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Well ID: 34-053-20968 | Loading map...
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County: | |
Municipality: | |
Operator Name: | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: | |
First Permit Date: | |
Last Permit Date: | |
Spud Date: 1993-11-16 | |
Unconventional: | |
Horizontal: | |
Producing: No | |
Violations: 9 | |
Latitude: 38.9141206916 | |
Longitude: -82.1550228066 |
-1011194390 | 2011-12-12 | No violations observed during inspection. Wellhead has been painted recently. | ||||
-1019484951 | 2007-01-04 | Mini test passed. Only dropped 3 psi in 15 min | ||||
-1020539874 | 2009-05-13 | Pump was running during inspection. Filter leak has been fixed. Oil residue still around filter with in dike. Clean up in progress during inspection. | ||||
-1033181361 | 2012-05-07 | Injection pump was not in operation during inspection. Dike is free of water. | ||||
-1038954366 | 2011-10-26 | Run new Halliburton R-4 packer and new tubing to 2620 feet. | ||||
-108870798 | 2009-10-19 | Barry Bowers is having Producers Service Co. do an acid treatment on the well. 1200 gallons of 1540 HCI. | ||||
-1091782156 | 2007-04-05 | Id is missing, There is oil in the dike and four wheel tracks in the dike. Oil could be from vandalism. Well was in good shape. | ||||
-1178686372 | 2012-09-05 | Received a call from Barry Bowers. Barry stated that he has taken measurements for expanding the unloading pad and has talked to local contractors. Barry stated that he will construct the unloading pad before winter. | ||||
-1259033680 | 2004-08-14 | Annulus does not hold pressure. | ||||
-128601163 | 2014-07-07 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Witnessed a Central Ohio Oil truck unloading on the pad. Collected a brine sample from the truck. Checked the brine hauler log. Witnessed a Hall Drilling Brine truck unloading on the pad. Checked the brine hauler log. | ||||
-1335056487 | 2005-05-09 | Inspected clean-up and painting of tanks; good clean-up except for one end of tank pad where separator appears to be still leaking. | ||||
-1351392930 | 2005-07-29 | Performed mini-pressure test. Pressured upto 300 psi for 15 minutes. Passed with no pressure loss. | ||||
-1427969542 | 2013-02-19 | Inspected unloading pad, containment dike, checked the injection pressure and the annulus pressure. The containment dike is free of fluids. | ||||
-1493290675 | 2009-02-23 | Witnessed Barry Bowers pump up the annulus to 260 psi. Well is currently on Vac. | ||||
-1619690910 | 2013-04-04 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, injection pressure and the annulus pressure. | ||||
-1703939528 | 2007-12-17 | Good id. Dike is clean and looks good. | ||||
-1813197471 | 2004-02-04 | Pad still coated with oil and frozen water. Needs to be steam cleaned in better weather and checked for cracks. Picture 170 | ||||
-1815481499 | 2004-04-21 | Pressures the same; still needs to be cleaned up. | ||||
-1841695532 | 2007-02-23 | No problems at this time. | ||||
-1905224970 | 2007-01-04 | No problems at this time. | ||||
-1907508229 | 2013-09-25 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection line, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Injection pump was in operation during the inspection. Containment dike is free of water. Witnessed a Huffman Bowers brine truck unload produced water from the Thompson lease. | ||||
-1914971635 | 2012-12-04 | Replaced concrete in dike where the pump was located. Finishing concrete during inspection. Unloading pad has two areas that have been formed up to extend the pad. Unable to check pressures on the well due to the new concrete work. | ||||
-19733745 | 2014-03-12 | Barry Bowers is currently working on the 4.5" casing. The prepared clay washed in on top of the bridge plug was tagged at 2375'. Barry pulled stretch on the 4.5" casing and compared this data with the bond log and the stretch calculations match the bond log as far as the free casing point. Barry plans to cut the 4.5" casing and replace and cement new casing. | ||||
-1976866104 | 2014-02-25 | Bowers' crew tried to use a sand pump to clean out 100-feet of sediment that accumulated during the operation of this injection well. The sediment was discovered when the they ran GR-Neutron/VDL log over the well. They are going to drill the sediment and pump it to surface and into the containment area for the injection well near the sump. All fluid will be pumped back into the storage tanks to eventually be reinjected into the well. | ||||
-1998341007 | 2003-06-13 | Continual progress. Dike needs cleaned. | ||||
-336937189 | 2007-05-15 | Oily barrels are gone. Dike has been cleaned up. The filter housing is in a small plastic tank to catch the oil and keep it out of the dike. | ||||
-4035722 | 2012-08-30 | Arrived at location with Jon Scott @1040 hrs. Observed poor housekeeping in containment area around location of injection well. Took well and surface annulus pressure readings. Difficult to get pressure gauge on well pressure port because of height of the pipe. Measured 30 psi on well and 50 psi on annulus. Went around tank battery and noted cracks in containment area and recent staining on the side walls of the concrete containment basin. Jimmy, pumper for Huffman-Bowers, indicated that a lower valve on one of the brine product separators broke and contents flowed into the containment area. This explains the recent staining in the basin. Valve was repaired and all oily brine was pumped back into their system. There was some pocked areas on the concrete floor of the basin near the injection well which are to be removed and a new floor installed with more of a gradient from this area to the sump pump in the middle. Also noted brine salt stain in unloading area. Looks like sloppy unloading by the Brine haulers. Jon recommended a better catch surface to allow for any errant release and eventual capture and pump to the initial separator tanks. Took numerous pictures of equipment. | ||||
-409820311 | 2013-04-30 | Inspected the unloading pad, tanks, containment dike, Injection pressure and annulus pressure. Stayed on site to check brine trucks. No brine trucks came to the site. A brine sample was collected from the injection line between the filter housing and the injection well. The sample was sent to the Lab. | ||||
-449925227 | 2008-08-08 | New pump is dripping some brine into the dike. This is making shallow puddles 1/2" deep by 3' in diameter. No other problems were observed during the inspection. | ||||
-480255078 | 2011-10-24 | Pulled tubing and packer out of well. Tubing had a hole in the third joint from bottom. R-4 packer. | ||||
-566855275 | 2013-01-18 | Inspected injection line pressure and annulus pressure. Was unable to completely shut the 1/4" needle valve on the injection tubing. Company gauge was not removed completely due to the valve not shutting completely. Injection pressure was taken with the company gauge. The annulus had a slight vacuum then flowed fluid and had zero pressure. I called Barry Bowers and told him that the 1/4" valve must be replaced and that he needs to do a mini test on the annulus. Barry told me that he will schedule a test for next week. The concrete dike has been repaired and new concrete has been poured in the dike and on the extended unloading pad. The extended unloading pad will now accommodate a tanker. Accompanied by Morgan Button and Jake Glascock MRI 2's. | 9-3-05(B)4 | |||
-566855275 | 2013-01-18 | Inspected injection line pressure and annulus pressure. Was unable to completely shut the 1/4" needle valve on the injection tubing. Company gauge was not removed completely due to the valve not shutting completely. Injection pressure was taken with the company gauge. The annulus had a slight vacuum then flowed fluid and had zero pressure. I called Barry Bowers and told him that the 1/4" valve must be replaced and that he needs to do a mini test on the annulus. Barry told me that he will schedule a test for next week. The concrete dike has been repaired and new concrete has been poured in the dike and on the extended unloading pad. The extended unloading pad will now accommodate a tanker. Accompanied by Morgan Button and Jake Glascock MRI 2's. | 9-3-07(F) | |||
-668269244 | 2006-02-07 | Passed mini pressure test. Actually gained 5 psi during 15 minute test. Tubing on vacuum. | ||||
-670185281 | 2002-10-21 | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1487 An inspection of the well revealed that the well pressure has been the same on the annulus side of well for the past 3 inspections. Need to test annulus side of well. | 9-3-05 C | |||
-702240066 | 2014-02-18 | Service rig on the well. Pulled tubing and packer out of the well. Plan to do a cement bond log on the 4.5" casing this Thursday 2-20-14. | ||||
-817667067 | 2003-02-04 | In the spring, dike will need cleaned and cracks sealed. | ||||
-880749880 | 2012-08-30 | Unloading pad is not large enough to contain spills from tankers. Gravel is stained and has salt buildup. Took photos. I called Barry Bowers and we discussed the unloading pad and the cracks in the concrete dike wall. Barry stated that he is going to repair the dike and pour a larger unloading pad. Accompanied by Morgan Button MRI 2. | ||||
-895757592 | 2012-02-14 | Inspected injection tubing pressure and annulus pressure. Central ES (Brine # 25-370) tanker was unloading 130 barrels on the pad during the inspection. | ||||
-93579239 | 2003-12-17 | No violations | ||||
-983413338 | 2007-05-31 | No violations at this time. | ||||
1048102421 | 2003-03-18 | Injection and annulus pressures were both less than atmospheric pressure. | ||||
1072621443 | 2003-12-17 | |||||
1147033387 | 2006-05-01 | Annulus now holding pressure (60 psi) with tubing at vacuum so did not require mini-pressure test. | ||||
1166194747 | 2006-12-12 | No Annulus Pressure / Extension given after phone conversation on 12-18-06 | 9-3-07(F) | |||
1185988493 | 2007-07-26 | I witnessed Producers Service Corp. Pump down 1000gallons of HCL to the formation. This cleared out the formation and is allowing more fluid to enter the formation. The well is back to being on a vacuum. No problems were observed during the procedure. | ||||
1216921985 | 2004-09-03 | Remedied. | ||||
1223043445 | 2008-09-10 | Pump is operating. Dike is clean. Dike has less than 1/4" rain contained in low areas in dike. | ||||
1238589277 | 2009-02-17 | Pump is running today. No violations were observed. | ||||
1247679729 | 2013-01-23 | Mini test on annulus. 300 psi for 15 minutes with no loss. Injection pressure was checked. The 1/4" needle valve has been repaired, Debris was preventing the valve from closing completely. Collected a brine sample from the injection line at the wellhead. Sample was sent with Morgan Button MRI 2 to the Jackson office for shipment to the Lab. | ||||
1269i104159190 | 2002-05-16 | Follow-up on Chief's Order #2002-12 and Material or Substantial Violation Order, Non-Compliance, company has not cleaned up dike area and kept this area free of water and oil, dike is approx. 75'ft. x 30'ft x 18"in., and there is approx. 1'ft of water standing in dike at this time. There are 6 - 210 bbl. tanks and 3 - 100 bbl tanks in this dike, volume of this dike is approx. 600 bbls, approx. 200 bbls of fluid is all this dike can hold with the water level at 1'ft. approx. 330 bbls is being stored in this dike that does not meet S.P.C.C. requirements. Well has 0 lbs on both sides at this time. | ||||
1269i1107 | 2002-06-06 | Witness packer being ran in well, will test later today. | ||||
1269i1113 | 2002-06-10 | Follow-up, In-Compliance, done a M.I.T. test on well, well passed test. | ||||
1269i1176 | 2002-07-09 | Checked pressure on well, dike still needs cleaned up, brine and oil in dike area, another report has been submitted for these violations. Both sides of well are on vac., will check at later date to see if still on vac. Told Doug Rice about well, may need to test again. | ||||
1269i1227 | 2002-07-18 | Follow-up on Permit Hold List, company has not cleaned out dike area, oil still on floor and walls of dike. Well appears to have went on vacuum again, will check later in month before requesting an Order to test well. Told pumper of the violation that may be occurring. | ||||
1269i1296 | 2002-08-15 | Company has not cleaned out dike area as requested. | ||||
1269i1373 | 2002-09-12 | No violations at this time. | ||||
1269i1431 | 2002-10-08 | No violations at this time. | ||||
1269i55257964 | 2001-12-06 | An inspection of the well revealed that there is oil and water in the dike of the tank battery. ID needs rewrote at the well and tanks. Water pump leaking and needs repaired. Oily soil outside the dike needs cleaned up. A M I T test needs done on the well, the annulus needs to be tested at 200 lbs. For 15 minutes, with 5% lose. Well on vac. On injection side of well. | ||||
1269i71555439 | 2002-01-24 | Follow-up on NOV, Non-Compliance, no action to comply with NOV, all violations still not corrected, and now a M.I.T. test needs done on well. | ||||
1269i82756551 | 2002-02-27 | Follow-up on Chief's Order, well appears to be still in operation, will check next week. | ||||
1294835791 | 2010-12-28 | Annulus has zero pressure. I talked to Barry Bowers and he told me that they are planning on testing the annulus next Monday. | ||||
1294851717 | 2011-01-03 | Barry Bowers pressured up the annulus to 190 psi. Injection pump was turned off. | ||||
1309081507 | 2004-09-03 | Passed. | ||||
1310500120 | 2011-07-12 | No violations | ||||
1346865425 | 2012-09-05 | Collected brine samples and sent them to ODNR Lab in Cambridge. Accompanied by Morgan Button MRI 2. | ||||
1346936480 | 2012-09-05 | Arrived at site with Jon Scott. Injection was occurring when we arrived. I checked pressure on Injection well and annular spacing. IP was 260 psi and AP was 140 psi. Jon was preparing to collect brine samples pre-injection. He collected 3-40 ml VOA samples preloaded with HCL preservative, 2 1-liter/1-qt plastic containers in which one of them required loading HNO3 preservative, and 1-liter brown colored jar. Jon used a steel bucket to collect the brine sample from a pour-off valve on the injection well head and small graduated steel pitcher to fill sample bottles. Used a small plastic disposable pipette to finish topping off the VOA bottles to eliminate head space in the bottles. While at the location Jimmy, Bowers' oiler, indicated to me that he had placed gravel over the contaminated spot in the containment area around the well head of 34-053-20079, the Roush #1 or Starcher #2 yesterday afternoon (09/04/2012). Nothing else was done at that site yesterday. See 09/04/2012 report on progress. | ||||
1358541093 | 2013-01-18 | Met Jon Scott and Jake Glascock to monitor annulus and injection pressures on this injection well. The 1/4-inch valve on injection pressure monitoring port could not be shut off. Needs to be replaced. Could not measure injection pressure. Jon Scott contacted owner about this problem. The owner will correct the problem before next week. Zero pressure was measured on the annulus. A low pressure mechanical integrity test on the annular space is scheduled for sometime next week also. | 9-3-05(B)4 | |||
1358541093 | 2013-01-18 | Met Jon Scott and Jake Glascock to monitor annulus and injection pressures on this injection well. The 1/4-inch valve on injection pressure monitoring port could not be shut off. Needs to be replaced. Could not measure injection pressure. Jon Scott contacted owner about this problem. The owner will correct the problem before next week. Zero pressure was measured on the annulus. A low pressure mechanical integrity test on the annular space is scheduled for sometime next week also. | 9-3-07(F) | |||
1359035822 | 2013-01-23 | I joined Jon Scott and observed a low pressure mechanical integrity test on the annular space for this injection well. Pressure was mechanically applied, using a hand pump, pumping fluid to increase the pressure in the annular space to 300 psi and then observe this pressure on a 600 psi gauge. Over a 15 minute period the pressure in the annular space remained at 300 psi. Met Barry Bowers, Owner of the well, at the well site. He had already disassembled the injection pressure monitoring port and cleaned it. This apparently was the problem with the port when we were there last week. It may eventually need to be replaced but it shut off today. We measured the injection pressure at 24 psi with the injection pump turned off. Jon Scott also collected a brine sample from this well for analysis. I returned these samples to our office in Jackson to be shipped to our lab in Cambridge, Ohio. | ||||
1366048864 | 2013-04-15 | Inspected containment dike, tanks, unloading pad, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Dike was free of water. Access road was locked with a cable across it. | ||||
1377797221 | 2013-08-22 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection line, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Containment dike is free of water. | ||||
1390928096 | 2014-01-21 | Received a call from Barry Bowers. He told me that on 1-20-14 he pressured up on the annulus and it would not hold pressure. He turned on the injection pump (300 psi) and monitored the annulus pressure. The annulus pressure did not show communication with the injection tubing. Barry told me that he plans on unseating the packer and pulling the tubing and packer out in stages testing the annulus on the way out. | ||||
1392926108 | 2014-02-20 | Witnessed Appalachian Well Surveys cement bond log on the 4.5" casing. Wire line total depth 2797'. | ||||
1393252241 | 2014-02-24 | Currently steaming 2 3/8" tubing. Rig crew is preparing to clean out the debris in the bottom of the 4.5" casing. | ||||
1393615919 | 2014-02-28 | Witnessed Appalachian Well Surveys set a bridge plug in the 4.5" casing at 2408 feet. (Bridge plug is drillable with a steel insert. Filled 4.5" casing with water and pressured the casing to an average of 900 psi. Ran a cement bond log on the 4.5" casing. Log was ran from 2400 feet. Casing appears to be free of cement. Barry Bowers is going to run the tubing and packer in the 4.5" casing to test at different intervals to verify no leaks prior to a perf and squeeze cement job. | ||||
1394048986 | 2014-03-05 | Currently washed in 100 feet of clay on top of bridge plug to attempt to isolate and test the 4.5" casing. The casing still has a leak. Barry Bowers plans to run tubing and packer in the casing and test different intervals to determine where the leak is located. | ||||
1394737390 | 2014-03-13 | Ran inside cutter to 2213 feet. Attempted multiple times to cut casing. Tripped tubing and cutter out of well. One of the cutter blades were broken. Shut down operations until 3-14-14. | ||||
1394812480 | 2014-03-14 | Casing cutter was repaired by Blue Dot. Attached casing cutter to tubing and ran into 2214 feet and cut the casing. | ||||
1395163853 | 2014-03-14 | Received call from Barry Bowers that the 4.5" casing was not free at 2214' and that they pulled the inside cutter to 1847' and cut the casing. The casing is free at 1847'. | ||||
1395172789 | 2014-03-18 | Mixed 14 sacks gel and circulated water and gel to surface. Pulled 1847 feet of 4.5 inch casing out of the well. Installed a shop made overshot with a 4.5" collar welded to the top. Installed a pup joint with holes cut in it then a latch down shoe on the 1st joint of 4.5" casing. Centralizer was installed at the collar between the 1st and 2nd joints. | ||||
1395250805 | 2014-03-19 | 4.5 inch casing cement job. Circulated water and gel to surface prior to pumping cement. Fresh water PH 6. Pumped 120 sacks class A cement. Displaced casing with 29 barrels fresh water and set latch down plug. Removed cement head and installed a 4.5" by 2" swedge with a 2" valve. Will test casing prior to drilling out the latch down plug. | ||||
1395680295 | 2014-03-24 | Tested new 4.5 inch casing prior to drilling out the latch down plug. 1839 feet of 4.5 inch casing. Casing was full of water. Pressured casing to 420 psi for 30 minutes with no loss in pressure. | ||||
1395866301 | 2014-03-26 | Witnessed a rebuilt Halliburton R-4 packer (all shear pins are installed, 60,000 shear weight) and 1798' of 2.375" tubing being ran in the well. Packer set at 1800'. Filled annulus with 19 barrels fresh water and 4 gallons inhibitor. Tested annulus at 820 psi for 15 minutes with no loss in pressure. | ||||
1400168840 | 2014-05-15 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection line, injection pump, annulus pressure and injection pressure. | ||||
1403122996 | 2014-06-18 | Inspect unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Containment dike was free of fluids. Identification was posted at the entrance to the facility. Injection pump was in operation during the inspection. | ||||
1403801751 | 2014-06-26 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure and injection pressure. Witnessed brine trucks unloading on the pad and checked brine hauling logs. Two trucks from Central Ohio Oil Inc were on site. The first truck License # PVH4394 did not have the UIC 25 478, Brine and a company phone number on the truck. I talked to the driver and gave him a copy of the brine hauling requirements for the state. The second truck license # PVP5447 had Brine and UIC 25 478 in 3" lettering on the tanker but did not have a company phone number on the truck. I called and talked to Darrel Black (Central Ohio Oil Inc Plant Manager) and we discussed the need for all trucks hauling brine to class 2 injection well sites to be properly labeled. Darrel explained to me that oil field products are hauled to their facility in Columbus and separated, tested and stored in tanks until there is enough for a load to the injection well. They usually use two tankers that are labeled correctly but the dispatcher had the driver use another tanker today. Darrel told me that the trucks will be labeled as soon as they get back to the shop. | NONE.. | |||
1407767737 | 2014-08-11 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection line, injection pump, annulus pressure and injection pressure. Witnessed 3 Summit Environmental Services (UIC 25-532) trucks unloading on the pad. Reviewed their brine hauling logs. The trucks were labeled with their UIC number, brine and company name and phone number. I witnessed a Central Ohio Oil Inc. truck unload on the pad. The truck was labeled with UIC 25-478, Brine, and company name and phone number. I reviewed the brine log. I collected a Brine sample from the Central Ohio Oil truck. | ||||
1408642112 | 2014-08-21 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure and injection pressure. Witnessed a Central Ohio Oil truck unload on the pad. Reviewed brine hauling records for the day. | ||||
1436929526 | 2010-09-22 | Barry Bowers pumped up the annulus this morning before I inspected. They also wrote new identification on the silver dog house to the right of the loading pad. | ||||
148772672 | 2002-10-21 | An inspection of the well revealed that the well pressure has been the same on the annulus side of well for the past 3 inspections. Need to test annulus side of well. | ||||
1610994318 | 2003-10-31 | No violations at the time of inspection. | ||||
1615011129 | 2013-11-26 | Inspected unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure, and annulus pressure. Dike is free of fluids. Annulus pressure was zero. The injection pump was in operation during the inspection. I called Barry Bowers and told him the annulus was on zero. I told Barry to maintain pressure on the annulus. Barry said that he is due to do a monthly test next week. | ||||
1630658993 | 2004-09-03 | 8/31/04 1 p.m. - 310 psi; 8/31/04 8 p.m. - 360 psi; 9/1/04 3:30 p.m. - 275 psi; 9/2/04 1:30 p.m. - 120 psi; 9/3/04 9 a.m. - 75 psi; removed gauge. | ||||
1677873397 | 2010-03-10 | Well is connected to pump. Pump in use during inspection. Id needs refreshed. I talked to Jay (pumper). | ||||
170515017 | 2008-06-13 | They are using the pump right now. No violations at this time. Dike and surrounding area are clean and look good. | ||||
1714598469 | 2003-11-24 | No violations | ||||
1723920143 | 2008-03-26 | No violations were observed. Dike has been cleaned up. New gravel has been spread on the access road. | ||||
1752074672 | 2008-04-16 | Bowers has added a pump to the injection well. I stopped out to see it. Everything looks good. The pump is being used for fresh water that is coming from the increased drilling in Gallia Co. The well continues to be on vac. Unless they get backed up with pit water then the pump kicks in. The pump is set at 150 psi. The dike was clean. | ||||
1783383241 | 2004-08-30 | See pictures 376-383 of cracks in cement dike. Could not check vaccum time on annulus because valve had been left open. Passed the 15 minute test at 300 psi. Continued to monitor throughout the day. At 1 p.m. the ann. pressure was 310 psi. At 8 p.m. | ||||
1875908321 | 2007-04-25 | Id is good. Huffman-Bowers is burning the barrels filled with oil debris and old oil filters. I took pictures and a short video of the fire. | ||||
1967842628 | 2001-12-06 | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1269i552 An inspection of the well revealed that there is oil and water in the dike of the tank battery. ID needs rewrote at the well and tanks. Water pump leaking and needs repaired. Oily soil outside the dike needs cleaned up. A M I T test needs done on the we | ||||
2031491777 | 2003-08-21 | No violations at the time of inspection. | ||||
2123151799 | 2011-03-25 | No violations at this time. | ||||
284712446 | 2012-09-05 | Inspected salt water injection well. Injection pump was in operation during inspection. Accompanied by Morgan Button MRI 2. | ||||
372108448 | 2011-10-24 | Accompanied J.Scott on SWIW inspection. Pulling tubing, removing packer, pinhole leak found in tubing. | ||||
372190653 | 2013-07-05 | Inspected injection pressure, annulus pressure, containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, unloading pad. Dike is free of water. I called and talked to Barry Bowers about the annulus pressure and when he plans to do the monthly pressure test. Barry told me that he is going to be working in the area and will call to schedule the test. | ||||
455307995 | 2011-10-27 | Set packer, Fill annulus with fresh water and inhibitor 28 bbls, test annulus to 780 psi for 15 minutes. Good test no loss. | ||||
506786704 | 2007-09-13 | No problems. Dike has been cleaned out, it looks good. | ||||
515277490 | 2010-09-14 | Pump running. I called Barry Bowers Re: identification is faded and needs replaced. I also asked when he plans to test annulus. Barry said they will test it next week. | ||||
57497127 | 2014-02-20 | Observed Gr-Neutron VDL logging by Appalachian Wells Service of the injection well to determine the quality and extent of cement on the backside of the casing. Apparently the well has a hole in the casing. Bowers wanted to know how much cement coverage exists behind the casing to develop a variance to the placement of the packer to seal the annular space in this well. According to the results there will be extensive perf and squeeze over the casing to improve cement sealing on the backside. | ||||
634005138 | 2013-05-17 | Inspected injection pressure, annulus pressure, Containment dike, tanks, injection pump, and unloading pad. No brine trucks on location during inspection. Dike is free of water. | ||||
698005927 | 2012-08-30 | Called Barry Bowers and we discussed the need for expanding his concrete unloading pad. The current pad is not long enough to capture all of the brine residue when the hoses are disconnected on the tanker trucks. | ||||
735412789 | 2008-03-05 | Inspected the Frac tank that has been moved on to the location. The Frac tank is being used to temporarily store drilling pit fluids due to the surge in drilling in Jackson and Gallia Counties. This tank allows more storage and is a way to settle out the solids before being pumped into the injection tanks. | ||||
736550501 | 2013-10-15 | Inspected the unloading pad, containment dike, tanks, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Containment dike is free of water. No trucks were on location during inspection. | ||||
817072368 | 2009-08-18 | No violations observed during inspection. Pump was operating during inspection. | ||||
iTOMK000118 | 2001-02-21 | 3 | ||||
iTOMK000118 | 2001-02-21 | 9-9-05(A)9 | ||||
UIC1584 | 1995-05-18 | 1501: 9-3-07 (E) QUARTERLY REPORTS | ||||
UIC1620 | 1996-01-02 | 1501: 9-3-07 (E) QUARTERLY REPORTS |