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Well Details

Well ID: 34-013-20354
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Belmont
Municipality: Washington Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: WALTER
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1980-10-07
Spud Date: 1980-11-19
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1980-11-23
Well Total Depth: 2773.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.870000
Longitude: -80.920000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1980-10-07 3054 KEROGEN RESOURCES GeoDate 10/7/80
Original Spud 1980-11-19
Completed 1980-11-23
Reached Total Depth 1980-11-23
Record Last Modified 2013-10-03

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2006-09-11 2018 2034 9
2018 2034 9
2018 2034 9

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 1036 Bbl 75000

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1987 PETRO DRILLING CORP 8915.00 62.00 365
1988 PETRO DRILLING CORP 3920.00 0.00 195
1989 PETRO DRILLING CORP 366.00 0.00 150
1990 KEROGEN RESOURCES 515.00 0.00 365
1991 KEROGEN RESOURCES 1043.00 0.00 365
1992 KEROGEN RESOURCES 1047.00 8.00 365
1993 KEROGEN RESOURCES 1027.00 0.00 365
1994 KEROGEN RESOURCES 902.00 0.00 365
1995 KEROGEN RESOURCES 689.00 0.00 335
1996 KEROGEN RESOURCES 1163.00 0.00 365
1997 KEROGEN RESOURCES 1026.00 0.00 365
1998 KEROGEN RESOURCES 847.00 0.00 365
1999 KEROGEN RESOURCES 631.00 0.00 215
2000 KEROGEN RESOURCES 971.00 0.00 305
2001 KEROGEN RESOURCES 648.00 0.00 275
2002 KEROGEN RESOURCES 382.00 0.00 185
2003 KEROGEN RESOURCES 583.00 0.00 245
2004 KEROGEN RESOURCES 720.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1987 PETRO DRILLING CORP Brine 0 365
1988 PETRO DRILLING CORP Brine 0 195
1989 PETRO DRILLING CORP Brine 0 150
1990 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 6 365
1991 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 8 365
1992 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 8 365
1993 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 6 365
1994 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 6 365
1995 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 4 335
1996 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 4 365
1997 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 4 365
1998 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 3 365
1999 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 4 215
2000 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 6 305
2001 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 5 275
2002 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 4 185
2003 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 6 245
2004 KEROGEN RESOURCES Brine 7 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1564961564 2018-5-30 0:00: PW No Violations 1.50
-1753283013 2007-1-31 0:00: PW No Violations
-1873361897 2003-12-11 0:00 PW No Violations
-219648162 2014-4-14 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
-601180188 2020-1-28 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
0219648162 2014-04-14 Production Wells Violations Noted On the day of my inspection the well had a pumping unit and all necessary equipment to be capable of production. This well has not had production records submitted since 2004. Unable to contact the company with the information provided in RBDMS. Due to the lack of production records this well is deemed non productive and shall be plugged in 180 days.
0257888447 2017-06-01 Production Wells No Violations A follow up inspection was conducted and well remains in the same condition as it was in the last inspection. The well is equipped with a pumping unit, tubing, and rods. The tank battery consisted of a 100 barrel production fluid holding tank, a brine storage tank, and a mechanical separator. Production records have still not been submitted since 2004.
1016759584 2008-07-30 Production Wells No Violations NO PRODUCTION REPORTS SINCE YR.2004. SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO OMCCORMACS ATTENTION.
1061757456 2016-08-02 Production Wells No Violations An inspection was conducted as a follow up for the bonding and surety section. The well did not appear to be adequately equipped to provide domestic gas. The status of the well remains the same as the last inspection
1458679628 2016-03-22 Production Wells Violations Noted Compliance Notice follow up inspection found the following equipment present at the well head-4.5 production casing-1.5 production tubing and pumping rods with the production valves closed and the well set up to be produced by the means of a pumping unit. At the production fluid storage area a single 100 barrel steel production tank is present with approximately 24 of fluid in the tank and the tank bottom is leaking fluid, also present is a 30 barrel steel tank along with a mechanical separator and gas sales meter with no current sales chart present and the State RBDMS records indicate no reported production by the producer since 2004. No identification is present. Also noted is the recently installed Rice Energy gas line leading back to the well location and it appears the 2 sales line for the said well has been severed and pulled up during the construction. Instructions are as follows - Empty the leaking production tank and remediate the affected area within 7 days.
1540301785 2018-10-23 Production Wells No Violations Follow up inspection to Orders # 2017-356 & 2014-138 and violation # 1458679628 follow up inspection found the well is equipped with 8.625 diameter surface casing with a valve on the surface casing in the closed position and a plug in the valve outlet. There is also a 4.5 diameter production casing along with a 1.900 diameter production tubing string present. Both the casing and tubing strings are equipped with well heads with the 4.5 casing and 1.900 tubing well heads equipped with 2 flow lines. Attached to the flow lines are both check and shut off valves with both valves being in the closed position. Both flow lines connect into a single 2 diameter flow line. The well is set up to be produced by the means of a pumping unit driven by a gasoline engine with pumping rods installed. At the time of my last inspection the flow line was removed by a large diameter pipeline being installed and on this day a second pipeline has been installed to the West of the well head. Both lines are in close proximity to the well head and they have excavated right up to the well head. At the production fluid facility a single 100 barrel storage tank is present that has 2 of what appears to be oil present inside the tank. Also present is a plastic 600 gallon tank along with a mechanical separator and gas sales meter with no current sales chart in the meter. The identification present reflects the registered owner Kerogen Resources. Dense vegetation is present at the well head and production facility. No production has been reported to the Division since 2004 and the Division forfeited the well owners bond on 06/27/2005. No Bond or Insurance is in place.
1564961564 2018-05-30 Production Wells No Violations The well appeared to be equipped with 8.625-inch diameter surface casing, 4.5-inch diameter production casing, 2.5-inch diameter tubing, and 1.3-inch diameter rods. There was a pumping unit that was attached to the rods. There was a motor present on the pumping unit that was equipped with a belt. There is orange snow fence surrounding the well and thick vegetation also. A pipeline is being installed next to the well. The valves on the well were in the closed position. The tank battery contents included one 100-barrel production fluid holding tank, a 25-barrel fluid holding tank, a vertical mechanical separator, and a charting system. Photos were taken on the day of my inspection. Production records in RBDMS are submitted up to 2004 with no production records shown after that year.
1753283013 2007-01-31 Production Wells No Violations STATUS CHECK
1873361897 2003-12-11 Production Wells No Violations STATUS CHECK
257888447 2017-6-1 0:00:0 PW No Violations 1.00

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0219648162 US-OH-122188 2015-01-08 Well shall be plugged
0219648162 US-OH-122189 2015-01-08 Statement of annual production not filed
1458679628 US-OH-113293 2016-03-24 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
1458679628 US-OH-113294 2016-03-24 Failure to legibly identify well
1458679628 US-OH-113295 2016-03-24 Failure to keep dike or pit free of brine or other wastes

For data sources see[9]
