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Well Details

Well ID: 34-073-20193
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Hocking
Municipality: Benton Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: HOSLER BERTHA C
License Status: Storage Well
License Date:
Spud Date: 1948-08-25
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1948-09-28
Well Total Depth: 2262.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.390000
Longitude: -82.610000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1948-08-25
Completed 1948-09-28
Reached Total Depth 1948-09-28
Completion Report Received 1949-04-14
Record Last Modified 2017-10-12

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-455831042 2018-3-22 0:00: SO No Violations 0.50
0105529066 2017-06-15 Storage Well No Violations Columbia Gas storage well inspection. The well consists of a wellhead and a drip. Legible identification on wellhead, no violations noted, GPS was taken on day of inspection.
0455831042 2018-03-22 Storage Well No Violations On the day of this inspection, I found a storage well with a drip. Legible identification is located on the wellhead and GPS was taken on day of inspection.
105529066 2017-6-15 0:00: SO No Violations 0.60
1078132820 2019-01-31 Storage Well No Violations I conducted a storage well inspection on this well today. I observed identification at the drip. I did not observe any violations. Time of inspection: 10:45 AM. Weather: 4 degrees F, Sunny
1183140833 2015-07-06 Storage Well No Violations Storage well inspection. Legible well identification found at well. No violations found on date of inspection. Last inspection of this well was prompted by a complaint. It is listed as shut in (SI) but appears to be ready to be utilized as a storage well.
1484195459 2010-08-05 Storage Well No Violations An inspection of this storage well was conducted in response to a Water Well Disruption Complaint filed with the Division on 7/26/2010 located at 23101 Chestnut Grove Road. The complaint alleges that a non-related well has caused disruption. As a result, status checks were performed on the surrounding wells located within 1/2 mile radius of water well. The well consists of 8and 5 csg, manifold, swage and valves closed. The well was shut-in at time of inspection. RBDMS shows Historic Owner at time of inspection. Columbia Gas Transmission identification was observed at the well. GPS reading obtained for the storage well. Notified Central Office of status and provided current GPS reading for the well. Notified Columbia Gas Senior Storage Well Engineer, Mr. Jason Martin, by telephone on 8/11/2010. A voice mail message was left stating that a total of four storage wells had been inspected and show Historic Owner. Mr. Martin returned call on 8/12/2010 and states that they are aware of this status and will speak with upper management to begin resolving ownership status. Furthermore, Benton Township is more prevalent because its one of their older fields.

For data sources see[3]

