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Well Details

Well ID: 34-009-20560
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Athens
Municipality: Canaan Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: DORR FRED
License Status: Orphan Well - Ready
License Date:
Spud Date: 1941-12-01
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1941-12-15
Well Total Depth: 1390.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.320000
Longitude: -81.990000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1941-12-01
Completed 1941-12-15
Reached Total Depth 1941-12-15
Changed to Orphan Well Ready 2017-11-15 Changed Well To Orphan Ready
Record Last Modified 2019-03-25

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1190341209 2013-9-18 0:00: AM No Violations 3.00
-770615792 2020-4-2 0:00:0 OR No Violations
0276172737 2016-07-25 Orphan No Violations Visited location to familiarize DOGRM ER Coordinator Josh Schiering with this orphan well in preparation for environmental assessment activities.
0868446034 2013-03-18 Orphan No Violations The purpose of my inspection this day with Josh Garland is to begin the process for entering the well into orphan well program. Today, I found 10 casing with no wellhead, 2 3/8 tubing rotted off at the top at of the 10 casing which is full of water. Gas is bubbling thru the water in the hole at a fair to moderate rate. The well was drilled in 1941 by Canaan Drilling to the 2nd Berea sand and has not produced in very long time. There is 2 steel line with a gate valve that was used to sell the gas, 55 gal drum on location and both will need to be removed. Access to the well is off Canaan Rd. by the barn, travelling thru the hay meadow, across a small drainage (plastic culvert). The well is located about 400 south of the Hocking River and 800 north of Canaan Rd. Pictures taken, SEM is 182.
1190341209 2013-09-18 Administrative Inspection No Violations Spent time in morning working on plugging specifications and bid.
1368559600 2013-05-13 Orphan No Violations I spent the day doing title work, then a field inspection for this well.
1468344280 2016-07-08 Orphan No Violations Orphan well status inspection: Upon inspection, it was observed that the well is still idle/orphan and is currently bubbling gas. There is water inside the 10 casing at ground level. The 2.375 tubing is rotted off inside the 10 casing. There are old 2 steel flow lines extending to the east 6 away from the well before going underground. A pace measurement was taken and found the well to be 285 south of the banks of the Hocking River. The well is in a hay field off of County Road 24A. Ingress/egress will be at the gravel driveway which runs beside a large old barn, crosses a small ditch culvert, and gradually veers east to the well. New photos taken of the location.
1898531349 2013-03-18 Orphan No Violations Visited site with Orphan Inspector Cindy VanDyke. No tanks.
1918370499 2012-12-28 Orphan No Violations Asked to check on status of well by Supervisor. Well is 10 open surface casing with fluid level at surface. 2 tubing is rotten off at surface and is leaking gas into fluid inside surface casing. Well is in flood plane and roughly 100 feet from river.
276172737 2016-7-25 0:00: OR No Violations 2.00
868446034 2013-3-18 0:00: OR No Violations 1.00

For data sources see[3]

