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Well Details

Well ID: 34-049-20019
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Franklin
Municipality: Plain Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: SHULL ROLLIE
License Status: Orphan Well - Ready
License Date: 1979-09-19
Spud Date: 1979-10-15
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1980-01-08
Well Total Depth: 400.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.120000
Longitude: -82.800000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1979-10-15 Orphan Well Case #2016 10 055
Completed 1980-01-08 Orphan Well Case #2016 10 055
Reached Total Depth 1980-01-08 Orphan Well Case #2016 10 055
Changed to Orphan Well Ready 2019-03-25 Changed Well To Orphan Ready
Record Last Modified 2019-03-25 Orphan Well Case #2016 10 055

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1105050941 2016-6-30 0:00: PW No Violations
1105050941 2016-06-30 Production Wells No Violations This inspection was conducted as a status check. The well had 2 tubing in it. The tubing was bent over and split open. Two joints of plastic tubing was observed inside the tubing. The casing consists of 7 and 4.5. The well was not capable of production. Photos were taken of the well. The well is owned by the landowner who intends on having well plugged. Time of inspection: 11:15 AM. Weather: 76*F, Sunny
1477909269 2016-10-11 Orphan No Violations Meeting with landowner Mark Armstrong at his request. There is an abandoned well on this property that they are selling parts of and would like the well removed. Mr. Armstrong would like to make application to the Orphan well Program to get it plugged and abandoned. Division records show this well as HP or historic production. The Division issued a permit on 09-17-1979 to Rollie Shull to drill a new well in the Ohio Shale to a depth of 600. Records show the well was commenced on 10-15-1979 and completed on 01-08-1980 in the Ohio Shale to a depth of 400. Natural gas was encountered at 356. Records show the well was cased with 49 of 7 , and 156 of 4.5 diameter casing. The 4.5 diameter casing was cemented in with 20 sacks of regular cement. The well was also equipped with 399 of 2 diameter tubing. Mr. Armstrong accompanied me to the well site. The well was measured with calipers and shows 7, and 5 outside diameter casing. There is a wellhead with two 2 bull plugs and 25 inches of 2 tubing coming out of the top. The tubing has been broken over exposing two .5 PVC lines that are plumbed to the top of the tubing with valves. It is assumed that these lines go to the bottom of the well and were used to pump the water off to allow natural gas production. The well is not leaking gas or fluids. There is a wooden survey stake that is approximately 2 to the north of the well that will mark an east and west boundary line of a parcel being sold. There is a uninhabited building approximately 118 to the north west. There is an abandoned water well 124 to the north. This water well and building are on the parcel being sold. Mark Armstrong says he has plans to plug the water well at GPS N40.12629, W-82.80566. There are no storage tanks or production lines. The access is a gravel drive off of State Route 605. Marks wife Sally Armstrong (Shull) is a daughter of Rollie Shull (deceased) who permitted the well. Franklin County Auditor records shows the property belonging to Armstrong Sal
1505999064 2017-09-20 Orphan No Violations Inspection of well for new Risk Evaluation Matrix (REM) score. The 2 inch tubing that was exposed on top of the well head has been broken off and laying beside the well. There are no audible or visual fluid or gas leaks. The adjoining property to the north has been sold and the new owner has a new home under construction at GPS N40.12693, W-82.80637. This is approximately 406 feet north west of the Shull #1 well. The foundation has been laid and the side framing done. Access to this home is off of Bevelheimer Road at GPS N40.12765,W-82.80595. The uninhabited metal building that was 118 feet north west of the Shull #1 well has been torn down. The water well that was 124 feet north of the Shull #1 well is gone. There are additional signs posted for sale of parcels of property. The Franklin County Auditor still shows this property as Parcel # 220-000710-00 belonging to Armstrong , Sally Shull TR. I took 4 additional photos.

For data sources see[3]
