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Well Details

Well ID: 34-005-20792
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Ashland
Municipality: Vermillion Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: BAKER ET AL JOHN W
License Status: Storage Well
License Date:
Spud Date: 1952-09-17
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1952-10-28
Well Total Depth: 2824.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.730000
Longitude: -82.320000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1952-09-17
Completed 1952-10-28
Reached Total Depth 1952-10-28
Record Last Modified 2015-09-24

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2013-07-16 H2O 0 12445 Gal 0 OTHER The job was not witnessed due to responding to a citizen complaint. Nabors Well Service conducted fracture stimulation for Columbia Gas. The storage well was recently reworked. The hole was loaded with acetic acid prior to the stimulation job. This job was a hydraulic fracture with nitrogen assist. 52,190 cubic feet of nitrogen was used to reduce water requirements and flowback volume. Nitrogen comprised 20% of the volume pumped into the well. The remainder of the fluid was guar-gelled wa

For data sources see[3]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1123174082 2014-10-22 0:00 SO No Violations 0.50
-1179993137 2013-5-16 0:00: SO No Violations 3.00
-164920597 2016-5-18 0:00: SO No Violations 0.50
-1861286123 2013-5-7 0:00:0 SO No Violations 6.00
-516359725 2018-10-2 0:00: SO No Violations
-66059551 2019-4-17 0:00: SO No Violations
-74077228 2015-10-19 0:00 SO No Violations 0.50
0066059551 2019-04-17 Storage Well No Violations Performed annual inspection for Columbia Gas Storage Well #9122 on 04/17/2019. The well is equipped with a flanged wellhead with 1-master valve and 1-wing valve, and a drip. Well identification is clearly displayed. The well is located ~120 from its RBDMS location. A map showing the location discrepancy, as well as a request for the location to be updated in RBDMS was sent to Aaron Lantz (DOGRM Columbus). No other problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
0074077228 2015-10-19 Storage Well No Violations ID is posted and the location is maintained. The gate valve and annulus are open. There is a 5 barrel tank at the well.
0164920597 2016-05-18 Storage Well No Violations ID is posted and the location is maintained. The gate valve and annulus are open. There is a 5 barrel tank connected to the separator.
0474029234 2013-05-08 Storage Well No Violations Terry VanSickle of Columbia gas advised that he was going to complete cementing of the surface casing. Cement top was measured at 66ft. Additional cement was pumped through drill pipe and circulated back to surface. Cement remained at surface following pumping.
0516359725 2018-10-02 Storage Well No Violations ID is posted and the location is maintained. There is a 5 barrel tank connected to the separator.
1123174082 2014-10-22 Storage Well No Violations ID posted, location maintained. There is a 5 Bbl tank at the well.
1172111076 2013-05-23 Storage Well No Violations The rig has been moved off site. A well head is installed on the well. The pit, tanks, and a dozer remain on site. Columbia Gas has conducted pressure testing and logging of the well.
1179993137 2013-05-16 Storage Well No Violations Request by Columbia Gas to witness cementing of production string. The new 3.5 inch production casing landed 10-ft short of planned depth because of debris in hole from underreaming the 5.5 inch casing. The operator attempted to circulate debris out of the hole but that was not successful. The casing was cemented by Universal Well Service.
1371221827 2013-06-14 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Columbia gas completed a rework of the storage well. The site has been graded out, equipment is removed and vegetation is establishing on the disturbed area. Preliminary restoration is approved.
1861286123 2013-05-07 Storage Well No Violations Request by Terry VanSickle of Columbia Gas to witness surface casing cement job. The old casing was pulled, the original production casing in the well is being converted to surface casing. Cement was pumped through perforations in the 5.5inch and circulated back to surface. It fell when pumping stopped. Terry is going to measure the top of cement and decide on a remedial method at that point.
1927436955 2020-2-12 0:00: SO No Violations
2042073337 2017-07-10 Storage Well No Violations ID is posted and the location is maintained. The gate valve is open; the annulus is shut in. There is a 5 barrel tank connected to the separator.
2133847874 2020-2-12 0:00: SO No Violations
474029234 2013-5-8 0:00:0 SO No Violations 2.00

For data sources see[4]

