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Well Details

Well ID: 0134060506003
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 00/06-05-013-06W4/3
Location Alias: 00/06-05-13-06 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/06-05-013-06 W4/03
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 013
Meridian: 4
Range: 06
Section: 05
County/Municipality: Redcliff
Well Name: DECCA HOPE MEDHAT 6-5-13-6
Operator Name: City Of Medicine Hat
License Number: 0059399
License Date: 1976-07-27
License Status: Abandoned
Spud Date: 1976-08-17
Final Drill Date: 1976-08-19
Well Total Depth: 521.20 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 50.054861
Surface Hole Longitude: -110.792657

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
1909-09-09 Well Log Performed
1976-07-27 Obtained License
1976-08-19 Finished Drilling
1976-08-19 Production Casing Operation Performed
1976-08-28 Perforation Treatment Performed - Selective Bullet Perforations
1976-08-30 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
1976-09-11 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
1978-01-05 Perforation Treatment Performed - Cement Squeeze
1978-01-05 Well Mode changed to Abandoned Zone
2013-07-04 Well Log Performed
2013-07-11 Perforation Treatment Performed - Bridge Plug Capped W/Cement
2013-07-11 Plug Back Performed
2013-07-11 Well Log Performed
2013-07-12 Perforation Treatment Performed - Bridge Plug Capped W/Cement
2013-07-12 Plug Back Performed
2013-07-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Bridge Plug Capped W/Cement
2013-07-24 Plug Back Performed
2013-07-24 Well Log Performed
2013-08-19 Well Abandoned
2013-08-19 Well Mode changed to Abandoned

For data sources see[3]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 205.70 208.20 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 245.70 246.30 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 248.10 249.90 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 250.50 253.00 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 253.60 283.20 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 284.70 285.30 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 287.10 287.70 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 289.60 290.20 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 292.00 292.60 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 300.20 300.80 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 303.00 303.60 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 208.80 210.60 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 304.80 306.00 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 306.60 307.20 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 324.90 328.00 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 328.60 330.10 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 331.00 332.80 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 333.50 334.70 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 339.20 476.40 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 477.00 479.10 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 479.80 480.40 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 481.00 482.80 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 211.20 214.30 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 484.00 485.20 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 489.20 493.80 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 494.70 495.30 0
1976-08-30 Fracture 205.70 495.30 0
1978-01-05 Cement Squeeze 205.70 253.60 0
2013-07-11 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 455.00 463.00 0
2013-07-11 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 272.00 280.00 0
2013-07-12 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 190.00 198.00 0
2013-07-24 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 177.00 185.00 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 214.90 217.30 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 217.90 219.20 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 219.80 237.40 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 238.00 238.70 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 239.30 240.50 0
1976-08-28 Selective Bullet Perforations 241.10 244.80 0

For data sources see[4]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2013-07-24 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00

For data sources see[5]

