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Well Details

Well ID: 0094241006000
Location: 00/06-10-009-24W4/0
Location Alias: 00/06-10-09-24 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/06-10-009-24 W4/00
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 009
Meridian: 4
Range: 24
Section: 10
County/Municipality: Blood 148
Well Name: TAC HZ PENNY 6-10-9-24
Operator Name: Tamarack Acquisition Corp.
License Number: 0470303
License Date: 2014-09-30
License Status: Amended
Spud Date: 2014-10-28
Final Drill Date: 2014-12-22
Well Total Depth: 4638.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 49.695861
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.164272

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
2014-09-30 Obtained License
2014-10-31 Surface Casing Operation Performed
2014-11-09 Intermediate Casing Operation Performed
2014-11-14 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Deviate
2014-11-29 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Horizontal
2014-12-22 Finished Drilling
2014-12-22 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
2014-12-23 Liner Casing Operation Performed
2014-12-27 Rig Released
2015-01-13 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-19 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-19 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-19 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-20 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-20 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-20 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-21 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-21 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-21 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-22 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-22 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-22 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-26 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-26 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-26 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-27 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-27 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-27 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-28 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-28 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-28 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-01-29 Perforation Treatment Performed - Acid Squeeze - Press Used
2015-01-29 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2015-01-29 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2015-02-07 Well Began Production
2015-02-07 Well Fluid changed to Crude Oil
2015-02-07 Well Mode changed to Pumping

For data sources see[3]

Directional Drilling

Start Date Depth (m) Reason
2014-11-14 1986.90 Deviate (5 - 79 degrees)
2014-11-29 2246.90 Horizontal

For data sources see[4]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2015-01-13 Perforation 4581.30 4582.40 6
2015-01-20 Perforation 4358.00 4403.50 13
2015-01-20 Fracture 4358.00 4403.50 0
2015-01-20 Acid Treatment 4358.00 4403.50 0
2015-01-20 Perforation 4283.00 4328.50 13
2015-01-20 Fracture 4283.00 4328.50 0
2015-01-20 Acid Treatment 4283.00 4328.50 0
2015-01-20 Perforation 4223.00 4253.50 13
2015-01-21 Fracture 4223.00 4253.50 0
2015-01-21 Acid Treatment 4223.00 4253.50 0
2015-01-21 Perforation 4133.00 4178.50 13
2015-01-19 Acid Treatment 4581.30 4582.40 0
2015-01-21 Fracture 4133.00 4178.50 0
2015-01-21 Acid Treatment 4133.00 4178.50 0
2015-01-21 Perforation 4058.00 4103.50 13
2015-01-21 Fracture 4058.00 4103.50 0
2015-01-21 Acid Treatment 4058.00 4103.50 0
2015-01-22 Perforation 3983.00 4028.50 13
2015-01-22 Fracture 3983.00 4028.50 0
2015-01-22 Acid Treatment 3983.00 4028.50 0
2015-01-24 Perforation 3908.00 3953.50 13
2015-01-24 Fracture 3908.00 3953.50 0
2015-01-19 Fracture 4581.30 4582.40 0
2015-01-24 Acid Treatment 3908.00 3953.50 0
2015-01-24 Perforation 3833.00 3878.50 13
2015-01-24 Fracture 3833.00 3878.50 0
2015-01-24 Acid Treatment 3833.00 3878.50 0
2015-01-25 Perforation 3758.00 3803.50 13
2015-01-25 Fracture 3758.00 3803.50 0
2015-01-25 Acid Treatment 3758.00 3803.50 0
2015-01-25 Perforation 3683.00 3728.50 13
2015-01-25 Fracture 3683.00 3728.50 0
2015-01-25 Acid Treatment 3683.00 3728.50 0
2015-01-19 Perforation 4508.00 4553.50 13
2015-01-25 Perforation 3608.00 3653.50 13
2015-01-25 Fracture 3608.00 3653.50 0
2015-01-25 Acid Treatment 3608.00 3653.50 0
2015-01-26 Perforation 3533.00 3578.50 13
2015-01-26 Fracture 3533.00 3578.50 0
2015-01-26 Acid Treatment 3533.00 3578.50 0
2015-01-26 Perforation 3458.00 3503.50 13
2015-01-26 Fracture 3458.00 3503.50 0
2015-01-26 Acid Treatment 3458.00 3503.50 0
2015-01-26 Perforation 3383.00 3428.50 13
2015-01-19 Fracture 4508.00 4553.50 0
2015-01-26 Fracture 3383.00 3428.50 0
2015-01-26 Acid Treatment 3383.00 3428.50 0
2015-01-27 Perforation 3283.00 3328.50 13
2015-01-27 Fracture 3283.00 3328.50 0
2015-01-27 Acid Treatment 3283.00 3328.50 0
2015-01-27 Perforation 3208.00 3253.50 13
2015-01-27 Fracture 3208.00 3253.50 0
2015-01-27 Acid Treatment 3208.00 3253.50 0
2015-01-27 Perforation 3133.00 3178.50 13
2015-01-27 Fracture 3133.00 3178.50 0
2015-01-19 Acid Treatment 4508.00 4553.50 0
2015-01-27 Acid Treatment 3133.00 3178.50 0
2015-01-27 Perforation 3058.00 3103.50 13
2015-01-27 Fracture 3058.00 3103.50 0
2015-01-27 Acid Treatment 3058.00 3103.50 0
2015-01-28 Perforation 2983.00 3028.50 13
2015-01-28 Fracture 2983.00 3028.50 0
2015-01-28 Acid Treatment 2983.00 3028.50 0
2015-01-28 Perforation 2908.00 2953.50 13
2015-01-28 Fracture 2908.00 2953.50 0
2015-01-28 Acid Treatment 2908.00 2953.50 0
2015-01-20 Perforation 4433.00 4478.50 13
2015-01-28 Perforation 2833.00 2878.50 13
2015-01-28 Fracture 2833.00 2878.50 0
2015-01-28 Acid Treatment 2833.00 2878.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2758.00 2803.50 13
2015-01-29 Fracture 2758.00 2803.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2758.00 2803.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2683.00 2728.50 13
2015-01-29 Fracture 2683.00 2728.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2683.00 2728.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2608.00 2653.50 13
2015-01-20 Fracture 4433.00 4478.50 0
2015-01-29 Fracture 2608.00 2653.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2608.00 2653.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2533.00 2578.50 13
2015-01-29 Fracture 2533.00 2578.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2533.00 2578.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2458.00 2503.50 13
2015-01-29 Fracture 2458.00 2503.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2458.00 2503.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2383.00 2428.50 13
2015-01-29 Fracture 2383.00 2428.50 0
2015-01-20 Acid Treatment 4433.00 4478.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2383.00 2428.50 0
2015-01-29 Perforation 2308.00 2353.50 13
2015-01-29 Fracture 2308.00 2353.50 0
2015-01-29 Acid Treatment 2308.00 2353.50 0

For data sources see[5]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 2015-01-19 2015-01-29 2,202 9,689 N/A
2 2015-01-28 2015-01-29 2,202 0 N/A

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 Water Not Available 100 78.0231 N/A
CARBOECONOPROP 30/50 IS PROPPANT Baker Hughes Mullite 1302-93-8 100 18.2144 N/A
Silica Crystalline-Cristobalite 14464-46-1 100 18.2144 N/A
Silicon Dioxide. amorphous as glass 7631-86-9 100 18.2144 N/A
Hydrochloric Acid 15% Baker Hughes Acid Hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 100 2.7525 N/A
Water 7732-18-5 100 2.7525 N/A
2K7 Solution W-M Baker Hughes Bactericide/Biocide 2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1.3-diol 52-51-7 100 0.0393 N/A
Methanol 67-56-1 100 0.0393 N/A
Water 7732-18-5 100 0.0393 N/A
High Perm KP1 Baker Hughes Breaker Ammonium persulphate 7727-54-0 100 0.0335 N/A
BF-7L Baker Hughes Buffer Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.2247 N/A
Potassium carbonate 584-08-7 100 0.2247 N/A
CC-2 Baker Hughes Clay Control Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.178 N/A
Nowferr 12 Baker Hughes Corrosion Inhibitor Methanol 67-56-1 100 0.0102 N/A
Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.0102 N/A
Potassium iodide 7681-11-0 100 0.0102 N/A
Nowferr 3G Baker Hughes Corrosion Inhibitor 2-Propyn-1-ol. compd w methyloxirane 38172-91-7 100 0.0128 N/A
Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.0128 N/A
Propargyl alcohol 107-19-7 100 0.0128 N/A
XLW-8 Baker Hughes Crosslinker Glycerin 56-81-5 100 0.1364 N/A
Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.1364 N/A
Sodium tetraborate 1303-96-4 100 0.1364 N/A
FP-12L Baker Hughes Defoamer Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.0002 N/A
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 556-67-2 100 0.0002 N/A
AS-357 Baker Hughes Demulsifier Benzyldimethyloleylammonium chloride 37139-99-4 100 0.0702 N/A
Ethanol 64-17-5 100 0.0702 N/A
Fatty quaternary ammonium chloride 61789-77-3 100 0.0702 N/A
Isopropanol 67-63-0 100 0.0702 N/A
Quaternary ammonium compound 68424-85-1 100 0.0702 N/A
Quaternary ammonium compounds. tallow alkyl. sulfates 308074-31-9 100 0.0702 N/A
Nowferr 10 Baker Hughes Demulsifier Benzene sulphonate derivative 147732-60-3 100 0.0555 N/A
Benzenesulphonic acid. C10-16-alkyl derivatives 68584-22-5 100 0.0555 N/A
Dipropylene glycol 25265-71-8 100 0.0555 N/A
Non-hazardous Not Available 100 0.0555 N/A
GW-3 Baker Hughes Gelling Agent Guar gum 9000-30-0 100 0.2181 N/A
Nowferr 1 Baker Hughes Iron Control Sodium hypophosphite 10039-56-2 100 0.0154 N/A
Nowferr 14P Baker Hughes Iron Control Cupric sulphate. pentahydrate 7758-99-8 100 0.0032 N/A
2 GW-3SLR Baker Hughes Gelling Agent Guar gum 9000-30-0 100 0.1943 N/A
Low toxicity base oils - Non-WHMIS Controlled Not Available 100 0.1943 N/A

For data sources see[6]

Water Sources

Water Diversion Start Date Water Diversion End Date Water Source Type Total Water Volume (m3)
2014-10-27 2014-11-14 Surface Water - River 10961

For data sources see[7]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
2015 6392 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 7425 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 7970 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018 8162 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 8318 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020 2183 0.0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[8]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2014-12-28 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00
2015-02-28 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00

For data sources see[9]
