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Well Details

Well ID: 0605243615002
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 00/15-36-060-24W5/2
Location Alias: 00/15-36-60-24 W5M
Location Alias 2: 00/15-36-060-24 W5/02
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 060
Meridian: 5
Range: 24
Section: 36
County/Municipality: Municipal District of Greenview No. 16
Well Name: ATH HZ PLACID 15-36-60-24
Operator Name: Athabasca Oil Corporation
License Number: 0480317
License Date: 2016-09-08
License Status: Amended
Spud Date: 2016-09-21
Final Drill Date: 2016-12-08
Well Total Depth: 5225.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 54.223726
Surface Hole Longitude: -117.431157

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
2016-09-08 Obtained License
2016-09-22 Surface Casing Operation Performed
2016-10-27 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Deviate
2016-11-04 Intermediate Casing Operation Performed
2016-11-28 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Horizontal
2016-12-08 Finished Drilling
2016-12-08 Well Log Performed
2016-12-08 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
2016-12-09 Production Casing Operation Performed
2016-12-09 Rig Released
2017-01-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Open-Hole Completion
2017-01-25 Well Log Performed
2017-02-24 Perforation Treatment Performed - Multi-Stage Fracture
2017-02-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2017-02-25 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2017-02-26 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2017-02-26 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2017-02-27 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2017-02-27 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2017-02-28 Perforation Treatment Performed - Fractured
2017-02-28 Perforation Treatment Performed - Jet Perforation
2017-03-01 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2017-03-01 Well Mode changed to Testing
2017-04-01 Well Began Production
2017-04-01 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2017-04-01 Well Mode changed to Flowing
2019-07-01 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2019-07-01 Well Mode changed to Pumping

For data sources see[3]

Directional Drilling

Start Date Depth (m) Reason
2016-10-27 1669.50 Deviate (5 - 79 degrees)
2016-11-28 2818.00 Horizontal

For data sources see[4]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2017-01-24 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 5216.20 5225.00 0
2017-02-25 Perforation 4761.50 4762.00 20
2017-02-25 Perforation 4725.00 4725.50 20
2017-02-25 Fracture 4725.00 4762.00 0
2017-02-25 Perforation 4680.00 4680.50 20
2017-02-25 Perforation 4635.00 4635.50 20
2017-02-25 Fracture 4635.00 4680.50 0
2017-02-25 Perforation 4590.00 4590.50 20
2017-02-25 Perforation 4545.00 4545.50 20
2017-02-25 Fracture 4545.00 4590.50 0
2017-02-25 Perforation 4500.00 4500.50 20
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 5151.50 5198.90 0
2017-02-25 Perforation 4455.00 4455.50 20
2017-02-25 Fracture 4455.00 4500.50 0
2017-02-26 Perforation 4410.00 4410.50 20
2017-02-26 Perforation 4365.00 4365.50 20
2017-02-26 Fracture 4365.00 4410.50 0
2017-02-26 Perforation 4320.00 4320.50 20
2017-02-26 Perforation 4275.00 4275.50 20
2017-02-26 Fracture 4275.00 4320.50 0
2017-02-26 Perforation 4230.00 4230.50 20
2017-02-26 Perforation 4185.00 4185.50 20
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 5096.90 5122.00 0
2017-02-26 Fracture 4185.00 4230.50 0
2017-02-26 Perforation 4140.00 4140.50 20
2017-02-26 Perforation 4095.00 4095.50 20
2017-02-26 Fracture 4095.00 4140.50 0
2017-02-26 Perforation 4050.00 4050.50 20
2017-02-26 Perforation 4005.00 4005.50 20
2017-02-26 Fracture 4005.00 4050.50 0
2017-02-26 Perforation 3960.00 3960.50 20
2017-02-26 Perforation 3915.00 3915.50 20
2017-02-27 Fracture 3915.00 3960.50 0
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 5048.20 5073.50 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3870.00 3870.50 20
2017-02-27 Perforation 3825.00 3825.50 20
2017-02-27 Fracture 3825.00 3870.50 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3780.00 3780.50 20
2017-02-27 Perforation 3735.00 3735.50 20
2017-02-27 Fracture 3735.00 3780.50 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3690.00 3690.50 20
2017-02-27 Perforation 3645.00 3645.50 20
2017-02-27 Fracture 3645.00 3690.50 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3600.00 3600.50 20
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 4999.70 5024.80 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3555.00 3555.50 20
2017-02-27 Fracture 3555.00 3600.50 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3510.00 3510.50 20
2017-02-27 Perforation 3465.00 3465.50 20
2017-02-27 Fracture 3465.00 3510.50 0
2017-02-27 Perforation 3420.00 3420.50 20
2017-02-27 Perforation 3375.00 3375.50 20
2017-02-28 Fracture 3375.00 3420.50 0
2017-02-28 Perforation 3330.00 3330.50 20
2017-02-28 Perforation 3285.00 3285.50 20
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 4951.40 4976.30 0
2017-02-28 Fracture 3285.00 3330.50 0
2017-02-28 Perforation 3240.00 3240.50 20
2017-02-28 Perforation 3195.00 3195.50 20
2017-02-28 Fracture 3195.00 3240.50 0
2017-02-28 Perforation 3150.00 3150.50 20
2017-02-28 Perforation 3105.00 3105.50 20
2017-02-28 Fracture 3105.00 3150.50 0
2017-02-28 Perforation 3067.50 3068.00 20
2017-02-28 Perforation 3022.50 3023.00 20
2017-02-28 Fracture 3022.50 3068.00 0
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 4903.10 4928.40 0
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 4854.70 4879.70 0
2017-02-24 Multi-Stage Fracture 4806.30 4831.60 0

For data sources see[5]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 2017-02-24 2017-02-28 2,741 17,081 N/A

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 Water Not Available 100 79.3508 N/A
Prime Plus (30/50) Canyon Technical Services No specific ingredients Not Available 100 1.3574 N/A
Sand (30/50) Ottawa Canyon Technical Services Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 100 4.8614 N/A
Crystalline silica. quartz 14808-60-7 100 4.8614 N/A
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 100 4.8614 N/A
Titanium Oxide 13463-67-7 100 4.8613 N/A
Sand (40/70) Ottawa Canyon Technical Services Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 100 5.6009 N/A
Crystalline silica. quartz 14808-60-7 100 5.6009 N/A
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 100 5.6009 N/A
Titanium Oxide 13463-67-7 100 5.6009 N/A
Sand (50/140) Canyon Technical Services Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 100 4.2062 N/A
Crystalline silica. quartz 14808-60-7 100 4.2062 N/A
Iron Oxide 1309-37-1 100 4.2062 N/A
Titanium Oxide 13463-67-7 100 4.2062 N/A
HCL 15% Canyon Technical Services Acid Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-0 100 1.4087 N/A
Water 7732-18-5 100 1.4087 N/A
Chemcide PT Canyon Technical Services Bactericide/Biocide Methyl Alcohol 67-56-1 100 0.0083 N/A
N-Coco Alkyltrimethylenediamine diacetates 61791-64-8 100 0.0083 N/A
CAN-1912 Clay Stabilizer (HT) Canyon Technical Services Clay Control No hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0862 N/A
Nitrogen Gas Canyon Technical Services Energizing Fluid Nitrogen 7727-37-9 100 3.035 N/A
Non-hazardous base ingredient(s) Not Available 100 3.035 N/A
CAN-2057 Friction Reducer Canyon Technical Services Gelling Agent No hazardous ingredients Not Available 100 0.0833 N/A
CAN-1402 Scale Inhibitor Canyon Technical Services Scale Inhibitor Methyl Alcohol 67-56-1 100 0.0116 N/A
Potassium Chloride 7447-40-7 100 0.0116 N/A
Water 7732-18-5 100 0.0116 N/A
CAN-2403 nanoFLO Canyon Technical Services Surfactant Ethanol 64-17-5 100 0.0382 N/A
Methanol 67-56-1 100 0.0382 N/A
Terpenes and Terpenoids. sweet orange-oil 68647-72-3 100 0.0382 N/A
Water 7732-18-5 100 0.0382 N/A

For data sources see[6]

Water Sources

Water Diversion Start Date Water Diversion End Date Water Source Type Total Water Volume (m3)
2017-01-25 2017-02-08 Surface Water - River 17588

For data sources see[7]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
2017 6207 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018 6027 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 8344 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020 1665 0.0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[8]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2016-12-09 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00
2017-02-28 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00

For data sources see[9]

