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Well Details

Well ID: 34-013-20646
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Belmont
Municipality: Somerset Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: SMEAL
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2011-08-25
Spud Date: 2012-02-14
Spud Drilling Contractor: FMS DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2012-02-26
Well Total Depth: 5094.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.870000
Longitude: -81.190000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2011-08-25 Proposed Formations:BEREA THRU ORISKANY, Issued Date:8/25/2011, Expired Date:8/24/2013 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:206.07, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2012-02-26
Completion Report Received 2012-06-13
Construction Permit Expires 2013-08-24
Record Last Modified 2017-10-24

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2012-06-26 4652 5066 126
4652 5066 126
4652 5066 126

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2012-03-21 H2O 8 333772 Gal 80000 Producers Service Corporation RHINESTREET/MARCELLUS PRODUCING FORMATIONS

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2012 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 2289.00 10.00 366
2013 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 1383.00 0.00 365
2014 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 486.00 0.00 365
2015 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 1014.00 0.00 365
2016 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 782.00 0.00 365
2017 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 664.00 0.00 365
2018 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 72.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2012 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP Brine 1048 366
2013 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP Brine 380 365
2015 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP Brine 160 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1086950563 2018-3-13 0:00: PW No Violations 0.50
-321056209 2016-9-12 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
-482047286 2018-9-20 0:00: PW No Violations
-68863342 2017-1-13 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
0068863342 2017-01-13 Production Wells No Violations An inspection was conducted as a follow up to the previous Compliance Notice. The well appeared to be equipped properly to be considered capable of production. The vegetation on site had not been satisfactorily established. The diked area around the production casing appeared to be reasonably from oil and other contaminates that previously existed. The violation shall be cleared when the proper vegetation is established due to the requirements in the previous Notice.
0182479597 2018-03-13 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I completed a Compliance Notice Follow-up accompanied by Ryan Armstrong. Portions of the remediated area still had not established vegetation. The pressure gauge on the well had a reading of approximately 400 pounds. The chart in the production area was consistent with this reading. Well had a pumping unit attached to rods that were inside of 2.375-inch diameter tubing. The valve to the production area was in the open position. The production area contained a 210-barrel production fluid holding tank, a horizonal fluid separator, and a natural gas charting system. The operator shall continue remediation efforts until the site has established proper vegetative cover.
0296968869 2017-04-24 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection the well site was not adequately remediated. I contacted the company and advised them that there was still some remediation efforts that needed to take place.
0321056209 2016-09-12 Production Wells No Violations An inspection was conducted on this site accompanied by Trish Cartmell. The inspection revealed that the site had seed and mulch. Remediation efforts will be further evaluated until vegetation begins to establish on the affected area.
0360849085 2015-09-30 Production Wells No Violations I spoke with Mike Corp who tends to this well for Northwood Energy. He informed me that there was a mechanical failure at the stuffing box causing some production fluid to spray on the surface. The service rig was on location to fix the mechanical failure and the well presents no further environmental concerns at this point. Mike informed me that the site was seeded and mulched to establish vegetation back to the site. I will follow up in the future to confirm this information.
0482047286 2018-09-20 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I witnessed the well was equipped with 8.625-inch diameter surface casing, 4.5-inch diameter production casing, with 2.375-inch diameter tubing, rods, a Lufkin Pumping unit with an Electric motor. Production equipment included a 210-barrel tank, horizontal separator, 2-inch diameter meter run with a .250-
0973334791 2017-10-17 Production Wells No Violations My inspection revealed that the remediation of this well site is still not complete. There are still areas that have not established proper vegetation. The operator shall continue remediation efforts until the site is restored to how it was prior to the contamination.
1086950563 2018-03-13 Production Wells No Violations Accompanied Belmont County Inspector Andrew Corder, Reference his Report for further details
1371125758 2013-01-09 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection the site still need a little prelim restoration work. I will make sure work is done as weather allows. No violations noted.
1444227884 2015-09-28 Production Wells No Violations On this day I met with the landowner Bob Smeal in response to complaint # 5134. Bob was concerned with stressed vegetation near this well. Bob informed me that there was a service rig on location about a month ago and he noticed the stressed area when the rig moved off. The area of stressed vegetation was approximately 20 feet by 100 feet. There did not appear to be any impact to waterways. The area had recently been disturbed in an effort to remediate. I will contact the owner to ensure that vegetation is established on site and determine the cause of this stressed area.
1452807334 2016-08-26 Production Wells Violations Noted An inspection was conducted to investigate the allegations of complaint number 5417. Upon arrival the following was noted: A diked area in front of the well head and pumping unit had been created and the contents within contained oil field contaminates. Contents from the diked area were leaching from the dike and being discharged onto the surrounding field. The leaching from the diked area had resulted in an area of stressed vegetation that is demonstrated by the photos taken during this inspection. The oil field products present validates that during production operations this well is insufficiently equipped to prevent escape of oil and gas. The operator shall repair the mechanical malfunction prior to the recommencement of pumping this well. The operator shall remove the fluids from the diked and surrounding areas as well as remediate the affected area. Remediation will include any necessary measures to establish sustainable vegetation.
1476203505 2016-10-11 Production Wells No Violations During my visit I noted that the site was starting to established vegetation but not adequate enough to consider the site remediated. The diked area is still holding fluid and needs to be further remediated. I will contact the operator and discuss this location and further remediation efforts.
1551384407 2019-02-28 Production Wells No Violations Compliance notice # 1452807334 and complaint 5417 follow up inspection found the issues previously noted have been resolved. The well is equipped with 4.5 diameter production casing and 2.375 upset tubing. Attached to the casing and tubing well heads are 2 diameter flow lines. The casing head valve is open and the tubing head valve is closed. The well is set up to be produced by the means of a pumping unit. On location near the well head is a production facility that consists of a single 210 barrel fluid storage tank along with a mechanical separator and gas sales meter, there is a current sales chart in the meter. The previous violation is considered resolved.
1551791374 2019-03-05 Production Wells No Violations Status check follow up inspection to phone calls I made to both Bill Arnholt and Corey McCudden with Northwood Energy on Friday March 1st 2019. On that day I asked that the well head assembly have proper functioning gauges installed on the surface casing and production casing along with the production tubing well head sections. On Thursday February 28th I inspected the well and found the 4.5 diameter production casing well head 2 diameter flow line with icing on the line. The sales meter chart line pressure was 250 pounds pressure and previous inspections indicated the mechanical separator pressure relief device was activating. On this day 03/05/2019 I observer the 4.5 diameter production casing valve was partially open and the sales line had ice on it, no check valve is present on the 2 casing head outlet sales line and the sales chart in the mechanical separator indicates line pressure is exceeding 250 pounds pressure. The separator pressure relief device released while I was on location. The sales chart differential pressure is recording under zero pound pressure. The Northwood Energy representatives reported the well is not capable of pumping fluid due to the pump being stuck.
1552922068 2019-03-18 Production Wells No Violations Status check inspection follow up to a request for the producer to install gauges on the well head. The producer has responded and installed a pressure gauge on the 4.5 diameter production casing only. The casing pressure read 180 pounds pressure. There is a 2 diameter flow line between the well head and tank battery that appears to of discharged a sheen type product onto the ground surface. Also it appears as though the sales line drip tank has been being discharged onto the earths surface. Photographs were taken on this day and sent to ODNR Supervisors Mike Moreland and Brent Bear. I also spoke with both Supervisors regarding the issues found on site.
1582642683 2020-2-25 0:00: PW No Violations 0.30
1669998968 2016-08-29 Production Wells No Violations A follow up inspection of this site was conducted to ensure compliance with the previous notice. The operator had removed the majority of the liquid from the diked area around the well head. They had used a dozer to work the soils and applied seeding and mulch to the affected surface. The site will be reviewed at a future date to ensure that proper vegetation is established on site and remediation efforts were successful.
182479597 2018-3-13 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
1841116474 2015-10-07 Production Wells No Violations I was on site today to follow up on the information I received via telephone from Mike Corp. This site has been seeded and mulch in an effort to restore vegetation. I will monitor the site in the future to ensure this remediation is satisfactory.
296968869 2017-4-24 0:00: PW No Violations 1.50
360849085 2015-9-30 0:00: PW No Violations 0.50
973334791 2017-10-17 0:00 PW No Violations 1.00

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1452807334 US-OH-113101 2016-08-31 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
1452807334 US-OH-113102 2016-08-31 Well insufficiently equipped to prevent escape of oil and gas

For data sources see[9]
