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Well Details

Well ID: 34-009-60650
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Athens
Municipality: Canaan Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: HALBERT SS
License Status: Orphan Well - Ready
License Date:
Spud Date: 1900-01-01
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth:
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.310000
Longitude: -81.990000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Changed to Orphan Well Pending 2019-03-25 Changed Well To Orphan Pending
Record Last Modified 2019-03-25

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1694774368 2016-11-15 0:00 OR No Violations 1.00
1356727323 2012-12-28 Production Wells No Violations Asked to check on status of well by Supervisor. The 2 is shut in and the valves are closed. There is no identification on the well.
1379434477 2013-09-16 Administrative Inspection No Violations Spent time preparing plugging specifications and bid for the project.
1435161030 2015-06-24 Preliminary Restoration No Violations My inspection this day found this shut-in gas well. There is a 5high section of an old 40 gallon storage tank nearby. I had tried to inspect this well before but never saw the well, as the weeds were too high and thick. This day found 2 3/8 diameter tubing with a cross fitting on it about 4 above ground level. Both sides of this fitting has a valve on it that is closed and there is a gauge on top of the fitting that seems to be registering pressure. There is no well identification posted and it is not clear if this is a residential gas well or an idle/orphan well. I will talk to landowner to find out more information.
1694774368 2016-11-15 Orphan No Violations Orphan well status inspection: Upon inspection, it is observed that the status of this well has not changed since the last inspection. The well is idle, shut-in, and likely orphan. The visible well casing consists of 2.375 production tubing. There is a pressure gauge in a fitting on the tubing which is registering pressure. The well is plumbed into an 80 gallon oil burner fuel tank, which is situated 3 north of the well. There is 2 long section of 8 diameter casing laying near the tank which may be part of the surface casing of the well. The well is not tied into any gas sales lines or domestic gas lines. The well is not leaking oil, gas, or brine at this time. New photos were taken of the well location.

For data sources see[3]
