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Well Details

Well ID: 0605243611020
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 02/11-36-060-24W5/0
Location Alias: 02/11-36-60-24 W5M
Location Alias 2: 02/11-36-060-24 W5/00
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 060
Meridian: 5
Range: 24
Section: 36
County/Municipality: Municipal District of Greenview No. 16
Well Name: ATH 102 HZ PLACID 11-36-60-24
Operator Name: Athabasca Oil Corporation
License Number: 0484822
License Date: 2017-08-01
License Status: Issued
Spud Date: 2017-08-23
Final Drill Date: 2017-11-19
Well Total Depth: 5660.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 54.214698
Surface Hole Longitude: -117.436157

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
2017-08-01 Obtained License
2017-08-24 Surface Casing Operation Performed
2017-09-04 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Deviate
2017-09-07 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Horizontal
2017-09-08 Well Log Performed
2017-09-10 Intermediate Casing Operation Performed
2017-11-19 Finished Drilling
2017-11-19 Well Log Performed
2017-11-19 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
2017-11-21 Production Casing Operation Performed
2017-11-21 Rig Released
2017-12-19 Perforation Treatment Performed - Open-Hole Completion
2017-12-22 Well Log Performed
2018-01-08 Perforation Treatment Performed - Multi-Stage Fracture
2018-01-17 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-18 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-18 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-19 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-19 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-20 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-20 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-21 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-21 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-22 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-22 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-23 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-23 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-01-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2018-01-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2018-02-13 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2018-02-13 Well Mode changed to Testing
2018-03-16 Well Began Production
2018-03-16 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2018-03-16 Well Mode changed to Flowing
2019-07-01 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2019-07-01 Well Mode changed to Pumping

For data sources see[3]

Spud Table

Spud Date Contractor Rig Number New Projected Depth (m) Activity Type
2017-11-13 Precision Drilling Corporation 531 N/A Resumption
2017-08-23 Precision Drilling Corporation 531 N/A Set Surface

For data sources see[4]

Directional Drilling

Start Date Depth (m) Reason
2017-09-04 1291.70 Deviate (5 - 79 degrees)
2017-09-07 2904.00 Horizontal

For data sources see[5]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2017-12-19 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 5654.00 5660.00 0
2018-01-18 Fracture 5430.00 5480.30 0
2018-01-22 Perforation 3584.00 3584.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3555.00 3555.30 20
2018-01-23 Fracture 3555.00 3615.30 0
2018-01-23 Perforation 3530.00 3530.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3503.00 3503.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3476.00 3476.30 20
2018-01-23 Fracture 3476.00 3530.30 0
2018-01-23 Perforation 3455.00 3455.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3426.00 3426.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3399.00 3399.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5403.00 5403.30 20
2018-01-23 Fracture 3399.00 3455.30 0
2018-01-23 Perforation 3372.00 3372.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3345.00 3345.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3318.00 3318.30 20
2018-01-23 Fracture 3318.00 3372.30 0
2018-01-23 Perforation 3291.00 3291.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3264.00 3264.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3237.00 3237.30 20
2018-01-23 Fracture 3237.00 3291.30 0
2018-01-23 Perforation 3210.00 3210.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5359.00 5359.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3183.00 3183.30 20
2018-01-23 Perforation 3156.00 3156.30 20
2018-01-24 Fracture 3156.00 3210.30 0
2018-01-25 Perforation 3129.00 3129.30 20
2018-01-25 Perforation 3102.00 3102.30 20
2018-01-25 Perforation 3075.00 3075.30 20
2018-01-25 Fracture 3075.00 3129.30 0
2018-01-25 Perforation 3045.00 3045.30 20
2018-01-25 Perforation 3018.00 3018.30 20
2018-01-25 Perforation 2991.00 2991.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5335.00 5335.30 20
2018-01-25 Fracture 2991.00 3045.30 0
2018-01-18 Fracture 5335.00 5403.30 0
2018-01-18 Perforation 5310.00 5310.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5290.00 5290.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5263.00 5263.30 20
2018-01-18 Fracture 5263.00 5310.30 0
2018-01-18 Perforation 5236.00 5236.30 20
2018-01-08 Multi-Stage Fracture 5586.00 5617.40 0
2018-01-18 Perforation 5209.00 5209.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5189.00 5189.30 20
2018-01-18 Fracture 5189.00 5236.30 0
2018-01-18 Perforation 5162.00 5162.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5131.00 5131.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5108.00 5108.30 20
2018-01-18 Fracture 5108.00 5162.30 0
2018-01-18 Perforation 5081.00 5081.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5054.00 5054.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5027.00 5027.30 20
2018-01-17 Perforation 5560.00 5560.30 20
2018-01-19 Fracture 5027.00 5081.30 0
2018-01-19 Perforation 4984.00 4984.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4957.00 4957.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4930.00 4930.30 20
2018-01-19 Fracture 4930.00 4984.30 0
2018-01-19 Perforation 4903.00 4903.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4876.00 4876.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4849.00 4849.30 20
2018-01-19 Fracture 4849.00 4903.30 0
2018-01-19 Perforation 4827.00 4827.30 20
2018-01-17 Perforation 5539.00 5539.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4794.00 4794.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4770.00 4770.30 20
2018-01-19 Fracture 4770.00 4827.30 0
2018-01-19 Perforation 4743.00 4743.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4716.00 4716.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4694.00 4694.30 20
2018-01-19 Fracture 4694.00 4743.30 0
2018-01-19 Perforation 4662.00 4662.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4630.00 4630.30 20
2018-01-19 Perforation 4606.00 4606.30 20
2018-01-17 Perforation 5507.00 5507.30 20
2018-01-20 Fracture 4606.00 4662.30 0
2018-01-20 Perforation 4579.00 4579.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4550.00 4550.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4524.00 4524.30 20
2018-01-20 Fracture 4524.00 4579.30 0
2018-01-20 Perforation 4497.00 4497.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4468.00 4468.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4443.00 4443.30 20
2018-01-20 Fracture 4443.00 4497.30 0
2018-01-20 Perforation 4416.00 4416.30 20
2018-01-18 Fracture 5507.00 5560.30 0
2018-01-20 Perforation 4389.00 4389.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4362.00 4362.30 20
2018-01-20 Fracture 4362.00 4416.30 0
2018-01-20 Perforation 4335.00 4335.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4308.00 4308.30 20
2018-01-20 Perforation 4288.00 4288.30 20
2018-01-21 Fracture 4288.00 4335.30 0
2018-01-21 Perforation 4254.00 4254.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 4227.00 4227.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 4200.00 4200.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5480.00 5480.30 20
2018-01-21 Fracture 4200.00 4254.30 0
2018-01-21 Perforation 4176.00 4176.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 4152.00 4152.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 4119.00 4119.30 20
2018-01-21 Fracture 4119.00 4176.30 0
2018-01-21 Perforation 4092.00 4092.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 4065.00 4065.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 4038.00 4038.30 20
2018-01-21 Fracture 4038.00 4092.30 0
2018-01-21 Perforation 4015.00 4015.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5456.00 5456.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 3984.00 3984.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 3955.00 3955.30 20
2018-01-21 Fracture 3955.00 4015.30 0
2018-01-21 Perforation 3930.00 3930.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 3903.00 3903.30 20
2018-01-21 Perforation 3876.00 3876.30 20
2018-01-22 Fracture 3876.00 3930.30 0
2018-01-22 Perforation 3854.00 3854.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3827.00 3827.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3800.00 3800.30 20
2018-01-18 Perforation 5430.00 5430.30 20
2018-01-22 Fracture 3800.00 3854.30 0
2018-01-22 Perforation 3775.00 3775.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3750.00 3750.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3719.00 3719.30 20
2018-01-22 Fracture 3719.00 3775.30 0
2018-01-22 Perforation 3692.00 3692.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3665.00 3665.30 20
2018-01-22 Perforation 3638.00 3638.30 20
2018-01-22 Fracture 3638.00 3692.30 0
2018-01-22 Perforation 3615.00 3615.30 20

For data sources see[6]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 2018-01-08 2018-01-25 2,749 21,209 N/A
2 2018-01-08 2018-01-23 2,749 0 N/A
3 2018-01-23 2018-01-25 2,749 0 N/A
4 2018-01-18 2018-01-18 2,749 0 N/A

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 Water Not Available 100 80.4028 N/A
Sand - Tier 1 (40/70) Trican Well Service Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 100 10.3798 N/A
Crystalline silica. quartz 14808-60-7 100 10.3798 N/A
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 100 10.3798 N/A
Titanium Oxide 13463-67-7 100 10.3798 N/A
Sand - Tier 2 (50/140) Trican Well Service Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 100 2.6254 N/A
Crystalline silica. quartz 14808-60-7 100 2.6254 N/A
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 100 2.6254 N/A
Titanium Oxide 13463-67-7 100 2.6254 N/A
HCL 15% Trican Well Service Acid Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-0 100 1.4474 N/A
Water 7732-18-5 100 1.4474 N/A
NMR-1 (Stimulation Surfactant) Trican Well Service Acid methanol 67-56-1 100 0.0616 N/A
non-hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0616 N/A
AQUCAR DB20 Biocide Trican Well Service Bactericide/Biocide 2.2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide 10222-01-2 100 0.0094 N/A
2-mercaptoethanol 60-24-2 100 0.0094 N/A
dibromoacetonitrile 3252-43-5 100 0.0094 N/A
non-hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0094 N/A
sodium bromide 7647-15-6 100 0.0094 N/A
AI-12 Corrosion Inhibitor Trican Well Service Corrosion Inhibitor 1-decanol 112-30-1 100 0.0058 N/A
1-octanol 111-87-5 100 0.0058 N/A
branched nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether 127087-87-0 100 0.0058 N/A
cinnamaldehyde 104-55-2 100 0.0058 N/A
dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether 34590-94-8 100 0.0058 N/A
ethylene glycol 107-21-1 100 0.0058 N/A
formic acid 64-18-6 100 0.0058 N/A
isopropanol 67-63-0 100 0.0058 N/A
tar bases. quinoline derives 68513-87-1 100 0.0058 N/A
tar bases. quinoline derives.. benzyl chloride-quaternized 72480-70-7 100 0.0058 N/A
triethyl phosphate 78-40-0 100 0.0058 N/A
Nitrogen Gas Trican Well Service Energizing Fluid Nitrogen 7727-37-9 100 2.3886 N/A
Non-hazardous base ingredient(s) Not Available 100 2.3887 N/A
FR-23 Friction Reducer Trican Well Service Gelling Agent No hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0844 N/A
IC-3 (Iron Control) Trican Well Service Iron Control sodium nitrilo-triacetate. monohydrate 18662-53-8 100 0.0067 N/A
SI-18 (Scale Inhibitor) Trican Well Service Scale Inhibitor non-hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0139 N/A
GNE-2 Green Non Emulsifier Trican Well Service Surfactant non-hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0027 N/A
propylene glycol 57-55-6 100 0.0027 N/A
2 Atlas CRC-C (30/50) Trican Well Service Crystalline silica. quartz 14808-60-7 100 2.5466 N/A
Hexamethylenetetramine 100-97-0 100 2.5466 N/A
Phenol formaldehyde resin 9003-35-4 100 2.5466 N/A
3 Prime Plus (30/50) Trican Well Service No specific ingredients Not Available 100 2.6538 N/A
4 CC-8 Clay Stabilizer Trican Well Service Clay Control choline chloride 67-48-1 100 0.0743 N/A
non-hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0743 N/A

For data sources see[7]

Water Sources

Water Diversion Start Date Water Diversion End Date Water Source Type Total Water Volume (m3)
2017-05-03 2017-09-19 Surface Water - River 19204
2018-01-02 2018-01-25 Surface Water - Runoff 3271

For data sources see[8]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
2018 7127 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 8682 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020 2179 0.0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[9]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2017-11-21 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00
2018-02-12 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00

For data sources see[10]

