I went to the site and conducted a pre-construction site inspection with Cody Theimer, Chesapeake Field Representative.
I witnessed the cementing of the conductor casing. Express Energy Services drilled a 36" diameter hole to 100'. Water was encountered at a depth of approximately 40'. Express installed 100' of 30" OD casing. Express Energy Services was the cementing contractor. The cement was mudscaled at 15.6 pounds per gallon (ppg). Express pumped 71.87 bbls of cement slurry at 15.6 ppg. The cement was displaced with 73.5 bbls of water. Cement returns to surface were observed. An estimated 3 bbls of cement returned to surface. Displacement was completed at 6:17pm on 01/27/2013.
I reviewed the site to assess the completion of preliminary restoration. There is a sign board at the access road entry featuring the well name, permit number and emergency contact information. The access road has a padlocked gate a short distance from State Route 172. The access road is in good repair. Drainage and erosion controls were in place and appear to be functioning. Ground cover was well established along the access road. I found the drilling/production pad to be enclosed entirely with a chain link fence with barbed wire at the top, and with a padlocked gate. The pad has a crushed limestone surface, and is in good repair. Along the interior of the chain link fence there are two site drains installed ? one at the northwest corner, and one at the south-central perimeter of the pad. The valves to the drains were closed. There is some standing water along some of the pad edges. I walked the exterior perimeter and noted that the berm is in good repair and ground cover is well established. The area of disturbance around the pad has good ground cover. Crops are growing well outside the area of disturbance. The soil stockpile is well stabilized with vegetation. A closed-loop, above-ground drilling pit system was used, so there are no earthen pits requiring closure. The well has been hydraulically fractured, and has a Christmas tree valve assembly. There are bull gates and concrete barriers surrounding the wellhead and cellar to prevent vehicle impacts. There are grates over the cellar to prevent falls. There is no ID tag on the well, but it is the only one on the site. The cellar is full of water to the top. There is no production equipment at the site. The mouse hole has not been plugged, but has a steel plate welded on top. Preliminary restoration approval will not be granted pending installation of production equipment and re-inspection.
While driving to another location, I noticed construction activity at the well site. I stopped and spoke with onsite personnel. Production equipment was being installed, and pipelines connected. The onsite personnel indicated that their work would be done soon. When the snow melts, I will return and complete the preliminary restoration inspection.
I stopped at the location to check on the drilling rig moving out. Much of the equipment was moved, but transportation of equipment was still in progress.
I was at the site checking the drilling progress. Envirodrill was nearing TD for the mine string, but drilling very slowly. The hole was making water since reaching 190'.