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Well Details

Well ID: 0635071507003
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 00/07-15-063-07W5/3
Location Alias: 00/07-15-63-07 W5M
Location Alias 2: 00/07-15-063-07 W5/03
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 063
Meridian: 5
Range: 07
Section: 15
County/Municipality: Woodlands County
Well Name: Trident Expl WX DORIS 1-15-63-7
Operator Name: Trident Exploration (wx) Corp.
License Number: 0346489
License Date: 2005-12-21
License Status: Amended
Spud Date: 2006-03-16
Final Drill Date: 2006-03-27
Well Total Depth: 1540.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 54.444439
Surface Hole Longitude: -114.960812

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
2005-12-21 Obtained License
2006-03-18 Surface Casing Operation Performed
2006-03-20 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Deviate
2006-03-22 Intermediate Casing Operation Performed
2006-03-23 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Horizontal
2006-03-26 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Horizontal
2006-03-27 Finished Drilling
2006-03-27 Well Log Performed
2006-03-27 Well Structure changed to Drain
2006-03-30 Liner Casing Operation Performed
2006-03-30 Perforation Treatment Performed - Open-Hole Completion
2006-03-30 Perforation Treatment Performed - Slotted Liner or Casing
2006-04-05 Rig Released

For data sources see[3]

Directional Drilling

Start Date Depth (m) Reason
2006-03-20 655.00 Deviate (5 - 79 degrees)
2006-03-23 1187.00 Horizontal
2006-03-26 1500.00 Horizontal

For data sources see[4]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2006-03-30 Slotted Liner 1187.00 1300.00 0
2006-03-30 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 1300.00 1540.00 0

For data sources see[5]

