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Well Details

Well ID: 34-009-61633
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Athens
Municipality: Waterloo Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: PICKETT JW
License Status: Final Restoration
License Date:
Spud Date: 1930-11-01
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1931-12-01
Well Total Depth: 1013.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.370000
Longitude: -82.200000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1930-11-01 Orphan Well Case #2014 03 005
Completed 1931-12-01 Orphan Well Case #2014 03 005
Reached Total Depth 1931-12-01 Orphan Well Case #2014 03 005
Plugged/Abandoned 2015-05-06 Orphan Well Case #2014 03 005
Record Last Modified 2015-06-11 Orphan Well Case #2014 03 005

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1684656607 2013-5-15 0:00: OR No Violations 2.00
-2024721365 2015-5-4 0:00:0 OR No Violations 4.00
-248029767 2012-12-21 0:00 OR No Violations 0.90
-778166369 2015-5-7 0:00:0 OR No Violations 1.50
0008640012 2013-05-23 Orphan No Violations Returned to site with Idle/Orphan Inspector to review entry and rig placement.
0248029767 2012-12-21 Orphan No Violations Well was found behind house under a flower pot. Well equipped with 5 production casing and an open casing head. No lines, equipment, or identification at well. Fluid level inside casing was at ground level. Casing was full of oil and oil was actively flowing up into casing from below. A 5x5 foot area of ground around the well head was contaminated with oil and extremely saturated with oil. A wooden oil tank was found on the property with roughly 5 inches of paraffin and fluid in the bottom. Old shackle line poles and cable were found on the property as well. Well shall be plugged. Production equipment shall be removed and disposed of properly. Contaminated soils shall be removed and disposed of properly. Will refer this well to the Orphan program.
0778166369 2015-05-07 Orphan No Violations Company has removed the remainder of the concrete in the back yard excecpt for one piece the landowner requested be left, a landowner waiver was signed for the purposes of the Final Restoration requirements. The area in the back of the yard where the concrete blocks were located has been reclaimed. The wellhead has been cut off and buried, the site has been smoothed and roughly 10-15 tons of topsoil has been replaced and will be reseeded. All materials used during plugging operations have been removed from the site. The culvert and the associated stone around it are being removed from the stream bed. The wood production tank near the road has had all fluids sucked from the bottom with a vacuum truck and is being removed from the site.
1356532612 2012-12-26 Production Wells No Violations Pictures taken and attempted to speak to landowner. Right of entry packet was left in the landowners mailbox.
1361883773 2013-01-23 Orphan No Violations

1416662309 2014-10-20 Orphan No Violations Review of site with potential bidder.
1431100489 2015-05-05 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Witnessed plugging operations. Tubing was set at 1015 feet. Circulation was established and the hole was flushed clean. A 500 foot cement plug was set using 118 sacks of Class A cement with 1% CaCl- accelerator. The tubing was pulled and the cement was allowed to set up before it was tagged at 512 feet. Tubing was ran back into the hole and another 150 foot plug was set using 34 sacks of Class A cement from 512-362 feet. A log was ran and the free point of the 6 5/8 pipe was determined to be at 187 feet. A collar buster was ran and the 6 5/8 casing was shot free. The company attempted to pull the casing and had planned to cut the casing with an acetylene torch because power tongs that fit the 6 5/8 casing were not available. While the company was cutting the pipe with the acetylene torch the inside of the casing caught fire. After extinguishing the flame the decision was made to cease operations for the day, leave the pipe in the hole, and return tomorrow after the company looked for equipment to properly unthread the pipe. The company also began breaking up the large concrete blocks in the back yard with a jack hammer as part of the restoration.
1431363106 2015-05-11 Final Restoration No Violations Final restoration inspection. Well head cut off and buried. Plugging equipment removed from site. Production equipment including the large concrete blocks and wooden tank containing fluids. With the landowners permission, a 5 x 5 concrete chunk was placed in the stream to aid in erosion control to maintain the driveway adjacent to the property line. The culvert used in the stream crossing has been removed along with the gravel placed on top of it. A portion of the gravel has been used to fill holes in the driveway. The plugging materials have been removed from the site. The ground has been smoothed, seeded, and mulched. Pictures taken.
1431530533 2015-05-13 Orphan No Violations Met with Benny Alteir to review restoration and job details.
1684656607 2013-05-15 Orphan No Violations My inspection this day was to view the well, take pictures, assess the location and to finish the orphan well package started by Brent Bear. I will include his inspection. This complaint is for a well drilled in 1931 to the Berea sand at 1013. Well consists of 10 and 6.5 production casing with wellhead that is open. Ground is covered with old oil from the well in an area about 4 x 4 and there is an old wooden 15 bbl tank on the hill out by the road. Tank and shacklelines will also need to be removed when plugged. Well is located just off St. Rt. 691 and can be assessed from driveway, then crossing a creek that will need a culvert, then driving across landowners lawn. The map shows that there may be additional wells in the area. Pictures taken, SEM is 215.
1907117782 2015-05-06 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Witnessed plugging operations. Slips, elevators, pipe wrenches, and a chop saw were used to unthread the collars and remove the 6 5/8 casing from the hole. Several large holes were noted in the casing as it was layed out on the trailer. Tubing was ran back into the hole and set down at 155 feet. Circulation was established and the hole was flushed clean before pumping cement. Lost circulation materials were ran and cement was pumped to surface. Initial estimates called for 46 sacks of cement to see returns at the surface, 190 sacks were used in total. Cement top stayed at surface.
1985634534 2013-05-23 Orphan No Violations Re-inspection this day to gather additonal information needed for the case. Talked with the landowner and she said she did not own the mineral rights, old wooden tank was on her property and would like the concrete chunks at the back of the property removed.
2024721365 2015-05-04 Orphan No Violations The crew has placed the 100 x 60 protective tarp over landowners house which is held in place with roughly 30 sandbags. The tubing had been ran to a depth of 1015 feet. There is a square, water tight, 40 bbl containment tub placed around the well head the crew is able to work inside. There is the companys Tulsa Work over rig and a Sany 5475C Backhoe on site. A few small trees have been removed along the driveway and a 10 steel culvert has been placed in the creek and covered with 30 tons of limestone gravel for access to the site. Pictures taken.
8640012 2013-5-23 0:00: OR No Violations 0.50

For data sources see[3]
