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Well Details

Well ID: 37-019-22213
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Butler
Municipality: Jefferson Township
Operator Name: XTO ENERGY INC
Well Pad ID: 150936
Farm/Lease Name: VADNAL A UNIT 3H
License Status: Active
Spud Date: 04/16/2014
Permit Date: 2/24/2014
Unconventional Well: Y
Configuration: Horizontal Well
Latitude: 40.768797
Longitude: -79.852897

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2014 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2015 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2016 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2017 XTO ENERGY INC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2019 XTO ENERGY INC 191,140.70 74 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[4]

Waste Data

Period Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
2014-1 Drill Cuttings (in Tons) 641.46 Tons LANDFILL 100403
2014-2 Drill Cuttings (in Tons) 448.01 Tons LANDFILL 100403
2018-10 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 10.00 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-12 Other Oil & Gas Wastes (in Barrels) RWC 899 45.00 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-12 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1,245.00 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2018-12 Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 2.23 Tons LANDFILL 100434
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1,673.74 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-24189
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 213.00 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-21076
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1,926.54 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-24096
2019-01 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 5,349.00 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2019-01 Synthetic Liner Materials (in Tons) RWC 806 18.38 Tons LANDFILL 100434
2019-01 Waste Water Treatment Sludge (in Tons) RWC 804 38.59 Tons RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY 101674
2019-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 952.06 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-24189
2019-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 127.00 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-21076
2019-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 2,371.00 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-24096
2019-02 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 3,813.00 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009
2019-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 888.00 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-24189
2019-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 369.90 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-21076
2019-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 2,876.36 Bbl INJECTION DISPOSAL WELL 34-133-24096
2019-03 Produced Fluid (in Barrels) RWC 802 1,381.00 Bbl RESIDUAL WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY WMGR123NW009

For data sources see[5]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
2271482 Primary Facility 05/13/2014 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted
2299903 Primary Facility 08/26/2014 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2338777 Primary Facility 01/16/2015 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2345009 Primary Facility 02/13/2015 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2551263 Primary Facility 2017-01-06 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted
2687356 Primary Facility 2018-01-18 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted At the time of inspection, well was shut in. Well does not have a Christmas tree yet, only wellhead. There were no leaks or corrosion associated with the well. The well was properly labeled and ER sign remains posted. There were 5 tanks and 4 line heaters within a lined, steel dike. A gas buster was also on site.

A homeowner in the area recently called in. I did not detect any gas during my inspection.

2693268 Primary Facility 2018-02-12 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted On 2/12/2018, WQS Brian MacQuarrie onsite. Site sign maintained at entrance. Access road maintained. Two post construction infiltration basins maintained. Four wells drilled ( two in production). Five 400 bbl tanks installed within secondary stainless steel containment structure. No apparent issues.
2809332 Primary Facility 2018-11-30 Routine/Partial Inspection No Violations Noted On 11/30/2018, WQS Brian MacQuarrie onsite. Well stimulation activities completed at wells A3H (37-019-22213) and B5H (37-019-22215). Wells 10HB (37-019-22214) and 7H (37-019-22216) shut in. No activity onsite today. Waiting on coil tubing. Twenty-two frac tanks staged onsite. Tank battery consists of five 400bbl tanks in containment. Infiltration basin maintained. Snow on ground during inspection.

For data sources see[6]
