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UWI: 101150200420W300 | Loading map...
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CWI: SK0001345 | |
Location: 01/15-02-004-20W3/0 | |
Country: Canada | |
Province: Saskatchewan | |
Municipality: Rural Municipality of White Valley No. 49 | |
Meridian: 03 | |
Township: 004 | |
Range: 20 | |
Section: 02 | |
Operator Name: Crescent Point Energy Corp. | |
License Status: ACTIVE | |
Latitude: 49.2744 | |
Longitude: -108.59276 |
Date | Event |
1953-01-05 | License Obtained |
1953-01-05 | Spud Performed |
1953-01-31 | Finished Drilling |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Gas Production Hours | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Oil Production Hours | Water Quantity (bbl) | Water Production Hours |
1953 | 0.00 | 0 | 2,007.70 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
1956 | 111.10 | 0 | 5,518.90 | 4128 | 5.40 | 0 |
1957 | 96.90 | 0 | 6,627.90 | 5256 | 6.90 | 0 |
1958 | 136.20 | 0 | 7,663.90 | 6696 | 12.40 | 0 |
1959 | 69.70 | 0 | 3,854.70 | 3456 | 9.30 | 0 |
1960 | 4.80 | 0 | 270.30 | 120 | 0.50 | 0 |
1961 | 157.30 | 0 | 6,700.60 | 5712 | 16.30 | 0 |
1962 | 462.50 | 0 | 9,537.40 | 6720 | 159.30 | 0 |
1963 | 699.10 | 0 | 9,987.10 | 8688 | 133.50 | 0 |
1964 | 384.90 | 0 | 14,343.00 | 8160 | 831.90 | 0 |
1965 | 296.80 | 0 | 19,001.80 | 8496 | 3,529.20 | 0 |
1966 | 217.10 | 0 | 15,974.50 | 8712 | 13,481.90 | 0 |
1967 | 128.70 | 0 | 12,027.00 | 7968 | 18,054.90 | 0 |
1968 | 117.60 | 0 | 8,013.20 | 7608 | 20,716.40 | 0 |
1969 | 96.50 | 0 | 5,836.30 | 8640 | 22,213.00 | 0 |
1970 | 180.70 | 0 | 6,519.90 | 8592 | 21,259.40 | 0 |
1971 | 122.60 | 0 | 7,290.70 | 8520 | 28,169.30 | 0 |
1972 | 69.80 | 0 | 1,713.20 | 8760 | 27,617.60 | 0 |
1973 | 122.40 | 0 | 2,798.10 | 8088 | 29,159.70 | 0 |
1974 | 109.90 | 0 | 4,687.20 | 7368 | 26,769.60 | 0 |
1975 | 25.10 | 0 | 937.00 | 3168 | 13,468.00 | 0 |
1976 | 7.40 | 0 | 206.80 | 888 | 4,340.60 | 0 |
1977 | 229.70 | 0 | 2,185.40 | 4824 | 17,790.30 | 0 |
1978 | 98.70 | 0 | 4,320.50 | 8664 | 33,270.70 | 0 |
1979 | 109.00 | 0 | 3,567.30 | 7752 | 29,150.70 | 0 |
1980 | 127.60 | 0 | 3,563.80 | 6720 | 27,435.60 | 0 |
1981 | 125.90 | 0 | 4,195.60 | 8160 | 32,147.30 | 0 |
1982 | 92.30 | 0 | 2,093.30 | 5208 | 9,286.20 | 0 |
1983 | 148.30 | 0 | 3,907.50 | 8280 | 28,300.60 | 0 |
1984 | 100.50 | 0 | 3,140.20 | 8616 | 24,966.00 | 0 |
1985 | 103.00 | 0 | 2,707.50 | 7992 | 21,401.30 | 0 |
1986 | 119.30 | 0 | 3,046.80 | 7776 | 13,743.10 | 0 |
1987 | 68.00 | 0 | 3,012.30 | 8688 | 8,212.90 | 0 |
1988 | 56.40 | 0 | 3,064.80 | 8664 | 8,140.90 | 0 |
1989 | 62.70 | 0 | 4,128.40 | 8568 | 10,814.10 | 0 |
1990 | 117.80 | 0 | 4,718.80 | 8739 | 10,622.30 | 0 |
1991 | 611.40 | 0 | 4,821.20 | 8673 | 12,791.80 | 0 |
1992 | 380.10 | 0 | 4,754.40 | 8696 | 10,727.60 | 0 |
1993 | 224.50 | 0 | 4,685.70 | 8708 | 7,065.50 | 0 |
1994 | 94.40 | 0 | 5,083.20 | 8405 | 4,547.80 | 0 |
1995 | 22.20 | 0 | 5,547.90 | 8691 | 5,135.50 | 0 |
1996 | 56.20 | 0 | 5,184.50 | 8578 | 7,264.00 | 0 |
1997 | 52.00 | 0 | 4,033.00 | 8749 | 10,183.10 | 0 |
1998 | 18.20 | 0 | 1,716.20 | 8704 | 12,809.80 | 0 |
1999 | 13.70 | 0 | 1,713.10 | 8689 | 15,708.80 | 0 |
2000 | 24.50 | 0 | 1,339.10 | 8664 | 20,655.10 | 0 |
2001 | 24.60 | 0 | 2,155.80 | 8728 | 25,273.50 | 0 |
2002 | 50.40 | 0 | 3,383.20 | 8649 | 25,480.20 | 0 |
2003 | 34.30 | 0 | 3,297.30 | 8664 | 24,919.60 | 0 |
2004 | 21.60 | 0 | 2,529.70 | 8643 | 20,682.40 | 0 |
2005 | 50.50 | 0 | 2,124.30 | 8678 | 22,475.90 | 0 |
2006 | 31.30 | 0 | 2,343.30 | 8571 | 24,295.50 | 0 |
2007 | 5.80 | 0 | 3,012.60 | 8542 | 24,684.50 | 0 |
2008 | 4.00 | 0 | 3,359.20 | 8605 | 24,268.10 | 0 |
2009 | 14.90 | 0 | 908.00 | 5770 | 18,995.50 | 0 |
2010 | 48.70 | 0 | 2,248.20 | 8536 | 27,135.50 | 0 |
2011 | 40.90 | 0 | 1,989.60 | 7416 | 23,047.20 | 0 |
2012 | 62.00 | 0 | 2,742.40 | 8266 | 23,239.40 | 0 |
2013 | 61.40 | 0 | 2,124.60 | 8485 | 23,692.20 | 0 |
2014 | 40.90 | 0 | 764.70 | 6780 | 17,317.50 | 0 |
2015 | 23.60 | 0 | 727.10 | 6822 | 24,417.40 | 0 |
2016 | 47.60 | 0 | 854.30 | 8709 | 28,762.00 | 0 |
2017 | 32.60 | 0 | 656.30 | 8338 | 20,388.30 | 0 |
2018 | 37.60 | 0 | 601.30 | 8689 | 31,435.10 | 0 |
2019 | 86.70 | 0 | 893.30 | 8650 | 36,467.60 | 0 |
2020 | 4.40 | 0 | 77.00 | 744 | 3,919.40 | 0 |
For data sources see[5]
Treatment Date | Treatment Type |
1953-02-01 | ACIDIZE |
1953-02-01 | CHEMFRACTURE |
For data sources see[6]