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Well Details

Well ID: 0144043513000
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 00/13-35-014-04W4/0
Location Alias: 00/13-35-14-04 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/13-35-014-04 W4/00
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 014
Meridian: 4
Range: 04
Section: 35
County/Municipality: Cypress County
Well Name: QUESTFIRE MEDHAT 13-35-14-4
Operator Name: Questfire Energy Corp.
License Number: 0077126
License Date: 1979-07-26
License Status: Issued
Spud Date: 1979-08-25
Final Drill Date: 1979-08-27
Well Total Depth: 803.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 50.218870
Surface Hole Longitude: -110.454060

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
1909-09-09 Well Log Performed
1979-07-26 Obtained License
1979-08-27 Finished Drilling
1979-08-27 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
1979-08-28 Production Casing Operation Performed
1979-09-06 Perforation Treatment Performed - Bullet Perforation
1979-09-06 Perforation Treatment Performed - Selective Bullet Perforations
1979-09-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Selective Bullet Perforations
1979-10-06 Perforation Treatment Performed - Selective Bullet Perforations
1979-11-01 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
1979-11-05 Perforation Treatment Performed - Selective Bullet Perforations
1979-11-10 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
1979-11-23 Well Began Production
1979-11-23 Well Fluid changed to Gas
1979-11-23 Well Mode changed to Flowing
1983-05-31 Well Fluid changed to Gas
1983-05-31 Well Mode changed to Suspended
1987-03-05 Perforation Treatment Performed - Bridge Plug Capped W/Cement
1987-03-05 Plug Back Performed
1987-03-05 Well Fluid changed to Gas
1987-03-05 Well Mode changed to Abandoned Zone
2006-03-12 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2006-03-17 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2006-05-08 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2006-05-13 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured

For data sources see[3]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1979-09-06 Bullet Perforation 725.50 726.30 20
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 476.50 477.50 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 478.50 502.00 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 446.50 447.00 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 447.50 448.00 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 448.50 449.00 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 449.50 450.50 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 451.50 452.50 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 453.50 454.00 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 456.00 460.50 0
1979-10-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 464.00 464.00 0
1979-09-06 Selective Bullet Perforations 726.50 727.00 0
1979-11-01 Fracture 446.50 502.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 341.50 344.50 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 349.50 351.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 352.50 358.50 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 360.50 362.50 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 365.00 372.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 373.50 375.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 376.50 382.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 383.50 385.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 386.50 389.00 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 466.50 467.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 392.00 395.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 396.50 398.00 0
1979-11-05 Selective Bullet Perforations 399.50 399.50 0
1979-11-10 Fracture 341.50 399.50 0
1987-03-05 Packing Device Capped w/Cement 701.00 709.00 0
2006-03-12 Perforation 475.00 478.00 7
2006-03-12 Perforation 467.50 472.50 7
2006-03-12 Perforation 446.50 449.50 7
2006-03-12 Perforation 435.00 440.00 7
2006-03-17 Fracture 435.00 478.00 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 467.50 468.00 0
2006-05-08 Perforation 397.50 399.50 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 384.50 389.50 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 381.00 383.00 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 372.00 375.00 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 348.50 352.50 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 341.00 344.00 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 336.00 339.00 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 330.00 333.00 7
2006-05-08 Perforation 318.00 321.00 7
2006-05-13 Fracture 318.00 399.50 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 468.50 469.00 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 469.50 470.00 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 470.50 471.00 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 471.50 472.00 0
1979-09-24 Selective Bullet Perforations 472.50 475.50 0

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
1979 936 0.0 0.0 0.0
1980 7264 0.0 0.0 0.0
1981 8755 0.0 0.0 0.0
1982 8438 0.0 0.0 0.0
1983 3493 0.0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[5]

