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Well Details

Well ID: 34-029-20441
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Columbiana
Municipality: Fairfield Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: R FAHNDRICK #1
License Status: Plugged and Abandoned
License Date: 2018-08-20
Spud Date: 1956-05-21
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1956-08-22
Well Total Depth: 881.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.820000
Longitude: -80.720000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1956-05-21
Completed 1956-08-22
Reached Total Depth 1956-08-22
Change of Owner 2011-08-05 Operator changed from 9998, HISTORIC OWNER to 22, COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION
APP 2018-08-20 Proposed Formations:CLINTON SANDSTONE, Issued Date:8/20/2018, Expired Date:8/19/2020 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:54, Proposed Well Type:SO, Proposed Well Class:
Plugged/Abandoned 2018-10-23
Record Last Modified 2019-05-10
Construction Permit Expires 2020-08-19

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1252456030 2018-10-4 0:00: PB No Violations 0.50
-1507122739 2018-10-22 0:00 PB No Violations
-1952236745 2015-4-21 0:00: SO No Violations
-2041047475 2018-11-7 0:00: FR No Violations 0.20
-473355046 2014-11-5 0:00: SO No Violations 0.30
0028917080 2013-05-09 Storage Well No Violations I inspected Columbia Gas Transmission gas well # 4358 today. The well is located in Section 30, Fairfield Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. The well is equipped with a master gate valve that is plumbed up to a side gate valve. The side gate valve is plumbed into a 4 lead line that goes into the main line. The annulus valve is plumbed up and is closed. There is no tank on location. The well is properly identified with a clear, legible identification sign. The lease road is in stable condition. No violations found.
0450696089 2016-02-02 Storage Well No Violations I conducted a status check on this well. The well is equipped with a master gate valve that is plumbed up to a side gate valve. The side gate valve is plumbed into a 4.00 lead line that runs into the main line. There was a domestic line with a meter. The well is properly identified with a clear, legibly marked well identification sign. The lease road is in stable condition and drivable. No violations found.
0473355046 2014-11-05 Storage Well No Violations I inspected Columbia Gas storage well #4358. The well is equipped with a master gate valve and a side gate valve. There was no storage tank associated with the well. There were two domestic gas lines. The well is properly identified with a clear, legibly marked well identification sign mounted on the storage tank. The lease road is stable. No violations found.
0611820589 2017-02-21 Storage Well No Violations The purpose of my inspection was to conduct a status check on well #2-0441. The lease road was stable and in good repair. The well location was within an agricultural field that was stable. Correct and legible identification was posted at the well head. The well head was fitted with a plug in one side port and a closed and plugged valve in the other port. The well head was equipped with 4.5 swage and production tee. A side gate valve was plumbed to the side of the tee. A capped gate valve was plumbed on top of the tee. The side gate valve was plumbed out to a 4.0 flow line that lead to the main line. A buried drip was present. Above grade valves were closed and plugged. A domestic supply connection was present. No audible or visual leaks were detected. No violations were observed during this inspection.
0674438922 2018-10-23 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I was on location with DOGRM inspector Bob Roush and Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC to complete the plugging of this well. Steve Hagen Well Service rigged up and ran the 2 1/16 inch I. J. tubing back into the hole to tag the cement top. Cement top was at 500 feet. Hagen broke circulation with 2 BBLs of fresh water and set the surface plug from 500 feet to 250 feet, using 50 sacks of Class A cement. Cement was scaled and verified at 14.2 ppg. Hagen pulled 8 joints of 2 1/16 inch I. J.tubing to set the top plug from 250 feet to surface inside the 7 inch casing, with 50 sacks of Class A cement. Cement was weighed and verified at 15.0 ppg. Hagen pulled the last 8 joints of 2 1/16 inch I. J. tubing from the casing and topped off the casing with any remaining cement.
0753217381 2018-02-27 Storage Well No Violations The purpose of my inspection was to conduct a status check on well #2-
1252456030 2018-10-04 Plug / Plug Back No Violations The purpose of my inspection was to document the status of well #2-0441. At the time of my inspection the Owner was preparing the well to be plugged and abandoned. I met with Columbia representative Adam Knapp regarding the plugging schedule. Mr. Knapp reported that the plan was to plug the well as soon as a rig became available. I requested that a plug design be submitted to the Division for review and approval prior to the commencement of plugging. Contractors were on location excavating the well head area. I will schedule myself or other ODNR-DOGRM staff to be present during the work.
1507122739 2018-10-22 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I was on location with DOGRM inspector John Fleming and Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, for the plugging of this well. Steve Hagen Well Service was the plugging and cementing contractor for Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC. The total depth of the well was at 881 feet and the bottom of the 7 inch production casing was at 858 feet. A cement retainer was set at 837 feet, leaving 23 foot of open hole below the bottom of the 7 inch casing. Hagen rigged up to set the Berea sandstone plug using 2 1/16 inch I. J. hydril tubing. Prior to setting the Berea plug, circulation was established with 18 BBL of fresh water. Hagen set the 2 1/16 inch tubing through the cement retainer to cement the open hole with 16 sacks of Class A cement. Hagen then pulled out of the cement retainer and the tubing was set near the bottom of the 7 inch casing or 849 feet. A 300 foot plug was set from 849 feet to 500 feet inside the 7 inch casing, using 58 sacks of Class A cement. The Berea plug was displaced with 1.5 BBLs of fresh water. Hagen rigged up and reverse circulated to clear the tubing and tripped the tubing out of the hole. The well was shut-in overnight.
1952236745 2015-04-21 Storage Well No Violations I conducted a status check on this well. The well is equipped with a master gate valve that is plumbed up to a side gate valve. The side gate valve is plumbed into a 4.00 lead line that goes into the main line. There was a domestic line with two meters. The well is properly identified with a clear, legibly marked well identification sign. The lease road is in stable condition and drivable. No violations found.
2041047475 2018-11-07 Final Restoration No Violations The purpose of my inspection was to conduct a final restoration status check on well #2-0441. At the time of my inspection the graveled access road remained in place. Disturbed areas adjacent to the road and well location were stabilized with straw. Filter sock was installed down grade of disturbed areas. The well location was backfilled and graded with crushed stone. The well owner reported the surface owner requested that the access road and well pad remain in place. I will contact Bob Clark with TransCanada to determine the status of the restoration waiver.
28917080 2013-5-9 0:00:0 SO No Violations
450696089 2016-2-2 0:00:0 SO No Violations
611820589 2017-2-21 0:00: SO No Violations 0.30
674438922 2018-10-23 0:00 PB No Violations
753217381 2018-2-27 0:00: SO No Violations 0.20

For data sources see[3]

