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UWI: 101090500131W100 | Loading map...
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CWI: SK0008516 | |
Location: 01/09-05-001-31W1/0 | |
Country: Canada | |
Province: Saskatchewan | |
Municipality: Rural Municipality of Argyle No. 1 | |
Meridian: 01 | |
Township: 001 | |
Range: 31 | |
Section: 05 | |
Operator Name: Vermilion Energy Inc. | |
License Status: ACTIVE | |
Latitude: 49.00828 | |
Longitude: -101.58847 |
Date | Event |
1961-04-19 | License Obtained |
1961-04-21 | Spud Performed |
1961-04-28 | Finished Drilling |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Gas Production Hours | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Oil Production Hours | Water Quantity (bbl) | Water Production Hours |
1961 | 96.60 | 0 | 2,297.40 | 4968 | 729.10 | 0 |
1962 | 96.70 | 0 | 2,165.00 | 8760 | 1,765.80 | 0 |
1963 | 150.20 | 0 | 1,866.50 | 7776 | 1,406.60 | 0 |
1964 | 97.60 | 0 | 1,959.60 | 8736 | 1,741.20 | 0 |
1965 | 81.20 | 0 | 1,798.10 | 8760 | 1,419.70 | 0 |
1966 | 84.40 | 0 | 1,749.00 | 8664 | 1,294.50 | 0 |
1967 | 91.60 | 0 | 1,660.00 | 8760 | 1,258.80 | 0 |
1968 | 84.10 | 0 | 1,498.10 | 8424 | 1,068.20 | 0 |
1969 | 79.40 | 0 | 1,671.80 | 8712 | 1,074.20 | 0 |
1970 | 55.30 | 0 | 1,643.70 | 8760 | 944.30 | 0 |
1971 | 57.10 | 0 | 1,611.90 | 8712 | 959.90 | 0 |
1972 | 77.50 | 0 | 1,636.30 | 8712 | 945.80 | 0 |
1973 | 66.70 | 0 | 1,405.20 | 8616 | 847.50 | 0 |
1974 | 71.40 | 0 | 1,506.90 | 8640 | 917.50 | 0 |
1975 | 69.30 | 0 | 1,466.70 | 8664 | 870.10 | 0 |
1976 | 71.20 | 0 | 1,465.10 | 8664 | 806.20 | 0 |
1977 | 51.50 | 0 | 1,276.40 | 8664 | 693.70 | 0 |
1978 | 51.10 | 0 | 1,203.10 | 8616 | 685.40 | 0 |
1979 | 30.30 | 0 | 788.70 | 8520 | 840.20 | 0 |
1980 | 27.80 | 0 | 807.20 | 8496 | 924.20 | 0 |
1981 | 13.80 | 0 | 417.50 | 3096 | 486.10 | 0 |
1982 | 26.30 | 0 | 755.50 | 6216 | 940.20 | 0 |
1983 | 72.90 | 0 | 879.70 | 8520 | 1,033.40 | 0 |
1984 | 40.80 | 0 | 605.40 | 8112 | 786.60 | 0 |
1985 | 46.70 | 0 | 675.40 | 8712 | 1,015.90 | 0 |
1986 | 54.90 | 0 | 679.10 | 8088 | 1,111.40 | 0 |
1987 | 31.40 | 0 | 590.80 | 8712 | 1,218.60 | 0 |
1988 | 22.40 | 0 | 297.20 | 8496 | 707.50 | 0 |
1989 | 46.90 | 0 | 537.30 | 8712 | 1,264.40 | 0 |
1990 | 38.30 | 0 | 522.70 | 8603 | 1,214.30 | 0 |
1991 | 37.90 | 0 | 544.90 | 8712 | 1,338.80 | 0 |
1992 | 8.20 | 0 | 536.20 | 8776 | 1,279.00 | 0 |
1993 | 29.30 | 0 | 469.90 | 8680 | 1,186.70 | 0 |
1994 | 27.90 | 0 | 577.80 | 8717 | 1,241.90 | 0 |
1995 | 18.20 | 0 | 366.30 | 8304 | 1,266.90 | 0 |
1996 | 86.70 | 0 | 1,729.30 | 8170 | 6,238.90 | 0 |
1997 | 75.80 | 0 | 2,077.90 | 8240 | 11,043.20 | 0 |
1998 | 104.30 | 0 | 1,567.80 | 7795 | 11,031.30 | 0 |
1999 | 119.70 | 0 | 1,501.10 | 8597 | 12,172.00 | 0 |
2000 | 73.90 | 0 | 1,616.50 | 8642 | 11,475.20 | 0 |
2001 | 56.80 | 0 | 914.30 | 8626 | 12,642.30 | 0 |
2002 | 39.40 | 0 | 464.50 | 8604 | 13,328.80 | 0 |
2003 | 42.20 | 0 | 640.70 | 8678 | 12,527.00 | 0 |
2004 | 51.10 | 0 | 831.60 | 8738 | 11,940.80 | 0 |
2005 | 25.10 | 0 | 596.90 | 7767 | 9,123.00 | 0 |
2006 | 38.50 | 0 | 589.30 | 8733 | 9,821.60 | 0 |
2007 | 32.20 | 0 | 564.00 | 8668 | 9,088.20 | 0 |
2008 | 30.50 | 0 | 744.70 | 8747 | 11,312.80 | 0 |
2009 | 77.60 | 0 | 703.30 | 8736 | 11,092.50 | 0 |
2010 | 46.20 | 0 | 700.00 | 8724 | 11,178.00 | 0 |
2011 | 68.30 | 0 | 552.10 | 7227 | 9,450.60 | 0 |
2012 | 27.40 | 0 | 428.10 | 6038 | 8,973.50 | 0 |
2013 | 35.70 | 0 | 510.70 | 8590 | 9,740.60 | 0 |
2014 | 49.80 | 0 | 533.90 | 8579 | 10,431.50 | 0 |
2015 | 42.90 | 0 | 513.30 | 8616 | 10,260.00 | 0 |
2016 | 55.40 | 0 | 501.90 | 8748 | 9,910.90 | 0 |
2017 | 37.70 | 0 | 479.60 | 8288 | 9,056.70 | 0 |
2018 | 27.40 | 0 | 453.40 | 8511 | 9,080.70 | 0 |
2019 | 24.30 | 0 | 420.70 | 8601 | 9,185.90 | 0 |
2020 | 1.90 | 0 | 27.60 | 715 | 744.10 | 0 |
For data sources see[5]
Treatment Date | Treatment Type |
1961-05-09 | ACIDIZE |
1996-05-28 | ACIDIZE |
For data sources see[6]