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Well Details

Well ID: 34-055-21924
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County: Geauga
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 2007-01-31
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Producing
Violations: 0
Latitude: 41.54412929
Longitude: -81.3683764

Production Data

2008-0 4432.0 301.0
2009-0 3360.0 187.0
2010-0 3507.0 195.0
2011-0 3422.0 175.0
2012-0 3226.0 175.0
2013-0 3003.0 126.0
2014-0 3102.0 365.0 123.0 365.0

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

1173198199 2007-03-06 Tank battery parts on site. Tank battery is not installed. Pits are open, spud date was 01/31/2007. Pit liners have slump into pit. Safety fence is in poor condition around pits. Safety fence has fallen down. Lease road is open and stable. Pits need solidified and closed by 03/16/2007. Weather the past 30 days has been heavy snow and rain. Contacted company 03/06/2007 11:42 am of NOV and that pits need filled in by 03/16/2007 and that safety fence and pit linear need repaired. Pit liner needs to be put back into place and repaired. Safety fence needs repaired, (put back up.) Pits need to be solidified within 30 days of the completion of drilling.
-1202880994 2013-08-21 My inspection today found there has been no changes since my last inspection. No violations.
1222877519 2008-10-01 NOV not passed at this time. Area around well head has been graded, vegetation is not established area is barren. Operator has load line 2 feet out of tank battery, there is oil and brine on the ground. Drainage ditch that runs in front of the tank battery to the road ditch is eroding. Bank of the ditch is eroding. Ditch needs rock lined. No lock on the well head man door. I have Pre-site this week with Industry Standard, will discus site at that time with them.
1223407347 2008-10-07 Site needs repaired seeding. Drainage ditch needs rock lined. I've spoken to Tim Levengood regarding the repairs. He stated they will be getting ditch rock lined.
-1433423400 2007-10-31 Site has been ruff graded. Site was seeded, seed did not take. Brush needs removed from site. Debris pile is on site south west of well head. Drainage channel on the east side of lease road is not rock lined as per the permit. Lease road gate has not been installed. Called Tim, site need some more grading work before seeding and cleaned up. Will be back out in a couple of weeks to check progress.
-1631581253 2007-01-29 surface for Tom Hill
-1706860909 2007-11-01
-1706860909 2007-11-01
1722901527 2008-05-06 Lease road gate is closed. Site has been ruff graded. Vegetation is not established. Drainage ditch to the east of lease road needs graded and seeded. Tank battery has been fenced with a wood fence. Fence is locked. There is crude oil in the drainage ditch leading away from the tank battery. It appears that the tank battery has overflowed. Dike needs improved around the tank battery. Site needs final grading and seeding. Vegetation needs to be established. Oil from the drainage ditch needs removed, tank battery needs clean. Oil in the ditch is a few spots less than a quart of oil. Called Tim left him a message regarding site needs
1771959960 2009-10-19 Vegetation is established at the wellhead. Wellhead man door lock is missing. Lease road is stable. Drainage ditch to the east of the lease road needs stabilized. Called Tim Levengood regarding lock on man door, ditch repairs and ID signs needing repaired. ID signs have faded out, contact information is up, can't read permit information.
177575327 2007-02-05 Pit fluid level good and pit linear was in good condition. Safety fence was not up, will be in place ASAP. Operator is using topsoil as a safety berm around the pits, and to control drainage. Drill depth was 2853'. Site was frozen.
-1969630068 2008-05-06 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1722901527 Lease road gate is closed. Site has been ruff graded. Vegetation is not established. Drainage ditch to the east of lease road needs graded and seeded. Tank battery has been fenced with a wood fence. Fence is locked. There is crude oil in the drainage ditch leading away from the tank battery. It appears that the tank battery has overflowed. Dike needs improved around the tank battery.
24507015 2007-05-15 Operator has installed fences around well head and tank battery. One dozer on site, operator is currently reclaiming site. Operator has used wooden privacy fencing. Lease road is stable, drainage ditch needs seeded, operator constructed a drainage ditch along the lease road to the road ditch. Vegetation will need to be established to prevent erosion. Called office requested a key for gates.
-466721695 2007-02-07 checking location
547217851 2010-10-27 Drainage ditch continues to erode and increase in size. Ditch needs to be stabilized and rocked. Identification sign is faded out. Identification sign needs corrected. Load lines are outside of the dike and there is oil staining on the ground. Load lines need to be moved back into the dike. North most load line is directly above a drainage ditch. Lease road gate is locked. Lease road is stable. Key needs to be sent to inspector.
797457147 2011-09-09 Operator has been requested in the past to line the drainage channel that discharges into a ditch adjacent to Wilson Mills Road with stone. They have recently placed cobble sized stone in this drainage channel but it still needs to be stabilized due to minimal native vegetation on the sides of the channel. Also, the type of material placed in the channel will have a minimal impact on preventing the erosion and cutting of the channel. Limestone or other angular stone should have been used for stabilization instead of the cobble. The operator also installed a spill preventer on the load lines.
920319811 2013-06-19 My inspection found the well to be equipped with a plunger lift unit. The well has a house line plumbed into the 4.5 casing. The wooden fence around the wellhead is missing a side. The tank battery consists of a 100 BBL production tank, a 50 BBL brine tank, and a mechanical separator. The production tank is vented through a 55 gallon charcoal filter and up into a spark arrestor. The tank battery is surrounded by a wooden fence. The drainage ditch has established vegetation in it. The identification sign is faded and needs updated. No production was reported for 2012. A key for access to the location and equipment needs sent to the inspector. I will contact the company with the issues.

For data sources see[2]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  2. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [2]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.