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Well Details

Well ID: 34-115-24641
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Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 2008-11-13
Producing: No
Violations: 8
Latitude: 39.677894384
Longitude: -81.9957885197

Production Data


Waste Data


Inspection Data

-1191861871 2014-06-23 Compliance Action Follow-up -194364511: The side slope of the dike still has not been restored from previous contamination. I spoke with Sean Altier and he said he will get his son down there to till area and plant seed.
-1743896654 2010-05-13 Follow-up on NOV, Non-Compliance, no action has been taken to complete Preliminary Restoration. Rob Stonerock called company and explained that restoration was past due and if not complied with a forfeiture of Bond may be issued.
-194364511 2013-09-09 The pumpjack was pumping when I arrived on location. The wellhead has a stuffing box leak which is causing oil contamination down into the conductor pipe and all over the wellhead. There are two 100 bbl tanks in the dike and at the base of the brine tank there is a puddle of brine contamination as a result of a disconnected steel line. It appears as if someone unscrewed the bull plug. There was also a disconnected steel elbow piece laying at the opening. There is a large kill area 15'x 60' leading from the dike and drain pipe downhill to the gate. There is a creek just next to the area, however there is no evidence of the contamination reaching the waters. It appears as if someone released the tubing inside the dike to allow the brine contaminated water to drain downhill. It also appears that the dike was overflowing and seeping the contamination in certain areas. The operator must repair or replace any faulty equipment at the wellhead and in the dike. The operator must remove all contamination at the wellhead and in and around the dike. The operator must lime, seed and mulch the area in order to restore vegetative growth. I talked to Tim Altier and he is going to try and get a hold of his brother Sean Altier, who pumps the wells, in order to take care of the issues. Sean Altier retuned my call and didn't know anything about the issues and will head out there tonight to take a look and get things cleaned up this week. 9-1-07
-194364511 2013-09-09 The pumpjack was pumping when I arrived on location. The wellhead has a stuffing box leak which is causing oil contamination down into the conductor pipe and all over the wellhead. There are two 100 bbl tanks in the dike and at the base of the brine tank there is a puddle of brine contamination as a result of a disconnected steel line. It appears as if someone unscrewed the bull plug. There was also a disconnected steel elbow piece laying at the opening. There is a large kill area 15'x 60' leading from the dike and drain pipe downhill to the gate. There is a creek just next to the area, however there is no evidence of the contamination reaching the waters. It appears as if someone released the tubing inside the dike to allow the brine contaminated water to drain downhill. It also appears that the dike was overflowing and seeping the contamination in certain areas. The operator must repair or replace any faulty equipment at the wellhead and in the dike. The operator must remove all contamination at the wellhead and in and around the dike. The operator must lime, seed and mulch the area in order to restore vegetative growth. I talked to Tim Altier and he is going to try and get a hold of his brother Sean Altier, who pumps the wells, in order to take care of the issues. Sean Altier retuned my call and didn't know anything about the issues and will head out there tonight to take a look and get things cleaned up this week. 9-9-05(A)8
-194364511 2013-09-09 The pumpjack was pumping when I arrived on location. The wellhead has a stuffing box leak which is causing oil contamination down into the conductor pipe and all over the wellhead. There are two 100 bbl tanks in the dike and at the base of the brine tank there is a puddle of brine contamination as a result of a disconnected steel line. It appears as if someone unscrewed the bull plug. There was also a disconnected steel elbow piece laying at the opening. There is a large kill area 15'x 60' leading from the dike and drain pipe downhill to the gate. There is a creek just next to the area, however there is no evidence of the contamination reaching the waters. It appears as if someone released the tubing inside the dike to allow the brine contaminated water to drain downhill. It also appears that the dike was overflowing and seeping the contamination in certain areas. The operator must repair or replace any faulty equipment at the wellhead and in the dike. The operator must remove all contamination at the wellhead and in and around the dike. The operator must lime, seed and mulch the area in order to restore vegetative growth. I talked to Tim Altier and he is going to try and get a hold of his brother Sean Altier, who pumps the wells, in order to take care of the issues. Sean Altier retuned my call and didn't know anything about the issues and will head out there tonight to take a look and get things cleaned up this week. 9-9-05(A)9
-194364511 2013-09-09 The pumpjack was pumping when I arrived on location. The wellhead has a stuffing box leak which is causing oil contamination down into the conductor pipe and all over the wellhead. There are two 100 bbl tanks in the dike and at the base of the brine tank there is a puddle of brine contamination as a result of a disconnected steel line. It appears as if someone unscrewed the bull plug. There was also a disconnected steel elbow piece laying at the opening. There is a large kill area 15'x 60' leading from the dike and drain pipe downhill to the gate. There is a creek just next to the area, however there is no evidence of the contamination reaching the waters. It appears as if someone released the tubing inside the dike to allow the brine contaminated water to drain downhill. It also appears that the dike was overflowing and seeping the contamination in certain areas. The operator must repair or replace any faulty equipment at the wellhead and in the dike. The operator must remove all contamination at the wellhead and in and around the dike. The operator must lime, seed and mulch the area in order to restore vegetative growth. I talked to Tim Altier and he is going to try and get a hold of his brother Sean Altier, who pumps the wells, in order to take care of the issues. Sean Altier retuned my call and didn't know anything about the issues and will head out there tonight to take a look and get things cleaned up this week. 9-9-05(D)
-194364511 2013-09-09 The pumpjack was pumping when I arrived on location. The wellhead has a stuffing box leak which is causing oil contamination down into the conductor pipe and all over the wellhead. There are two 100 bbl tanks in the dike and at the base of the brine tank there is a puddle of brine contamination as a result of a disconnected steel line. It appears as if someone unscrewed the bull plug. There was also a disconnected steel elbow piece laying at the opening. There is a large kill area 15'x 60' leading from the dike and drain pipe downhill to the gate. There is a creek just next to the area, however there is no evidence of the contamination reaching the waters. It appears as if someone released the tubing inside the dike to allow the brine contaminated water to drain downhill. It also appears that the dike was overflowing and seeping the contamination in certain areas. The operator must repair or replace any faulty equipment at the wellhead and in the dike. The operator must remove all contamination at the wellhead and in and around the dike. The operator must lime, seed and mulch the area in order to restore vegetative growth. I talked to Tim Altier and he is going to try and get a hold of his brother Sean Altier, who pumps the wells, in order to take care of the issues. Sean Altier retuned my call and didn't know anything about the issues and will head out there tonight to take a look and get things cleaned up this week. NONE(B)
-194364511 2013-09-09 The pumpjack was pumping when I arrived on location. The wellhead has a stuffing box leak which is causing oil contamination down into the conductor pipe and all over the wellhead. There are two 100 bbl tanks in the dike and at the base of the brine tank there is a puddle of brine contamination as a result of a disconnected steel line. It appears as if someone unscrewed the bull plug. There was also a disconnected steel elbow piece laying at the opening. There is a large kill area 15'x 60' leading from the dike and drain pipe downhill to the gate. There is a creek just next to the area, however there is no evidence of the contamination reaching the waters. It appears as if someone released the tubing inside the dike to allow the brine contaminated water to drain downhill. It also appears that the dike was overflowing and seeping the contamination in certain areas. The operator must repair or replace any faulty equipment at the wellhead and in the dike. The operator must remove all contamination at the wellhead and in and around the dike. The operator must lime, seed and mulch the area in order to restore vegetative growth. I talked to Tim Altier and he is going to try and get a hold of his brother Sean Altier, who pumps the wells, in order to take care of the issues. Sean Altier retuned my call and didn't know anything about the issues and will head out there tonight to take a look and get things cleaned up this week. NONE[C]
-20641406 2009-10-29 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1522904713 An inspection of the well revealed Preliminary Restoration not completed, well site and lease road needs graded, then seed and mulch. Spud date 11-13-08. No ID at well head or tank battery.
-356908776 2010-08-05 Follow-up on NOV, In-Compliance.
1111257861 2014-04-07 Compliance Action Follow-up -194364511: The side slope of the dike still has not been restored from previous contamination. I called and talked to Sean Altier and he said once the weather improves and the ground is dry he will till and seed the dike.
1229636807 2008-12-18 Stopped by drilling rig for update they were preparing to move rig to new drill site,TD on this well was 1280' and operator ran 1265' of used 4.5" casing in hole and cemented in place with 30 sk cement.
1240870998 2009-04-27 Drlg pit emptied and filled in, restoration work not done on well site or lease road. Spud date 11/13/08, due date 8/13/09
1248376767 2009-12-09 Follow-up inspection revealed Preliminary Restoration not completed, no vegetation growing on well site. Spoke with Tim Altier (owner) about violation, Tim will have violation corrected in a couple weeks.
1382369266 2013-10-21 Compliance Action Follow-up -194364511: Sean Altier has repaired the stuffing box and fixed the steel line in the dike. He has cleaned up around the wellhead but still needs to clean up scald area outside of the dike, which he stated would be in the next few weeks. He thinks someone was up there messing with the equipment.
1418683446 2014-01-13 Compliance Action Follow-up -194364511: The side slope of the dike still has not been restored from previous contamination. I will return when there is better weather and work with Sean to restore vegetative growth.
1522904713 2009-10-29 An inspection of the well revealed Preliminary Restoration not completed, well site and lease road needs graded, then seed and mulch. Spud date 11-13-08. No ID at well head or tank battery. Preliminary Restoration needs done, well site and lease road needs graded, seed, lime and mulched. Need full and legible ID at well head and tank battery. Failure to comply may result in a Forfeiture of Bond. NONE1
1522904713 2009-10-29 An inspection of the well revealed Preliminary Restoration not completed, well site and lease road needs graded, then seed and mulch. Spud date 11-13-08. No ID at well head or tank battery. Preliminary Restoration needs done, well site and lease road needs graded, seed, lime and mulched. Need full and legible ID at well head and tank battery. Failure to comply may result in a Forfeiture of Bond. NONEC
576642741 2010-04-13 Follow-up inspection revealed no action taken to comply with NOV. Preliminary Restoration has not been completed. Well site and tank pad is bare, no vegetation and starting to erode. Grade well site and place water diversions in as needed, seed, lime and mulch well site and tank pad in accordance with 1509.072(A). Will notify company by letter again, spoke with company about violation during winter.
919337494 2009-10-29 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # -20641406 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1522904713 An inspection of the well revealed Preliminary Restoration not completed, well site and lease road needs graded, then seed and mulch. Spud date 11-13-08. No ID at well head or tank battery.