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Well Details

Well ID: 34-155-23128
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Trumbull
Municipality: Hubbard Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: EVANS
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2011-12-29
Spud Date: 2012-02-11
Spud Drilling Contractor: G & H DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2012-02-16
Well Total Depth: 5515 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.189632968
Longitude: -80.55711586

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1987-11-10 1388 NORTH COAST ENERGY INC GeoDate 11/10/87
Oil and Gas 1987-11-10 Issued Date 11/10/87 Expired Date 11/9/88 Acres 0040000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 00000 Proposed Drill Depth 00000
CO 1988-12-23 1388 NORTH COAST ENERGY INC GeoDate 12/23/88
Oil and Gas 1988-12-23 Issued Date 12/23/88 Expired Date 12/23/89 Acres 0040000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 00000 Proposed Drill Depth 00000
APP 2011-12-29 Proposed Formations:CLINTON & MEDINA, Issued Date:12/29/2011, Expired Date:12/28/2013 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:46, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2012-02-16 RI 12-24-88 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Completion Report Received 2012-06-21 RI 12-24-88 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Construction Permit Expires 2012-12-28 RI 12-24-88 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Record Last Modified 2017-10-24 RI 12-24-88 PERMIT EXPIRED.

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2012-07-19 5266 5270 5
2012-07-19 5244 5258 15
2012-07-19 5218 5232 15
2012-07-19 5358 5370 20
2012-07-19 5291 5294 5
2012-07-19 5274 5277 5

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2012-02-22 H2O 20 136929 Gal 50000 Universal Well Services Inc. CLINTON/MEDINA PROD
2012-02-22 H2O 20 136929 Gal 0 Universal Well Services Inc. 500 sacks of sand

No problems were encountered.

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2012 PAC DRILLING LLC 10923 960 208
2013 PAC DRILLING LLC 14288 638 365
2014 PAC DRILLING LLC 12441 264 360
2015 PAC DRILLING LLC 10534 267 360
2016 PAC DRILLING LLC 7788 339 359
2017 PAC DRILLING LLC 6481 172 359
2018 PAC DRILLING LLC 6267 345 359

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2012 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 328 208
2013 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 57 365
2014 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 24 360
2015 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 58 360
2016 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 0 359
2017 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 0 359
2018 PAC DRILLING LLC Brine 0 359

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0134891047 2012-02-16 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The rig was drilling on air at 4957. There was a show of gas encountered at 4878. All preparations have been made to convert to fluid, if needed. There were no violations.
0218627333 2017-03-29 UrbanProduction Wells No Violations

-up lines have plugs and the ball valve handles have been removed. The 210 bbl. storage tank has the required urban safety equipment. A deduct meter and 31 day chart is installed at the separator. An identification sign is posted at the tank battery. The identification sign is missing the required information per 1501:9-9-05(E)(1)(a--site inspection.

The equipment on the pad consists of the following:

0911122073 2012-02-12 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The surface casing installation and cementing was witnessed. The 8.675 casing was set at 723 and cemented with 260 sacks of cement. The cement operation and site conditions were acceptable.
0957577052 2013-05-29 UrbanPreliminary Restoration No Violations My inspection found the well in production. The well was equipped with a plunger lift unit. The tank battery contained one, 210 barrel production tank, one, 50 barrel brine tank, and a separator. It was surrounded by a locked chain link fence and the proper dike capable of meeting containment requirements. There was a plug on the load line. The proper safety equipment was installed on the production tank. An identification sign was properly posted at the wellhead and tank battery. There was a 7 day production chart at the separator. The site was graded and vegetated. All drainage and erosion controls were in place and working properly. The lease road was in good condition.
1004044866 2018-05-21 UrbanProduction Wells Violations Noted At the time of this inspection, the well was equipped with a plunger lift assembly. The annulus and flow line valves were open. An identification sign was posted at the well. The fencing around the well had been partially installed and needed completed. The well was located in a clearing surrounded by woodlands with all private residents approximately over 600 feet away. The diked tank battery has two storage tanks and a separator. The pick-up lines have plugs and the valve handles have been removed. The 210 BBL storage tank has the required urban safety equipment. An identification sign was posted at the tank battery. The identification sign was missing the required information per 1501:9-9-05(E)(1)(a-e). There was a danger, keep out and no smoking sign(s) posted. There was a locked chain link fence surrounding the tank battery. The 3 strand barb wire needed added to the top of the fence. The production tank is over 3 foot above the top of the fence and needs to meet requirements per 1501:9-9--site inspection.
1330438200 2012-02-17 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The 4.5 production casing was successfully cemented. All conditions were satisfactory.
1333742789 2012-03-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection of this well site found that the pits were solidified using two loads of dust. There were no violations noted.
1416250308 2012-02-27 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The pits were in good condition. No problems were found.
1885617342 2012-02-13 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The blowout preventer (BOP) was tested with 330 PSI for 20 minutes. During this test, a 10 PSI decline was observed. The drilling contractor was given instructions to repair leak and ensure the BOP would perform properly.
1970302404 2019-03-08 UrbanProduction Wells No Violations I conducted a compliance notice follow-up inspection for compliance notice 1004044866, regarding multiple compliance issues related to urban rule requirements. At the time of this inspection, the fencing around the well had been partially installed and needed completed. The identification posted at the tank battery has been amended with the required information per 1501:9-9-05(E)(1)(a-e). The 3 strand barb wire needed added to the top of the fence. The production tank is over 3 foot above the top of the fence and needs to meet requirements per 1501:9-9-05E(4)(f). The access gate at the entrance has not been installed. The access road gate was not waived during the pre-site inspection and needs installed with a lock and identification.

PAC needs to: 1) Raise the fencing around the tank battery or use low profile tanks as required by 1501:9-9-05E(4)(f). 2) Install the required gate with a lock at the access road entrance per 1501:9-9-05(E)(2)(c). 3) Post the proper identification sign on the access road gate per 1501:9-9-05E(1)(f). 4) Complete the installation of the fencing around the well.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1004044866 US-OH-100485 2018-05-25 9-05E1 ID (a-i)
1004044866 US-OH-100486 2018-05-25 9-05E2 FENCING (a-d)
1004044866 US-OH-100487 2018-05-25 9-05E4 TANKS (a-i)
1004044866 US-OH-100488 2018-05-25 9-9-02 General Safety

For data sources see[9]
