-462622723 2006-05-02 Status check inspection found no violations at this time. I did talk to Dave Ballentine and told him to reclaim the disturbed area around the wellhead, replace the damaged ID sign and paint the tank battery.
-463305106 2014-01-13 I was on location with Inspector Steve Ochs to observe workover operations on this well. The operator discovered that there was a hole in the 4.5" casing and were running a bond log to find the top of the cement. Their plan was to run in with tubing and a packer and pressure test zones to find the hole. No violations.
-568161232 2004-08-12 Salt water disposal well - no violations at this time. I will contact Twinoaks regarding a replacement schedule for three of the four 210 bbl tanks. The tanks are deteriorating and need attention.
-583967160 2014-01-16 The service rig was drilling out the composite bridge plug. All conditions were acceptable.
-590102265 2005-02-25 Status check inspection of this salt water disposal well and storage system. No violations at this time.
-610490657 2009-11-17 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
-67125542 2006-08-30 Quarterly status check inspection. No violations at this time.
1014468226 2010-08-31 Quarterly status check inspection found that the injection pressure and annulus pressure had equalized at 680 psi. The injection pump was running at the time. I contacted Dave Ballentine and told him of the problem and requested that the system be shut down until the problem can be corrected. He will schedule a MIT as soon as possible.
1078078730 2009-08-27 Status check inspection found the injection pressure and the annulus pressure nearly equal. The injection pressure could not be verified with the MRM issued gauge due to the fact that the B&B gauge could not be removed. I advised the company that the pressures would be rechecked next week and if they remained nearly equal or equal, a MIT would be required.
1101777927 2004-11-18 I received a call from Red Davis with Twinoaks informing me that this disposal well has been sold to B&B Oilfield Services (Dave Ballentine). I spoke with Dave Balentine and told him what was necessary to get this well back into operation. The leaking 210 bbl storage tanks need to be repaired or replaced and the pump house needs cleaned out. Ballentine said that he planned to replace three 210 bbl tanks with two 300 bbl horizontal tanks.
1130949139 2005-10-24 Witnessed pulling, reconditioning, and running Halliburton R-4 packer. Witnessed MIT on the packer. Test passed.
1135263691 2005-12-06 Completed a MIT on the 2" injection line from the pump house to the wellhead. The test was conducted with Barton Well Service. The initial shut in pressure was 1180 psi, after 5 minutes the pressure was 1180 psi and after 15 minutes, the pressure was 1180 psi. The injection line passed the MIT.
1189627869 2007-08-30 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
1212092734 2008-05-21 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
1216i33 2001-11-07 No violations noted this date. Last inspection: 09-12-2001
1284377435 2010-09-11 I witnessed the running in the hole with 2 7/8" tubing. The tubing length is 4115.55'. The B & B pump truck pumped 63 barrels of fresh water with Halliburton corrosion inhibitor AN HIBII. The Halliburton R-4 packer was set at 4118.55' in 15,000# tension. The annulus was pressured up to 1198 psi. The pressure after 5 minutes was 1198 psi. The 15 minute pressure was 1181 psi. This well passed MIT.
1301579988 2011-11-02 I performed the quarterly UIC test on the annulus and the injection. The well was not running. There were no violations at this time.
1302293285 2011-03-21 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The vault associated with the loading pad was full and I contacted Dave Ballentine and asked that the vault be emptied.
131618200 2010-05-20 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. Used the company gauge for the annulus pressure.
1324557525 2011-12-21 John Fleming and myself witnessed the pressure testing of the injection line from the tank battery to the wellhead by Dave Balentine. The line was pressured up to 1200 PSI and there was no pressure lost in 15 minutes. The injection line passed and there were no violations at this time.
1360093060 2012-11-13 My inspection of the surface facility found the new tank battery dike constructed. The liner was installed. The operator was in the process of spreading out sand over the liner. All completed construction was acceptable.
1390923104 2014-01-17 I was on location with inspector Steve Ochs to witness the setting of the packer and the mechanical integrity test (MIT) at this active injection well. Petrowell, Nabors, Pryamid Pipeline, Baker Atlas, and Northeast Ohio Oilfield Services were on location conducting operations. Petrowell ran 2.875" tubing into the hole with a packer and an on/off tool and set the packer. They came off of the tool and Nabors began circulating the hole with freshwater and pumped 3 gallons of corrosion inhibitor into the annulus between the tubing and 4.5" casing. Pyramid pumped diesel fuel to fill the top of the annulus to prevent freezing and damage to the casing and tubing in cold conditions. The tubing was placed back on the on/off tool and Nabors rigged up to conduct the MIT test. The test was conducted at 1410psi and after 15 minutes the pressure had not dropped. The test passed and the well can resume operations. See Inspector Ochs' report for details on this job. No violaltions.
1404327282 2014-06-30 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
1433981518 2010-09-02 The quarterly status check inspection found that the injection and annulus pressures were equalized indicating that the packer or tubing has failed. Barton Well Treating was on site to complete a mechanical integrity test on the annulus. The annular pressure increased less than 100 psi after pumping four barrels of water. Dave Ballentine is scheduling a service rig to unseat and pull the packer.
1637266940 2011-08-03 I performed the quarterly UIC test on the annulus and the injection. The well was running. There were no violations at this time.
1684639158 2014-01-14 A contractor was running a bond log. No violations were found.
1879485 2002-04-24 Inspectors Claus and Worstall checked UIC pressures and inspected the facility. The injection system was operating during the inspection. Met with landowner/operator (Mr. Ferrara) and requested a general improvement in housekeeping practices.
2154i245 2002-06-25 4-24-02 Inspectors Claus and Worstall requested Mr. Ferrara to install new needle valves at the wellhead and informed him that the injection pump shed should be cleaned up. 5-29-02 Inspector Claus showed Jay Cheslock (North Region Assistant Manager) the injection pump shed. Mr. Cheslock agreed that the pump shed should be cleaned up. 6-25-02 System was not running. Unable to get an injection pressure reading due to a bad needle valve. Met with Mr. Ferrara and requested him to replace the injection needle valve and the annulus needle valve. The pump shed still needs cleaned up. Issued N.O.V. 9-3-04(A)
2154i245 2002-06-25 4-24-02 Inspectors Claus and Worstall requested Mr. Ferrara to install new needle valves at the wellhead and informed him that the injection pump shed should be cleaned up. 5-29-02 Inspector Claus showed Jay Cheslock (North Region Assistant Manager) the injection pump shed. Mr. Cheslock agreed that the pump shed should be cleaned up. 6-25-02 System was not running. Unable to get an injection pressure reading due to a bad needle valve. Met with Mr. Ferrara and requested him to replace the injection needle valve and the annulus needle valve. The pump shed still needs cleaned up. Issued N.O.V. 9-3-05(A)3
2154i395 2002-08-22 Needs additional clean-up in pump house. System was running. 9-3-04(A)
437918227 2005-06-01 Status check inspection for this salt water disposal well. Ownership of the well recently changed to B&B from Twinoaks. The 210 bbl tanks need to repaired of replaced and the pumphouse needs to be cleaned. I will contact Dave Ballentine about starting this work. No violations at this time.
448725675 2007-05-09 Quarterly status check found no violations at this time.
528747897 2010-09-10 Heagen Well Service is on site to release and unseat the old Halliburton R-4 packer. When pulling the packer, the tubing parted. At this time, Heagen was picking up fishing tools and will attempt to recover the remaining tubing and the packer. If successful, the new packer and a new string of 2-7/8" tubing will be run in the hole tomorrow.
634615893 2009-06-10 The trash and debris have been removed from in and around the tank battery and the pump house as requested. While they were not leaking this day, there is still concern for the condition of the manway hatch seals on the easternmost tanks. They will need to checked regularly.
718254906 2009-05-21 I called Dave Ballentine about removing impacted vegetation around the wellhead and cleaning up trash and debris around the tank battery.
808607029 2002-06-25 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 2154i245 4-24-02 Inspectors Claus and Worstall requested Mr. Ferrara to install new needle valves at the wellhead and informed him that the injection pump shed should be cleaned up. 5-29-02 Inspector Claus showed Jay Cheslock (North Region Assistant Manager) th 9-3-04(A)
808607029 2002-06-25 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 2154i245 4-24-02 Inspectors Claus and Worstall requested Mr. Ferrara to install new needle valves at the wellhead and informed him that the injection pump shed should be cleaned up. 5-29-02 Inspector Claus showed Jay Cheslock (North Region Assistant Manager) th 9-3-05(A)3
844038743 2012-12-18 My inspection of the injection facility found no violations. Sod was installed on the dike walls.
8479069 2002-03-14 Injection well was running at the time of the inspection. No Violations.
905534748 2014-01-17 A Baker Hughes Lok set packer was set in compression at 4086 feet. A mechanical integrity test was performed on the well. 1410 psi. of pressure was placed on the tubing/casing annulus. The test passed.
907131595 2014-03-07 The work over pit was closed. The lease road and well site will need restored, when the weather permits. There were no violations at the time of inspection.
iTOMK000081 2000-07-13 03
iTOMK000081 2000-07-13 9-3-05(B)4
UIC1064 1991-02-27 1501:9-3-05 (A) (6) CONSTRUCTION
UIC1065 1991-02-27 1501:9-3-04 POLLUTION
UIC1414 1993-05-05 1509.03 RULES & REGULATIONS
UIC1415 1993-05-05 1501: 9-3-04 (A) PREVENT CONTAMINATE
UIC1445 1993-08-20 ACTION 940218 1509.22 (A) (2) STORAGE & DISPOSAL
UIC1446 1993-08-20 1501: 9-3-04 PREVENT CONTAMINATE
UIC1447 1993-08-20 1509.072 RESTORATION
UIC1450 1993-11-22 1509.22 (A) (2) STORAGE & DISPOSAL
UIC1451 1993-11-22 1501: 9-3-04 (A) PREVENT CONTAMINATE
UIC1669 1997-06-10 1501:9-3-07(H),1501:9-3-8 EMPTY PITS
UIC897 1990-04-20 1509.22 A STORAGE AND DISPOSAL