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Well Details

Well ID: 34-055-21986
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Geauga
Municipality: Chester Township
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2007-10-05
Spud Date: 2007-11-23
Spud Drilling Contractor: POULSON DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2007-11-29
Well Total Depth: 3880.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.510000
Longitude: -81.340000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2007-10-05 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:10/5/2007, Expired Date:10/4/2008 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:22.39, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Completed 2007-11-29
Reached Total Depth 2007-11-29
Completion Report Received 2008-01-23
Change of Owner 2008-06-04 Operator changed from 169, SMAIL JAMES R INC to 3442, CUTTER EXPLORATION INC
Construction Permit Expires 2008-10-04
Change of Owner 2009-06-08 Operator changed from 3442, CUTTER EXPLORATION INC to 169, SMAIL JAMES R INC
Change of Owner 2019-04-29 Operator changed from 169, JAMES R SMAIL INC to 9722, PIN OAK ENERGY PARTNERS LLC
Record Last Modified 2019-04-29

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2008-03-28 3690 3742 23
3690 3742 23
3690 3742 23

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 63800 Gal 45000

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2008 CUTTER EXPLORATION INC 5051.00 118.00 365
2009 CUTTER EXPLORATION INC 15956.00 220.00 365
2010 CUTTER EXPLORATION INC 12065.00 59.00 365
2011 CUTTER EXPLORATION INC 10508.00 113.00 0
2012 JAMES R SMAIL INC 3784.00 0.00 366
2013 JAMES R SMAIL INC 5035.00 0.00 365
2014 JAMES R SMAIL INC 8178.00 98.00 365
2015 JAMES R SMAIL INC 5731.00 114.00 365
2016 JAMES R SMAIL INC 4753.00 55.00 365
2017 JAMES R SMAIL INC 4065.00 0.00 365
2018 JAMES R SMAIL INC 3537.00 131.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2012 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 35 366
2013 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 0 365
2014 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 82 365
2015 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 0 365
2016 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 85 365
2017 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 80 365
2018 JAMES R SMAIL INC Brine 32 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1693194251 2018-7-11 0:00: UP No Violations
-1978434900 2007-12-10 0:00 DD No Violations
-718607327 2013-5-28 0:00: UP No Violations
0467554586 2011-03-17 Production Wells No Violations Well head man door and tank battery man door are locked. There are a number of D sized batteries in the mud next to the well head. Batteries need removed. Two minor weeps on fittings in the tank battery. Lease road is stable. Identification sign is posted. Contacted operator in regards to the needed repairs.
0665305173 2007-10-24 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Site has been cut. Lease road is constructed out of durable material. Operator has stacked straw bails in the drainage ditch. Additional drainage controls need added by the pond.
0718607327 2013-05-28 UrbanProduction Wells No Violations My inspection found the well to be equipped with a plunger lift unit. The annulus valve is open. The tank battery and well are in good repair and surrounded by a wood fence. The tank battery consists of two 100 BBL production tank, a 50 BBL poly brine tank, and a mechanical separator. The vent stack on the production tank is plumbed into a 5 gallon charcoal filter. The vent stack is then plumbed up into a spark arrestor. The proper identification is located on the tank battery. The lease road is in stable condition.
1196108061 2007-11-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Lease road was stable and in good repair. Permit sign was posted at the entrance of the site. Drilling was active, depth 2502. Permit was posted in the dog house of the rig. Pits were in good repair. Weather has been rain and snow the past three days. Ground was soft. Safety fence was up north and east side of the pits.
1224605488 2008-10-21 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Well is a rabbit well, wood fence around well. Tank battery has a mechanical separator. Spacing is good. Wood fence around tank battery, lock are locked. Lease road is stable and in good repair. Area around well head is not seeded, spoke with landowner Mr. Vytas Dautartas, hes planning on graveling area east of well, landowner is going to install irrigation, for tree storage. Roadway is a drive for the nurseries.
1481054480 2016-10-26 UrbanProduction Wells No Violations I conducted an inspection on this well. The well is equipped with a plunger lift assembly and the valves on the wellhead were open. There is a domestic line with a meter and two regulators off of the 4.5 inch casing. The well was fenced with a locked man door. Last production records were submitted in 2015. The tank battery consisted of two 100 BBL production tanks, one 50 BBL poly brine tank, and a mechanical separator. The proper lids and hatches and spark arrestors were installed on the production tanks. The charcoal filter was plumbed into the vent stack on the tank. The valves on the separator were open and the chart on the sales line within the tank battery showed production. The tank valves were plugged. The tank battery was diked and fenced with a locked man door. Proper, legible signage was installed at the tank battery and well locations. The lease access was stable.
1693194251 2018-07-11 UrbanProduction Wells No Violations At the time of this inspection, the well was equipped with a plunger lift assembly and the gate valve on the tubing was open. The 2 inch valve on the flow line was open. There is a domestic line with a meter and two regulators off of the 4.5 inch casing. The well was fenced with a locked man door. Production records were current. The tank battery consisted of two 100 BBL production tanks, one 50 BBL poly brine tank, and a mechanical separator. The proper lids and hatches and spark arrestors were installed on the production tanks. The charcoal filter was plumbed into the vent stack on the tank. The valves on the separator were open and the chart on the sales line within the tank battery showed production. The tank battery was diked and fenced with a locked man door. Proper, legible signage was installed at the tank battery and well locations. The lease access was stable. No violations observed.
1978434900 2007-12-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Rig is off site. Pits have safety fence around them. Brine trucks are on site pumping down pits. Operator is planning on solidifying pits Wednesday. Lease road is stable. Permit sign is posted at the entrance of the site.
467554586 2011-3-17 0:00: PW No Violations
665305173 2007-10-24 0:00 DD No Violations

For data sources see[9]
